The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1204

According to Lin Feng's prediction, he arrived at the border of the western wilderness in the middle of the night.

In front of it is a hilly area, crisscrossed with high and low rocks. There is a road for cars in the middle, which is specially built for motorcade.

After this hilly area, there is barren land ahead, which is also the last stop of this trip to Kunlun.

Lin Feng looked at the moon and found that although there was a full moon hanging in the sky, the light was not very obvious.

Because this is a Mao moon, and there is a circle of wind around the moon.

Hairy moon, it seems that the light on the surface of the moon is fuzzy, just like some fluff. The wind circle is a halo around the moon.

This shows that the weather will not be very good tonight, there will be strong winds.

Before Lin Feng was a mercenary, he used to sleep in the wild, so he knew everything about weather forecast and survival in the wild.

"There may be strong winds tonight. The road ahead is not very good, and the dark will affect the line of sight. The wind is hanging up and there is dust everywhere. The road ahead can hardly be seen clearly. Therefore, we will set up camp here for the time being tonight and start tomorrow morning!" Lin Feng said to the walkie talkie.

The cars stopped one after another, and Yu Wenji informed Lao Wang to take out the tent from the logistics department and give it to everyone. Then she set up a tent camp in a shelter in the hills.

Lin Feng arranges jack, Jones and bill to watch the night. Wolf people are born with a keen sense of smell and are very energetic at night. Therefore, the vigil is most suitable for them.

After everything was arranged, everyone went into the tent to rest.

These tents are luxury versions. They are not only made of good materials, but also have their own air cushion. They can sleep on cushions and follow the sofa at home. They are very comfortable.

Lin Feng does not rest at night, but also participates in the vigil.

First, he set an example. Second, he is now a master in the yuan Shen period. His physical condition is much better than before. He doesn't sleep for a few days and nights and doesn't feel tired at all.

But also because of Lin Feng's good physical condition, will be like this, many yuan Shen period master, also need a long time to rest.

Jack sends bill and Jones to the southeast to watch the night. He sits on a big stone in the northwest and guards the northwest.

The reason why Lin Feng didn't let the wolf king scar to watch the night was that he wanted to give the wolf king face and could not let others watch the night.

But Jack's words, he is very casual, Jack and he now have a good relationship, he also trusts Jack.

Lin Feng came to the bluestone where Jack was. He looked at the moon in the sky and said, "there will be a strong wind tonight. Aren't you afraid that you will be blown away from the stone?"

Jack said, "the wind can blow me away. I haven't seen it before."

Lin Feng laughed and changed his painting style: "I won't say much if I am grateful!"

"There's no need to be so sentimental. It's very simple for the wolf people to watch the night. The wolf people can stay up all day and night. Moreover, if we are quiet at night, our hearing will be better played. If there is a problem within a few miles, we will see for the first time."

"Well, the wolf clan is really powerful!" Lin Feng nodded.

"But you are also very good. As far as I know, your reconnaissance and counter reconnaissance capabilities are no worse than those of our werewolves. Even if you have a lot of reconnaissance skills, we are not as good as you!" Said Jack.

"Thank you for the compliment Lin Feng is not modest, said: "my reconnaissance ability, is the result of years of training!"

Jack said, "we werewolves are born with insight, so I admire your efforts after tomorrow."

Thank you Lin Feng said with a smile.

At this time, however, both of them suddenly felt an abnormality, and they both looked serious.

"You feel it, too?" Jack asked.

Lin Feng nodded!

Jack jumped off the bluestone and said, "nine o'clock!"

"About a kilometer," said Lin Feng

"Go and see!" Jack said.

But Lin Feng stopped Jack and said, "don't go out easily. Our duty is to watch the night."

This sentence reminds Jack that he is embarrassed to scratch his head: "I am still a little impulsive ah!"

Lin Feng laughed and said, "let's hide and see what it is!"


Two people came to a stone behind, ambush, hold their breath, breath almost stopped, try not to let each other aware.

After about three or four minutes, a pair of green eyes flashed out of the darkness ahead.

It's a pack of big, hungry wolves.

It seemed that the wolves had not eaten for a long time. When they saw the human tent, they were greedy and eager to try.

Lin Feng quietly said to Jack, "this is half of your relatives, right?"

Jack complained: "what kind of relatives are they? They can only be regarded as low-level creatures!""Can you communicate with them?" Lin Feng asked.

If you can, try not to.

Jack said, "I think so. Let me try it."

Said, Jack then from behind the stone, toward the wolves "ow" called a few.

The wolves were stunned, and then showed a full of malice.

"You relatives don't seem to understand your language!" Lin Feng joked.

"No Jack didn't understand. Suddenly, he seemed to think of something and said, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to change my clothes."

"Change clothes?" Lin Feng looks at Jack in surprise.

When Jack bent down and straightened up again, the whole person was already a big circle, and his head became a wolf head.


Jack roared again.

The wolves just wanted to rush towards jack, but they were all stunned when they saw that Jack was like this.

The wolf seemed to have a lot of insight. He nodded to Jack respectfully, and then he also called a few times.

Jack responded a few times.

A werewolf, a wolf, just like chatting, comes and goes.

After a while, they seemed to have finished talking. Jack turned to Lin Feng and said, "can you give them some dried meat? They haven't eaten for several days. They are very hungry."

"No problem!" Lin Feng is very generous.

After all, the food and water are enough. At the other end of the barren land, the robbers can be sent to the government. After receiving the reward, they can supplement a wave of food crazily.

Then Lin Feng asked Lao Wang to prepare some dried meat from the grassland herdsmen on the walkie talkie, and asked some young and strong people to deliver them.

After the wolves ate, they seemed very grateful. Then the wolf talked with Jack again, and led the wolves to turn around and disappear in the dark night.

Lin Feng wenjieke: "what did you talk about?"

Jack shook his long golden hair and said, "you have blind spots, too?"

"Of course, I don't know animal language!" Lin Feng was helpless.

Jack laughed. Then, with a serious look on his face, he said, "the wolves tell us that there is danger ahead. Let's try not to pass by here." , the fastest update of the webnovel!