The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1186

After a few people, it seems very strange.

The man who came down next to the old man was a one armed middle-aged man with a huge wine gourd on his back and a wine gourd on his waist.

He was wearing a long shirt, very free and easy, with long hair scattered. He wore a two finger wide red headband on his forehead, and there was a big black character wine in the middle of the headband.

The middle-aged face is firm and resolute, it is a person who has experienced big waves.

After the middle-aged man, a half old woman and a young woman came down.

That old lady Xu is also full of breasts and plump buttocks. She looks very attractive and charming.

But she had a big cigarette bag in her mouth and kept smoking, as if not enough.

And the girl behind her, dressed in a black Zhongshan suit and braided all over the sky, is very pretty, but she has a kind of cold feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.

After these people, there are also some bodyguards in black. It seems that they are not ordinary people.

However, these people are not the protagonists, they all walk to the front of the Aston Martin sports car and stand in line.

The bodyguards in black respectfully went to the door and bowed.

At this time, the car door opened, and a girl with red, green, yellow and white hair jumped out of the car.

The girl had a heavy smoky make-up and her hair was unkempt, which made her smell like Matt.

But if you look closely, you will find that the girl's beauty is very amazing.

Her facial features are very beautiful and her eyes are very big, just like those girls in the cartoon. Her eyelashes are long and black. Her big eyes blink and twinkle. She is very cute.

Her nose is small and delicate, the tip of the nose slightly tilted, very cute.

Cherry small mouth bright and dripping, face shape is also the right melon seed face, body convex back, two long legs slightly separated, knees to the inside, lovely with shame, attracted a burst of exclamation from the men present.

This is definitely a disaster level guy!

"Miss, the team you are looking for is right here!" Said a bodyguard in black.

The girl glared at Lin Feng and others. "Are you the treasure hunting team going west?"

Lin Feng frowned. He didn't know which immortal they were or whether they were enemies or friends. However, since the other party knew his identity, he also made an investigation. To be honest, he said, "yes, we are the treasure hunting team going to the West!"

"Ha ha, catch up, catch up!" The girl said carelessly, "who is the captain? I have something to talk with him!"

Lin Feng frowned again. He didn't have time to waste here.

"I'm sorry, the captain is busy with the inventory. If you have something to talk about later, please forgive me!" Lin Feng Road.

"Who are you? Tell your captain to come out and talk The girl said discontentedly.

"He's the captain!" A scornful voice came: "don't look at him as unimportant, he is indeed the captain!"

The girl followed the reputation and saw a tall man talking. It was brother tiger!

Tiger brother saw this scene, immediately felt that this group of people were not ordinary, seemed to have a good show to watch, so hung up Luo Qinghe's phone, and pushed Lin Feng in front of the group at the critical moment.

He just wants to see Lin Feng make a fool of himself. Who makes this boy who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth doesn't want to see their three brothers, tiger, dragon and leopard.

The girl who killed Matt listened to tiger's saying, turned her head and looked at Lin Feng seriously and asked, "are you the captain?"

Lin Feng said, "I said I was busy. If you have anything, I'll tell you later."

This is Lin Feng's most polite words.

However, the girl was furious and said, "if I want to talk to you, you have to tell me, how can you choose?"

"I wipe it?"

All of them were surprised and looked at the little girl with great significance.

He was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but his tone was not small. It seemed that he was spoiled at home.

However, at this time, tiger was happy to see that someone came to pick things up. He also directly proved that Lin Feng, the leader of the team, was a decoration and had no substantive effect.

His antipathy to Lin Feng is a little superimposed.

At the beginning, he didn't hate Lin Feng. He just wanted the three brothers to make money when they were masters.

After all, they are all practitioners, which must be a little preferential treatment!

However, when I arrived here, I found that I had to obey the orders of others, and a captain appeared out of thin air.

He was still a young man in his early twenties.

It makes him uncomfortable, super upset.

In addition, Lin Feng didn't eat any rice and publicly said that he looked down on him. His inner anger was like a surging river, and he wanted to put Lin Feng on the ground and humiliate him.

Therefore, the appearance of a beautiful girl also made him kill people with a knife.

At this time, the mouse beside Lin Feng was angry and said to the girl:"Who do you think you are and who do you think you are talking to? How can there be so many self righteous people these days

The girl heard, is also fried hair, she did not say a word, to the back of those black bodyguards a wave: "let him shut up, I annoy him!"

The four bodyguards in black charged directly at the mouse.

In a moment, they were in front of the mouse, and one of them reached for the mouse.

However, Lin Feng didn't move, but the King Kong beside him suddenly stood out and cried out: "who dares to move my brother? I'll fight with him

King Kong said, a palm will be the black bodyguard back: "dare to start again, I'm not polite to you!"

Seeing this, the bodyguards in black didn't restrain themselves. Instead, they rushed to King Kong and wanted to unite to defeat King Kong.

However, King Kong is not a vegetarian. Although the strong bodyguards are bluffing, there is still a gap between them and the experienced King Kong.

The two men in front of him had just rushed up, but before one punch had been made, King Kong rushed forward and smashed the fists of the two bodyguards back with his body, and even the people flew away together.

The two bodyguards behind him, before they got close, were directly hit by the two inverted bodies.

In a flash, four bodyguards were taken care of by King Kong, and King Kong didn't even use his hands, just with his body.

One side of the tiger dragon leopard three brothers to see with interest, tiger brother said to the other two brothers: "this Lin Feng has no ability, the people around him is quite powerful, you see that big man, strength is as big as an ox!"

"Well, it's really bluffing just by looking at the height and the tendons." A long nodded his head and praised him. Then he asked, "brother, why do you say that Lin Feng is incompetent? Is he really useless? "

Tiger said: "he will just pretend to be forced. Do you feel the strength from his whole body? No? "

"Maybe he is a higher level cultivator. Can't we feel it?" A long doubts way.

"No way!" Tiger said: "at such a young age, how high can you achieve? I don't understand why president Luo wanted to sell him face? "

A long and a Bao are not questioning. They are used to listening to big brother.

At this time, the girl was very angry. He looked at the old man in Tang costume and said, "Old Tang, I have been bullied. What should I do?"

The old man gave a faint smile and did not make a sound. The charm of the old man was still there, and the middle-aged woman with a big cigarette bag in his mouth said: "Miss, this is such a small matter. Don't use old Tang to do it!"

Then, he looked at the cold girl next to him, "cloud!"

"Yes Said the cold girl.

"Get rid of that big guy!" The middle-aged woman said.


Yun'er accepted the order and jumped to King Kong. She suddenly gave a big drink, and a red light flashed from her eyebrows: "eat me!"

Cloud son drinks, jade fist as if with flame general, toward King Kong to fight over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!