The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1240

Cangyue finished, the four disciples behind her step forward, dignified.

Looking at that posture, I want to have a real fight with Lin Feng.

Luo Youcai and Li pangzi are so happy that they finally have to fight. They are shivering with cold and lead these women up for this moment. How can they not be excited?

There were no weak soldiers under the strong general. As soon as the four women's postures were put out, a powerful and overwhelming force swept the whole audience.

The wind of the Han Dynasty is so cold that it blows the corners of the women's clothes, but the four women are as motionless as sculptures. Their eyes are all in the direction of Lin Feng. They stare at them as if they are going to launch a fatal attack in the next second.

But if you look closely, you can see that the four men and four women are not all hands.

Because, although all four people are in a good posture, but only one, the original God mark in the center of the eyebrow is shining.

A touch of eye-catching green awn, from that called the moon woman eyebrow, bloom out.

Although the green light flashed by, but that dazzling moment, still let people remember.

Obviously, yue'er is hiding her strength. However, the instinctive reaction of her body can't deceive people. Just now, we can see the cultivation of yue'er.

Yueer, should have entered the Ning yuan realm.

However, judging from the brightness of the green awn, it should be only the primary level of Ning Yuan state.

"I didn't expect that some beautiful women were all strong in the yuan God!" Lin Feng sighed: "it's just a pity that the strong should pay more attention to the cultivation of conduct, but you are willing to be a robber, which I can't understand!"

"Don't talk nonsense. I'll take your dog's life for master now!" Yue'er yelled in a cold voice. When she spoke, she suddenly swam between her fingers, turned her palm into a knife, and suddenly chopped at Lin Feng.

"Hum --"

the palm with a green awn, mixed with the hum of friction with the air, instantly attacked Lin Feng's head.

Lin Feng did not hard connect, but to start the phantom step, cleverly avoid this attack.

"Well, timid as a mouse, you deserve to enter the secret place?" Moon son unremitting cold hum way.

Lin Feng is a light smile, he has not fully understood the enemy, will not act rashly, so jokingly asked: "beauty good skills, should have reached the Ning Yuan state?"

"Hum! You're not blind yet. You're a heavy one! " The Moon said with pride.

She is only 23 years old. She has been practicing with her master since she was a child. In addition, she has given some secret herbal medicines to wash her body. Day after day, she has achieved what she has achieved. Many older practitioners will not be as strong as her, so she has always been arrogant.

In the face of Lin Feng, she has a natural sense of superiority.

Because the master said that men in this world are stupid and very conceited. There are too few men at the age of yue'er who can reach the cultivation of yue'er.

Therefore, in the face of Lin Feng, yue'er feels that she is facing a slag.

"Lin Feng, you are not worthy to fight with me. Today you are against my master. It's your good fortune to be able to die under my hands. Therefore, don't struggle and accept punishment." Said the moon.

She is like a high queen, trampling on Lin Feng at the foot, wantonly trampling on and trampling on the dignity of Lin Feng.

Seeing this, Luo Youcai and Li pangzi applauded one after another.

"Great! Lin Feng, you are on the verge of death. Please kneel down and beg for mercy and let the beauty leave you with a whole body! "

"Lin Feng, didn't you feel very proud before? Why, when you face the master now, you've counselled?"

"Well, he's just a scum, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard!"



While Luo Youcai and Li pangzi were still talking, they saw two dark shadows suddenly attacking them, directly hitting them on the cheek, which made them numb, their cheeks were all broken, and their mouths were full of blood.

Li took a closer look and found that there were two shoes on the ground.

However, King Kong dragged his shoes and threw them directly at them, which was equivalent to slapping them hard in the face.

Looking at the two people Leng in situ that silly scene, everyone is amused.

Of course, Luo Youcai and Li pangzi are afraid of King Kong. They can only pray to Cang Yue by pretending to be a tiger: "master, their people beat us. You should stand out for us!"

"Rubbish, disgrace!" Cangyue is a cold hum: "go away and talk more, I'll kill you two first!"

Luo Youcai and Li pangzi are scared to silence.

They know that at this time they have no use value, so they do not dare to get any more. They can only break out their teeth and swallow into their stomachs, covering their gills and shivering.

Cangyue said to yue'er, "yue'er, don't talk nonsense with him. Since he is determined to fight against us, kill him!"

"Yes, master!" Said the moon.

"Lin Feng, die!" The moon suddenly pulls out a sword from her waist. The sword is made of very flexible material. It is wrapped around the waist and is not noticed by others.She pulled out the sword, but its body was less than one meter long, showing its slender waist.

"Wildfires start a prairie fire!"

Yue'er had a big drink, raised his knees and cut flat. On the edge of the sword, a green cyclone swept towards the forest peak.

The cyclone, with the moon as its point, forms a thin and sharp fan face. Wherever it goes, it makes a sound of tearing the air, as if all the hard things in the world will be cut apart by the cyclone.

Lin Feng leaned back to avoid the cyclone.

The cyclone hit the wooden door behind Lin Feng, and the wooden door was cut off crosswise.

People look at this posture, immediately hide far away, this is not for fun, be hit by the cyclone is to lose their heads.

Yue'er sees Lin Feng dodging her attack again, and a look of anger appears on her cold face. "Lin Feng, you are not good at it. I can understand it. But as a man, you don't have the courage to face up to it. It's really ridiculous!"

However, Lin Feng didn't think so. He said, "although I'm a rude man, I have a heart of pity. If I put my hand, I'm afraid I'll hurt you!"

"What a bluster Yue'er was even more angry: "you even dare not to fight, but only know how to play tricks. It's really never seen such a brazen person!"

"That's when you didn't meet me before. Hahaha, it would have been nice if you had met me earlier." Lin Feng said with a smile.

"What a shame!" Yue'er drinks coldly and raises his sword again.

Cang Yue on one side sneered and shook his head: "what kind of master and apprentice are you really?"

She yelled to yue'er: "yue'er, don't leave strength any more. To deal with such shameless people, kill them!"

"Yes, master!" Moon road.

Then, she suddenly took a step back, her whole body Qi increased sharply, the yuan Shen mark in the center of her eyebrows became more and more bright, and her sleeves were also windless.

She was as awe inspiring as a God, with a murderous look on her face. She suddenly cried out: "the first move of Ziyun sword technique is to make a direct attack on the Yellow Dragon!"

As soon as the voice fell, the air burst suddenly around, and the snow on the ground was blown to both sides. In the confused snow fog, a black figure, like a dragon in the cloud, suddenly flew to Lin Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!