The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1205

"Oh?" Lin Feng looked at Jack with great significance: "what danger is ahead?"

"They didn't say that!" Jack said: "at first they wanted to attack us because they were hungry. Then they talked to me and knew that we werewolves guarding here, so they didn't dare to offend. Later, we gave them food, and they were more grateful. In order to repay me, the wolf gave me a sign of danger ahead, but I asked him what danger there was, and it did not, It says they will abide by the contract! "

"Contract?" Lin Feng smiles: "these guys are quite mysterious!"

"But also a group of sentimental and righteous guys!" Said Jack.

"Yes "Many times, animals are more loyal than people and more principled than people," Lin Feng said

"Well!" Jack nodded and then asked Lin Feng, "shall we make a detour tomorrow?"

Lin Feng thought for a moment and said, "there is danger ahead. The signal is too broad. We have encountered many dangers along the way. So this time, I will not bypass the route and face the danger directly, so that our team can get more training."

Jack said with a happy face: "I think so too. A journey without danger is too boring. We wolves are born with adventure!"

"You like to die!" Lin Feng Road.

"Don't worry about it. We have great courage." Jack has a proud face.

Lin Feng laughed and said, "if there is a danger, don't talk to other people first, so as not to think more about it!"

"I see!" Jack said.


at this time, on a high land in the barren land.

There was a thatched cottage on the highland. In front of the thatched cottage, an old man in rags sat.

The old man was holding a crutch with a horn trombone on his waist.

His hair was unkempt, his face was wrinkled and covered with frost.

The old man looked up at the Big Dipper stars with deep and sharp eyes.

Just then, a huge vulture swooped down from the cottage and landed on the old man's shoulder.

"It's time they came back!" The old man said faintly.

As soon as the old man's voice fell, he saw a group of wolves galloping to the front of the old man's thatched house.

The old man's old face flashed a touch of cruelty. He walked to the wolves with a stick, and took a close look at the wolves. He was suddenly disappointed.

"You didn't finish the task!" Said the old man.

The wolf obediently came to the old man and knelt down on his front legs. It seemed that he was praying for the forgiveness of the old man.

"If you can't finish the task, how can you still have the face to come back?" The old man said faintly: "I guess, you didn't start at all? Otherwise, you don't even have a scar or blood on you! "

The wolf knelt and sobbed.

Hearing this, the old man's eyes flashed a little surprise, but it was fleeting.

"So you can disobey my orders when there are wolf people here?" The old man asked.

The head wolf bowed his head, shivered and sobbed very little, as if to beg for mercy.

At this time, a tiger came out of the hut slowly.

There is a monkey sitting on the tiger's back.

The tiger is majestic. Once it appears, the king of beasts is full of momentum.

And the monkey has bright eyes, looks very similar to human, looks very smart.

The old man lowered his head and asked the wolf, "do you know that if you disobey my orders, the consequences will be very serious?"

The head wolf raised his head, with supplication and sorrow in his eyes.

The tiger looked at the wolf, as if waiting for the order of the old man, ready to kill the wolf.

However, a half big wolf ran out and blocked in front of the head wolf.

That's the wolf's full moon son.

Little guy is very cute, weak body hidden in the wolf's armpit, head out, eyes with timidity and fear, but, more is perseverance and anger.

The old man looked down at the wolf. The fierce vulture did not move on the old man's shoulder. He also looked at the wolf. However, in his eyes, he seemed to be looking at the food.

The old man sniffed his nose carefully, and suddenly a trace of malice flashed on his face: "you ate the meat they gave!"

The wolf nodded.

The old man was ferocious and growled: "you lead the wolves to eat the food given by others. You are an unfaithful animal. You are not worthy to be a wolf!"

The old man's voice was very shrill and distorted because of his hoarseness. In this dark night, it was even more eerie.

The first wolf knew that he was wrong and could not refute it. He kept his head down and was very depressed and uneasy.

The little wolf barked at the old man, but in the windy night, the weak cry was very small.

The old man was angry. He straightened up slowly, with a strong sense of killing on his face, and his whole body was filled with a trace of genuine Qi. "Tuba, from today on, you are the new leader of the wolves!"

The old man held out his cane and pointed to a tall gray wolf with a long scar on his back.The crutches gave out wisps of real gas and floated to the gray wolf.

Gray wolf was also bent down on the ground, at this time felt the trust of the old man, it slowly raised its head, with pride and cold, overlooking the wolves.

The wolf turned back and looked at the wolf. The wolf was afraid. Then, looking at the old man supporting him, he raised his head again and faced the wolf.

The first wolf turned his head and did not look at the gray wolf again. Instead, he hugged his son tightly with one leg.

He felt the danger.

Sure enough, the old man took a look at the wolf and suddenly cried out in anger: "a eliminated leader should die. Tuba, lead your people, kill it!"

The old man's crutch pointed to the wolf.

When Tuba looked around, several powerful wolves stood up and prepared to attack the first wolf with tuba.

The other wolves wanted to help the first wolf, but they seemed afraid of the tiger and vulture beside the old man, so they chose to watch.

The originally seemingly United wolves fell apart in an instant.

Animals, is never able to compete with people, as long as people a little brain, animals will die in the hands of people.

In order not to let the other wolves starve, the first wolf chose to accept the charity of Lin Feng, which is actually a very wise choice. Although their fighting capacity is very high, and although they have the talent that other wolves do not have, they are still very weak in front of the wolf clan.

Therefore, the first wolf is for the sake of the whole ethnic group. However, at this time, there is no other wolf to help. On the contrary, tuba, the gray wolf who has not been very obedient to the first wolf, acts as the executioner of the wolf's life.

The first wolf found that things were not good. In this situation, he would die. He had an idea. He picked up the little wolf in his mouth, rushed out of the wolves and ran in the direction of the tent of Lin Feng.

"Run after me. Don't let him run away!" The old man gave a big drink.

The gray wolf took four gray wolves and ran after the first wolf.

The vulture on the old man's shoulder, with a kick of legs, flapping its wings several times, went straight into the sky, and then ran after the wolf in the direction of escape. , the fastest update of the webnovel!