The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1243

Lin Feng felt that the amount of information inside was a little big, but when he wanted to ask further, he listened to cangyue say a very intolerable word.

"Xuanlingzi, I didn't show up. How many good women have you harmed in the past 100 years?" Cang Yue said fiercely.

"This nun's words are too vicious. My master and I have been on the mountain all day long. We haven't done anything like this. You are trying to discredit my master!" Qingcheng stands out.

Although she guessed that the master had done some dreary things in those years, Yu Qing Yu Li was her own master, and those who were apprentices could not stand idly by. In particular, the master had been honest in the mountains these years, never as dirty as cangyue said.

She felt that there was a misunderstanding between master and this woman named cangyue. The misunderstanding was deep. She also felt that master was not a scum man. She could not deceive her for a while. She grew up under master's eyes since childhood. She knew a lot about herself, and she knew master very well.

Therefore, Qingcheng feels that cangyue's words are too vicious. In front of everyone, he puts his hat on his master!

Qingcheng and Lin Feng had a night of Spring Festival. After that, they had a lot of cheerful personality, so they said what they thought directly.

Lin Feng is because of some communication with Qingfeng, so he does not move and plans to have a look.

After hearing cangyue's words, xuanlingzi said with a bitter smile: "Xiaoyue, for so many years, you still misunderstand me so deeply. Now I don't ask for your forgiveness. I just ask you not to think about me like this. In fact, I......

" shut up! " Now, I will not cheat you

"Alas Xuanlingzi shook his head and sighed.

Lin Feng has never seen his master so lonely. The old man who laughs all day is shameless. At this moment, he seems extremely serious, but he is so powerless.

Yes, ask the world what love is, only let people live and die.

Love is the most sad, even if a person is good at martial arts, it is difficult to talk about emotional things clearly.

"Xiaoyue, we haven't seen each other for such a long time. If you come to me today, you must have your ideas. I want to hear about why you came here!" Xuanlingzi asked.

He was not confused. A hundred years later, the woman had never appeared, but now she came to his residence. It was no accident.

Cangyue sneered: "you are still as rational as ever! That's right. I'm here for my purpose. I want to have Kunlun's secret place to cultivate my disciples in Ziyun mountain. Your disciples are not allowed to set foot there! "

Xuanlingzi frowned and said, "Xiaoyue, jingouyue didn't provoke you. After such a long time, can you put down the things of that year? If anything, just come to me!"

"You have said this twice today. You alone can't make up for my loss. I'll make sure that the golden hook moon's remains are gone." Cangyue said coldly.

"Alas Xuanlingzi sighed helplessly: "Jin gouyue died because of me, and her body was kept in the secret place of Kunlun. Actually, it is an account of his father's ghost in heaven. It has nothing to do with our feelings. Why should we anger her?"

"Hum, would you choose her to abandon me if it wasn't for the enchantress to pester you Cang Yue said angrily, "now I don't want to hear your explanations. What I want to do is my business, and you can't interfere!"

Xuanlingzi shook his head helplessly and said, "you have changed. You have become too overbearing. I dare not recognize you."

"Is that too overbearing?" Cangyue said with a smile: "you cheated my feelings, but when I needed you the most, both hands held up all my expectations and abandoned them wantonly. At that time, why don't you think about how overbearing you are?"

"It was my fault at that time. It was all my fault. But now, there are too many things in Kunlun secret place that don't belong to you. Why do you have to forcibly occupy it?" Xuanlingzi asked.

"If I say it belongs to me, it belongs to me. Keep your apprentice away from the secret place, or I don't mind killing him to sacrifice to heaven first!" Cang Yue glared.

"Cangyue, let's put aside our gratitude and resentment. Let's first say that my apprentice Lin Feng, the most precious blood jade of his family, is in the secret place. I beg you to let him finish his mission and take the bleeding jade, and then we will discuss the ownership of this secret place!" Xuanlingzi said with some humble tone.

"No way!" Cangyue cuts off the railway: "since ancient times, secret places have been occupied by able people. Your apprentices are so inferior in cultivation. What qualifications can you have to enter the secret place?"

"What can be regarded as high cultivation?" Lin Feng saw that they were chatting and talking about themselves. He could not help but stand up and argue with them.

"Well, you beat my apprentice first, and then ask such a question again!" Cangyue said scornfully.

"Your apprentice?" Lin Feng said: "just now we had a fight, you did not see, if I use some strength, she will not be my opponent!"

"That's just my lowest apprentice!" Cangyue said: "my wind is now the triple of Ning Yuan state. What level are you? You are not even qualified to speak to my apprentice! "Lin Feng scratched his head and disapproved: "you say so, my cultivation is not as good as your apprentice!"

"Hum!" Cangyue snorted coldly: "a master who is extravagant all day and has no morality can not teach anything good in the end."

"Keep your mouth clean!"

Qingcheng can't help it. At this time, she is almost scolded by cangyue pointing at her nose. Her inner anger is hard to suppress.

"Well, if I'm not wrong, you don't even have the seed of Yuan Shen?" Cangyue sneered contemptuously: "tut Tut, xuanlingzi, you are really disgraced. What kind of apprentice are you teaching? One is worse than the other! Oh, I see, because it's bad to be a master! Ha ha ha

"Enough!" Lin Feng suddenly had a big drink. His eyes were bright and sharp. He said forcefully: "four days later, on the full moon night, I will enter the secret place of Kunlun. No one can stop me!"

"Ha? You are talking about dreams Cangyue looked at Lin Feng scornfully, and then said to the wind behind him: "feng'er, you tell me that Lin Feng wants to enter the secret place in four days. What should you do?"

"If Lin Feng insists on his own way, he will either kill him here today or kill him in front of the secret place four days later."

With a touch of cold in her tender eyes, Cang Yue glanced at Xuan Lingzi: "do you hear me? In short, your apprentice's saying this is a dead end! How can a person who has not even reached the three levels of Ning yuan State survive in front of the strong man of the three levels of Ning Yuan state? Ha ha ha

People are also dignified, this is the right strength to crush ah!

Xuanlingzi said: "Xiaoyue, you can't be so heartless when you do things."

"Am I heartless?" Cangyue said: "if I was heartless, I would have let my apprentice kill Lin Feng in front of you! It's a shame that you didn't kill people on your territory today. You should be grateful. I'm not who I was then. The cangyue who obeyed your orders is dead! "

Speaking of this, Cang Yue's voice rose abruptly, her whole body's real Qi soared, her sleeves fluttered and she hunted.

"Four days later, if Lin Feng really wants to enter that secret place, feng'er needs his life!" Cangyue said to xuanlingzi, "if you stop me, I will not stand by. It's life or death, and each one's destiny!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!