The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1241

This Ziyun sword technique was created by cangyue for decades.

The move is fierce, and the move takes the opportunity to kill. It is very cold and merciless.

So the first form, it seems so overbearing and fierce.

Making a direct attack on Huanglong means killing the enemy directly. Yue'er's graceful figure, coupled with her murderous moves, has a different aesthetic feeling, which makes people feel palpable, but also pleasing to the eyes.

But this move is tough, but it's not for fun. Before, Lin Feng could easily avoid her attack with her phantom step. But this time, yue'er's attack speed was very fast, and she was in front of Lin Feng in a moment.

Fortunately, Lin Feng has been prepared, and his true spirit is ready.

Just now Lin Feng heard yue'er say that she is a heavy one in Ning Yuan Jing, that is, she is one level higher than herself.

Because I have just entered the seed stage of Yuanshen, and in order to enter the real advanced stage, if I have to set a level for myself now, I should be regarded as the zero weight of Ning Yuan state.

Therefore, according to common sense, the other side's ability is much stronger than oneself.

However, Lin Feng can rely on his own seed attribute, restrain each other a level.

That is to say, he can use metallicity to restrain the opponent's wood attribute. In this way, he has the strength to fight against Ning Yuan state.

What's more, Lin Feng's yuan Shen seed is too powerful. This seed of all things is full of true spirit. Because Lin Feng condensed the seed of Yuan Shen, he used all his wealth.

All the energy has been injected into the blood of ancient martial arts, and the boiling blood energy has also been injected into it. The ice beads are melted and injected into all of them. There are too many treasures in the seeds of the original gods of all things. Therefore, the seeds of the original gods of all things are very powerful, and they are naturally much stronger than other kinds of seeds.

If you do this calculation, Lin Feng's ability is slightly stronger than Ning Yuan Jing Yi Zhong.

Therefore, Lin Feng is not afraid of the woman in front of him.

At this time, this woman uses the kill move, oneself also can't dodge any more, it's time to face just a wave.

When yue'er was close to his hand, his eyebrows flashed with golden light and his fists clenched. A second before yue'er hit him, he hit both fists together, just like a pair of dragons coming out of the hole.


A violent crash suddenly exploded, and everyone was shocked.

The figure of yue'er was forced back a few steps by Lin Feng. His face was very white. His sunglasses fell down in confusion. His beautiful big eyes were full of surprise.

But this time, Lin Feng didn't show how hard it was. All this was due to his seed.

In this way, the moon is indeed falling behind.

"How could it be?" Yue'er looks at Lin Feng in disbelief.

Lin Feng smile: "everything is possible!"

"Moon, come back!" Cangyue said coldly.

"Yes, master!" Yue'er was suspicious, but she did not dare to disobey the teacher's order. She was very unwilling to say, "master, I can defeat him clearly. He has not yet reached the Ning Yuan state."

"But his primordial attributes just restrain you!" Cangyue said: "I didn't expect him to be the God of gold, but it's OK. This time, you have found out his details. Next, he won't be so lucky!"

With that, cangyue said to another woman behind her: "Xueer, you come to deal with him!"

"Yes, master!" Xueer is already ready to move.

Cangyue's four female apprentices, from big to small, are named Fenghuaxueyue in turn. Yueer is a little younger martial sister, and her cultivation is the lowest. Feng'er is the elder martial sister and the highest cultivation.

However, cangyue feels that, with Lin Feng's cultivation, there is no need for feng'er to do it, and Xueer, the third disciple, can take care of him.

Xue'er is already a strong man in the second level of Ning Yuan state. Now she has been practicing in the second level for two years. It must not be long before she can reach triple level.

Lin Feng is only the early seed of Yuanshen. If he doesn't restrain himself in the attribute of Yuan Shen, Ning Yuan Jing Yi Zhong can easily defeat him, not to mention Xue Er is Ning Yuan Jing duo!

What's more, xue'er's yuan Shen attribute is water attribute. Lin Feng's metallicity can't restrain the water attribute. It's just as the saying goes that water flows more quickly by cutting off water. The flexibility of water attribute can't be broken by metal's sharp Qi.

Therefore, Xueer, as a double master of Ningyuan, is 100% sure to win in the face of Lin Feng.

Xueer is also full of confidence. She stands out, opens her posture, and is ready to solve the battle in a few minutes.

But at this time, cangyue said to Lin Feng again: "Lin Feng, I'll give you one last chance. If you give up the secret place of Kunlun and go down the mountain at ease, I'll save you a life. If you persist in your obsession, you will immediately sing about the consequences. Xue'er is the dual role of Ning Yuan state. It's as easy to kill you as to crush an ant!"

"Ah? That woman has reached the second level of Ning Yuan state? "

"I'm young, this talent is against heaven.""It seems that Captain Lin Feng is not a master of Ning yuan realm. How can we fight?"


the people around him began to talk.

"You bully people too much. If you want to kill my boss, you must pass me first!" King Kong rushed over barefoot and stood in front of Lin Feng.

Then, the red scorpion, the demon and the mouse also rushed forward.

Lin Feng is their benefactor, but also their most trustworthy friends and relatives. They live and die together with Lin Feng. They can't bear to see these women insult Lin Feng.

Just before Lin Feng explained, his matter, without his words, others are not allowed to interfere!

Therefore, they have been quietly watching, but at this moment, they feel that the eldest one is really a little too hard, the other side is not those street thugs before, everyone has a good strength, even the old woman named cangyue, how deep the cultivation, they still do not know.

In this case, if they don't stand up to support the boss, they feel uncomfortable. Even if the boss blames them, they don't care.

"Well, another group of people who are not afraid of death!" Cangyue coldly smiles: "snow son, since deliver door, all killed, save hindrance!"

"Yes, master!" Said Cher.

While talking, Xueer suddenly took out two boxing sets of the day from her pocket, and took them on her hand. With a "Keng" sound, the sharp spines of the boxing sets leaked out, just like the forest fangs of wild animals.

It seems that this woman is going to kill.

If she really kills, few people present can stop her.

Even if someone stopped me, I didn't want to make a feud with these cruel women.

Qingcheng also has a dignified face. This woman's cultivation is higher than Lin Feng. Her master cangyue and other women should have higher accomplishments. How can Lin Feng cope with this?

"Lin Feng, now I will let you and your people go to see the king of hell together!"

Xue'er said, suddenly the real gas ran away, a pair of Silver White Boxing set streamer, energy is about to come out.

Just as the sword was drawing its crossbow, a voice came.

"Oh, why do you have to make so much noise? Is it not good to be calm? "

With the fall of the voice, xuanlingzi's figure appeared in everyone's field of vision. , the fastest update of the webnovel!