The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1185

The voice came from no one else, but Lin Qin, who was quite similar to Lin Feng's.

Originally, Lin Feng went to the God crane gate, just wanted to let Yu Wenji go with him to Kunlun.

But, night north leaves not at ease, must arrange a few people for Lin Feng again.

Lin Qin took the initiative to take the lead.

So, it was Lin Qin who made the noise just now.

Since Lin Feng saw Lin Qin for the first time, he felt that Lin Qin was somewhat similar to himself. Moreover, he also knew that he was the one who left without saying goodbye to Jin Fenghuang.

Therefore, Lin Feng always has a kind of subconscious attention to Lin Qin. He finds that Lin Qin is always aiming at him secretly.

Moreover, several times, Lin Qin secretly observed Lin Feng. He thought that Lin Feng did not know. In fact, Lin Feng looked at Lin Feng, but pretended that he did not know anything.

Among them, Lin Qin was on the spot and secretly observed Lin Feng when he came to assassinate Lin Feng.

Lin Feng is not sure whether Lin Qin is an enemy or a friend for the time being. Therefore, he has a few separate hearts from Lin Qin.

However, he thinks that since Lin Qin can get the trust of yebeili, there must be no big problem. Moreover, he looks like himself, which makes Lin Feng feel strange.

And, like myself, his surname is Lin.

Therefore, Lin Feng treats her as a person of her own, but she is still one level away from his confidant like rat King Kong.

"Can you introduce the people behind you?" Lin Feng pointed to the seven beauties behind Lin Qin.

"Good!" Lin Qin said: "the seven behind me are the seven beautiful doctors of our God crane gate. Some of them are proficient in various herbs and medicine, some are proficient in first aid, some are proficient in recovery and recuperation, and some are proficient in surgery. In short, their skills will be of great help to all of us!"

Lin Feng smiles and nods. In this way, it's really good, so that the medical team will have security. Originally, Lin Feng regarded red scorpion as a rescue team. Now red scorpion can take time to do something else.

Lin Feng nodded with satisfaction: "thank God crane gate, thank you all!"

Then, she took out the note and planned to continue the roll call. However, tiger roared: "I said, Lin Feng, how did you become the captain? Don't let us eat, then roll call and put us at the bottom. What's the matter, do you look down on us

Lin Feng laughed and said, "yes!"

"What?" On hearing this, tiger became more angry.

He asked Lin Feng on purpose, thinking that Lin Feng would find reasons to prevaricate. At that time, he would embarrass Lin Feng again and let this young boy know that he was not easy to be provoked. On the way forward, he could respect himself.

However, he did not expect Lin Feng to answer him directly.

After a second of stupidity, tiger brother yelled: "Lin Feng, did I give you some face? You know, our three brothers were invited by Luo Qing and the president at a high price...

"if you don't want to come, you can go. I didn't say I had to keep you!" Lin Feng looked at brother Hu with a smile. Then, with a light smile, she picked up the notebook and continued: "is the white tiger hall coming?"

"Lin Feng, don't go too far. I tell you, if Luo Qinghe didn't spend so much money to ask us to come..."

Lin Feng suddenly flashed a chill in his eyes and said in a cold voice, "I said, I don't want to come and go. Don't talk to me here, my patience is limited!"

Luo Qinghe said on the surface that he invited the experts to come over. Who knows what kind of goods they asked. If you look at the three tigers, dragons and leopards, there is no pattern and their quality is very poor. What kind of master can they be?

Tiger brother didn't expect that Lin Feng turned over with him directly, and for a moment, Lin Feng's eyes were filled with endless cold, which made him shudder.

But soon he slowed down, pointed to Lin Feng and said, "well, you said that. For people like you, our brothers don't serve you either."

With that, he picked up the phone and called Luo Qinghe.

"Hello? President Luo, what's the matter with them? I'll quit! " Brother Hu directly blows at Luo Qinghe.

Lin Feng is too lazy to listen to their conversation, wasting time.

He went on to ask, "are the people from the white tiger hall coming?"

"Oh, don't you see them all and ask?" A soft voice came over, is the previous seductive woman - Yasha.

Lin Feng frowned. The so-called white tiger five swordsmen in the white tiger hall is actually this picture of virtue. Is such a woman also called Xia?

However, Lin Feng didn't say anything on the surface. Although this Yaka is untidy, but different from the tiger dragon leopard, Lin Feng can feel the true Qi flowing around the Yaksha, which shows that Yasha is a master in the yuan Shen period, which can not be underestimated.

In the tiger, dragon and leopard's body, Lin Feng only felt some energy and energy fluctuations, which indicated that they were at most in the state of qi transformation.

Even, it may not have reached the chemical gas environment.

After all, in the eyes of Luo Qing and those businessmen, the cultivators are very powerful. It is not too much to regard the three of them as heroes.It's just that I heard that these three guys once beat back the people of Yingzhou party. I don't know whether it's true or not. If it's true, it may be that these three guys are too hidden, or the party people are too scum.

But now Lin Feng doesn't think about it.

On his face, Lin Feng asked yecha, "everyone is here, right? Are you the leader? "

Yasha said with a smile: "of course, I lead the team. You are such a small milk dog. If I don't lead the team, you will be bullied to death by other four people!"

Lin Feng hums a smile, ignore that woman.

At this time, he looked at tiger.

Tiger brother also complained about Luo Qinghe on the phone: "I said president Luo, you pay our brother, you look up to our brother, we thank you in our heart, but you can't let us play with a hairy child? The man named Lin Feng is only in his early twenties. What does he know? "

"What, you say he's good? Ha ha ha, how powerful is it? Don't tease me

"I won't listen to this guy anyway!" Tiger brother said in a loud voice: "such a huge team, led by a suckling guy, this makes me very doubt the combat effectiveness of this team!"

Luo Qinghe was still trying to explain with tiger brother, but at this time, an unexpected guest appeared in the public's view.

Two limousines, to be exact.

The leading one is the world's top sports car in red, a limited edition of Aston Martin, whose value can no longer be measured by money, because money can't buy it now.

The one in the back is a long black Lincoln.

Although that car is also very expensive, but compared with the one in front of it, it looks very cheap.

At this time, the car in front of a smoke came to the front of the crowd, a sudden brake stopped, set off a stream of smoke.

But the long Lincoln in the back slowly drove to the front of the sports car.

The Lincoln stopped, the door opened, and a few oddly dressed people came out of it.

The first one who came down was an old man. He wore a Tang suit and bent his back, like a turtle shell on his back.

He is very short, about 1.6 meters, plus the hunchback, it is even shorter.

The old man is also very thin, skinny, white beard and hair, with a crutch in one hand.

If it's just like this, maybe we won't care too much.

However, the old man's Tang costume is elegant and elegant, with gold thread in the black fabric, which is very eye-catching.

The crutches on the old man's hand are not ordinary products.

I don't know what material the crutch is made of. The surface is bright and colorful. The end of the stick is inlaid with a huge emerald, which is very luxurious.

Although the old man looked weak, his eyes showed a vigor and vitality that even young people did not have.

After the old man got out of the car, several people behind him surprised the big guy. , the fastest update of the webnovel!