The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1218

It's easy to get out of the array. Lin Feng stands on the top of the array and looks at the old man's four eyes. There's nothing more for both of them. The battle is imminent.

But Lin Feng felt a little strange, he could not feel the other side has any real gas.

Does the other side want to defeat themselves with magic?

It's impossible. Only when you reach the level of perfection can you pose a certain threat to yourself. Otherwise, you can resist his army of 100000 poisonous insects.

Presumably, the other side will not be so stupid, simply use magic to deal with themselves.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng was more alert.

At this time, without the control of the old man, the group of poisonous insects devoured the corpses of wild animals, which seemed to be no threat to people for a moment.

The array is supported by several masters in the yuan Shen period. For a time, the wild animals can't rush in, so the people in the array are very safe.

Unsafe is Lin Feng, at this time many people are for Lin Feng pinch a sweat.

"You want me to compete with you. Is there a rule?" Lin Feng asked.

"There are no rules, the battle of life and death, war without fraud!" Said the old man.

While talking, on the canyon, suddenly jumped down a huge tiger, the Tiger stood tall, strong limbs, powerful.

Its mouth is open, and its mouth is full of cold sweat. The bite force should also be amazing. There is a feeling that even the steel bar can be bitten off.

Lin Feng nodded slightly, it seems that this should be his killing move.

The old man and the tiger looked at each other. It seemed that the tiger was very human. He could fully understand the meaning of the old man.

The old man said, "Batu, today's battle is up to you. Let's go!"

The tiger nodded, leaking out of the forest fangs, back to the old man, facing Lin Feng.

The tiger had a king's demeanor. He walked towards the forest peak. All the other wild animals could not help kneeling on their front knees, as if they were praying for the tiger.

The tiger was still more than ten meters away from Lin Feng, and his body was like a popular one. In a flash, he came to Lin Feng with one claw toward his claw.

This speed is very amazing, not ordinary wild animals can have, people are very curious, what kind of tiger this is, unexpectedly can have such a fast speed!

Lin Feng dodged away, and the moment he passed the tiger, he could feel a burst of heat.

The tiger rushed to Lin Feng again. With the sound of hunting wind, the tiger's paw was a slap at him.

Lin Feng occasionally dodges and sometimes confronts with him. He finds that the tiger's claw power is amazing. If it was not for his status as a God, he would have been patted into a meat pie by the tiger, or torn to pieces by its sharp claws.

A beast that can fight against high-level practitioners is not an ordinary beast.

The rest of us think the same way.

Ordinary beasts, practitioners don't pay any attention to it. Even those who have just entered the cultivation ranks of huaxue state will not be afraid of an adult tiger.

But Lin Feng and that tiger fight on an equal footing, this feeling a bit strange!

And the tiger seems to be very surprised, he fought with people more than 800 times, which time is not a few moves to defeat the opponent?

And this time, the opponent, seems to be extremely strong.

The tiger whispered, pacing left and right, eyes motionless staring at Lin Feng, as if looking for some flaws.

But Lin Feng twisted his neck, rubbed his wrists and said, "brute, I just tried your wrestling. I found you are very ordinary. I don't want to play with you. I'll be serious!"

With one foot, Lin Feng stepped on the barrier of the array of Dharma and rushed forward.

The help of that foot was also very amazing. People found that half of his foot stepped into the barrier of the array.

So many wild animals can not break the barrier, almost by the foot of Lin Feng missed.

At this time, Lin Feng punches the tiger with his fist. The tiger doesn't dodge and slaps him.

Boom -

the two collide, and a strong cyclone blows up.

The tiger was directly hit by a punch, his front foot was raised high, his body stood up, and he retreated to the back. He stepped back seven or eight steps and was barely able to stand still.

In fact, the tiger also had his own ideas. His claws were very sharp, and they were covered with poisonous insects. If you cut the skin of Lin Feng, it would be fatal.

So after Lin Feng's attack, the tiger didn't flinch. It wanted to see the blood of Lin Feng.

However, it far underestimated Lin Feng. With one blow, his tiger claws did not cut his skin, and he almost bent his nails with one punch.

This is really unprecedented.

One side of the old man was also very surprised to see this scene. He knew that practitioners above Huaqi state would cultivate yuan Shen. However, he did not expect that the practitioners of Yuanshen period were so powerful.

However, since he chose to compete with Lin Feng, he has his own proud capital.

He called to the tiger, "Batu, it's time to show your true strength!"Hearing this, the tiger seemed to have suddenly released his captivity. He was very excited, and he was drinking high.

Its call, deafening, even in the canyon back and forth.

What is the power of a beast?

The next second, the tiger suddenly issued a burst of light, a heat from his body, instantly swept in all directions.

The old man hid his face and retreated, and the wild animals retreated.

The tiger's hair seemed to be burning, covered in a red flame.

"Wow, red flame tiger!"

Someone in the array exclaimed.

Although usually can not see this kind of fierce Warcraft, but, does not mean that they do not know.

No wonder this tiger is different from ordinary beasts. It turns out to be a Warcraft.

At this time, the red flame tiger's eyes are like two lanterns, and the pupil exudes the Soul-catching light, as if it can see through the human heart.

"Is this the power of Warcraft?"

Some people in the array can't help but praise that they didn't see the tenacity of the ghost wolf Haru, so they had no impression of Warcraft. They were very surprised to see the red flame tiger today.

In the great secret place, there are spirit beasts and Warcraft everywhere. This one is so powerful. Isn't it very dangerous to enter the secret place?

At this time, we really realized how dangerous the journey was.

But at this time, Lin Feng was laughing: "I knew it was not so simple, and finally willing to give out the real strength, is it? OK, then I will play with you!"

Finish saying, Lin Feng foot force, suddenly toward the red flame tiger rushed past.

The red flame tiger is not a vegetarian either. It bursts out a burst of sparks and then rushes towards Lin Feng.


One man and one animal collided, and a heat wave burst out in all directions.

Those wild animals were so scared that they buried their heads on the ground. The old man was also lying on the array and did not dare to look up.

Other people in the array also felt the heat wave. If the array barrier did not protect them, they would be scorched in the moment.

However, after this moment, we were surprised to find that Lin Feng's clothes were burnt by the fire, but the whole person was nothing.


Some in the crowd sighed.

However, Qingfeng and other experts can see it at a glance. At this time, there is a faint white awn at the center of Lin Feng's eyebrows.

That's his God seed, water attribute, it's best to deal with the red flame tiger! , the fastest update of the webnovel!