The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1219

People have seen Lin Feng's hand before, when dealing with those people in villain Island, one of them is a girl named yun'er. When the girl makes a move, she is shaken back by Lin Feng's palm.

And that man is the God of fire, and the seed of God is the attribute of fire.

At that time, Lin Feng showed the tyranny of the water god and directly repelled yun'er.

Today's red flame tiger is also the attribute of fire, which is believed to be in the heart of Lin Feng.

These five elements are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining, which is very fatal. If you fight alone, to a certain extent, the restrained party will suffer a lot.

White tiger Wuxia also secretly sighed that Lin Feng was really lucky. If he met a fire property Warcraft, it would be very difficult for him.

But they don't know, but Qingfeng knows very well that Lin Feng should be able to cope with whatever property of Warcraft Lin Feng encounters.

Because the seed of Linfeng covers five elements.

Except, of course, those beasts that have the greatest fighting power.

Because in the face of absolute strength, mutual generation and mutual restraint will be broken.

The red flame tiger saw that Lin Feng was not afraid of his scorching heat wave. It was very angry, and suddenly opened its mouth and spewed flames to Lin Feng.

The flame was reddish red. It seemed powerful at a glance. If it was touched, it would definitely turn into ashes.

Lin Feng was not stupid enough to carry it. He sidestepped to avoid the attack of the red flame tiger, but he suddenly started the welcome step. He dodged and came to the red flame tiger's side. Surrounded by the real Qi in his hand, he turned his hand into his palm and chopped down towards the red flame tiger's neck.

The red flame tiger was also very agile, but he didn't expect that Lin Feng moved so fast. He quickly dodged. He was still scratched by Lin Feng's true Qi. The hot blood flowed out like magma, and instantly penetrated the protective cover of the array.

"Get out of the way!"

The breeze shouts.

Everybody calm down and get out of the way.

A few drops of red flame tiger's blood on his head fell to the ground and fell into the blood of animals all over the ground. "Yi" gave off a puff of white smoke.

"What a danger!"

The blood of the red flame tiger is even more terrible than sulfuric acid. If it is poured on the head, it will not be burned immediately?

But at this time, but listen to a young howl sounded.


A white figure, stepping on people's shoulders, several ups and downs, "whoosh" toward the outside of the array.

It happened that the blood of the red flame tiger tore a piece of the array, and the white figure rushed out from the torn piece and went straight to the red flame tiger.

At this time, people can see that the white figure is Lin Feng's pet Hattie.

When Hattie saw the red flame tiger, it was as if his enemies met. Everyone didn't know why, but Lin Feng could guess.

The red flame tiger is the guardian God of the animal trainer. The wild animals under the trainer are afraid of his power and dare not be presumptuous.

Therefore, Haru, the ghost wolf, must have been blackmailed by this guy to do something he didn't want to do.

What Lin Feng doesn't know is that Haru has been bullied by Batu from the beginning. Other beasts are not Haru's opponents at all, but the red flame tiger is not the same. His ability is matched with that of Haru.

The most important thing is that Batu is assisted by animal trainers, and the trainer casts poison on Batu. Under the same circumstances, if the two fight, Haru will never be Batu's opponent.

Because once Haru is scratched by Batu, there will be a fatal danger.

But if Haru scratches Batu, or even bites Batu black and blue, Batu won't have anything.

This is the gap.

So Haru swallowed his anger and bowed to Batu.

However, under Batu's threat, he wanted to do something he didn't want to do.

The fall of Haru's wife was also forced by Batu.

Although Hattie is still young, but the intelligence quotient of spirit beast is very high, he remembers this blood feud.

Mother died in Batu's hand, and even his father, who had been bullied and humiliated by Batu for a long time, swallowed it up and died in the end.

But Hattie held this tone in his heart. Although he was small, he was jealous of evil. He would never forget the hatred. He hated the animal trainer and Batu even more. So this time, he didn't think about it and rushed to Batu.

But Lin Feng can't watch it die. How big is it? If it rushes past, it will be burned to death by Batu's flame.

And Batu also had this intention, and saw him spit out a flame directly towards Hattie.


everyone was shocked. The little wolf was not burnt into a roast wolf all of a sudden?

However, Lin Feng held Hati's tail in his hand. In order not to hurt him, he turned his body forward and turned his back to Batu, but he held Hattie in his arms.

The wolf was frightened by the scene just now. He had never seen such a strong flame sprayed by Batu. After feeling the heat, he realized that he was far away from the other party.Fortunately, Lin Feng took it in his arms and blocked Batu's flame with his back.

"Hiss -"

the crowd took a breath of cool air, and the flame hit Lin Feng's back, which instantly turned his back red.

Fortunately, Lin Feng's body has been polished, and the water attribute in the seed of his primordial spirit played a role in blocking the blazing heat. His body was not fatally injured, but his back was also burned by the flame.

Lin Feng bit his teeth and snorted.

Don't say, the strength of the flame is really fierce and delicious.

Lin Feng felt the same pain in his back. He had experienced so much pain for so many years, and he never snorted. But this kind of pain is like a thousand arrows stabbing the back, which is very painful.

However, Lin Feng or Lin Feng, he just gnash a stuffy hum, then resist the pain.

"Hattie, you are not good Lin Feng gently shaved the wolf's nose: "what do you want? I know, just tell me, I'll help you!"

Hattie looked at Lin Feng's eyes and was suddenly moved.

It knows that Lin Feng for it to block the attack, its small eyes flashing a little tears, whimpering a few times, it seems to ask Lin Feng, do you hurt?

"Are you sad? Remember, don't be so rash. Your father gives you to me. I'm your uncle. You can also regard me as your father. If there's anything wrong, tell your father that your father will support you! " Lin Feng Road.

The wolf nodded heavily.

At this time, the red flame tiger in Lin Feng behind a big howl, toward the peak on the rush.

It felt that Lin Feng was injured, which would affect his combat effectiveness to a certain extent. Therefore, he took this opportunity to kill Lin Feng immediately.

Lin Feng is holding a little wolf in one hand, suddenly a beautiful turn, impartial to avoid the attack of red flame tiger Batu.

The red flame tiger immediately gets angry and rushes to Lin Feng again.

Lin Feng holds Hattie in one hand and takes another step to hide.

In Lin Feng's arms, Hattie also felt the fierce momentum of the other party. No wonder dad couldn't compete with him. This guy is really powerful!

However, at this time, but listen to Lin Feng drink: "enough! Beast

Then, after dodging Batu's attack, he suddenly kicked him.

That foot, like a wooden hammer hitting the clock, has been accumulating strength for a long time, with a vigorous real Qi, and instantly came to the red flame tiger's eyes.

Red flame tiger Batu is angry, also ignore, toward the foot of Lin Feng to meet up.


Sparks splashed everywhere, and the red flame tiger was kicked by Lin Feng.

However, Lin Feng didn't give it a chance to rush forward. Just as the red flame tiger's body was still flying backward, Lin Feng had already deceived him, holding Hattie in one hand and turning his hand into his palm in the other hand, he suddenly chopped down the red flame tiger's neck.

That palm, with the incomparable domineering spirit, like the sharp blade of the Arctic millennium, suddenly fell.

"Poo --"

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