The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1182

Wei Yi morning Du small mouth said: "you still say, so long do not call me, you give my mobile phone is almost hairy!"

"Why don't you contact me Lin Feng asked.

"I... I dare not!" Wei Yichen said: "when I was going abroad, I made you angry!"

"I forgive you Lin Feng said, "didn't I see you off at the airport?"

Wei Yichen rang out, Lin Feng drove his car to see him off at the airport runway. He said with a warm smile: "but, I just want to wait for you to contact me actively!"

"I think you still don't care about your boss!" Lin Feng pretended to be unhappy.

"No, no, no, no!" Wei Yichen quickly waved his hand again and again, "I suffer every day, I miss you every night, I will hang your picture in the living room, bedroom, bathroom...

" poop! " Lin Feng almost a mouthful of wine gushed out: "let me watch you take a bath in the bathroom, go to the toilet?"

"Can't you?" Wei Yichen said, "sooner or later I will be your woman. What does it matter?"

Looking at the naughty and beautiful little sister at the end of the video, Lin Feng gently smiles: "is there anyone bullying you over there?"

"At first, but later I was conquered by my driving skills. It was all scum!" Wei Yichen said with pride: "boss, are you proud? I'm your little brother

"Well, pride!" Lin Feng's face is always hung with a gentle smile.

This innocent girl, simple without any impurities, Lin Feng would like to put her under his wings, a lifetime to protect her.

Just, Lin Feng this pure idea, but every time by Wei Yi Chen's idea scattered.

Because Wei Yi Chen always wants to be his woman and always wants to occupy him.

Lin Feng really treats Wei Yichen as his sister.

Of course, this girl with beautiful appearance, figure and personality is also very cheerful, which often makes him interested. But more time, it is a kind of hazy ambiguity between lover and sister.

Lin Feng, a veteran in love, sometimes doesn't know. He hopes Wei Yichen can always be around him. Although it's selfish, love is selfish.

Lin Feng looked at the phone screen, that innocent girl, the heart has long melted, he said: "morning, I may have to travel tomorrow, this trip, perhaps triumphant, perhaps never return, so, I say goodbye to you, if I can come back, I will go abroad to see you, if I can not come back ... you don't think about me any more. Put all my things away and bury them in the ground. Just think of it as my grave and marry a good man! "

"Boss, what are you talking about?" Wei Yichen was surprised to stare at Lin Feng: "what are you going to do, why do you say such a thing?"

Lin Feng frowned. He didn't want to talk to Wei Yichen, but seeing this face that was so happy because he saw him, he changed his mind. He felt that if he disappeared suddenly, Wei Yicheng would be very sad, which might become the pain of her life.

Therefore, Lin Feng intends to open up and say, I hope Wei Yichen does not get into trouble.

"Morning, listen to me, there are some things I have to do, no matter how dangerous, I will never turn back!" Lin Feng said, "that's my responsibility. I can't change it. Therefore, I can only pray to come back to see you alive. If not, please don't blame me

Obviously, Wei Yichen couldn't accept this fact. She was red in the blink of an eye and shook her head desperately: "no, no, boss. You are the strongest man in the world. Nothing can embarrass you. You will come back alive!"

Lin Feng felt an acid nose, he tried to bear it, took a deep breath and adjusted his mood.

The secret place is no more than ordinary places, where time and space are distorted. If the time span gap is obvious, it is likely that Lin Feng will never see these people again, even if he comes back alive.

For example, the time flow of the secret place is slow. Then Lin Feng spent one day inside and one year outside. It took him 100 days to get the blood jade. After he came out, the world had already changed. Although the city is still the same, things have changed.

These familiar friends and lovers have long been buried in the ground.

Of course, that's just a situation.

If you can catch up with the secret place time and speed up, it is really desirable. Maybe Lin Feng was in it for a year and found that he only went in one day after coming out.

However, no one can tell what it will look like. Moreover, it is impossible to estimate whether the span is large or not. Just now, Lin Feng just assumed that one day a year, if the span reaches an hour and a year, it would be even more terrible.

And Lin Feng heard from his master that the flow of time in Kunlun is slow.

In other words, the time inside is slower than that outside.

This is very bad news. He doesn't want to come out of the secret place. There are no familiar people in the world.

So Lin Feng said goodbye to everyone, is very serious, he will remember every face, seriously in the heart.

"Chenchen, there are some things I can't explain to you, you want to live a happy life, and you also said that your boss is so strong, should be OK!" Lin Feng smiles and comforts Wei Yicheng."No, I'm not sure!" Wei Yichen wiped his nose and cried, "I want to go with you!"

"Never!" Lin Feng said, "you have your way and your future. Study abroad well and wait for me to come back."

"No!" Wei Yichen said, "I'll book a ticket to see you now."

"It's too late!" Lin Feng smile, "tomorrow I set foot on the journey, you are good, don't toss, also don't be sad for me, I say these with you today, just don't hope you hate me!"

"Boss!" Wei Yichen cried: "you tell me the truth, what are you going to do, why do you say so frightening?"

"I will try my best to come back alive, believe me," said Lin Feng

Wei Yichen bowed his head and sobbed. After a long time, he raised his head and said, "boss, I will do as you say. You can rest assured. Remember, Chenchen will always wait for you to come back, so please don't let Chenchen down!"

Lin Feng choked. He didn't know how to explain to Wei Yicheng. He simply didn't explain. He nodded and said, "yes!"

Wei Yicheng red lips light, on the mobile phone screen affectionate kiss: "boss, I am your woman, this life is! Take my kiss, I hope it will bring you good luck

Lin Feng was warm in the heart and said, "it will be!"

Later, in order to ease the atmosphere, Lin Feng talked with Wei Yicheng about some interesting things, and learned about Wei Yichen's life there. Lin Feng put his mobile phone on the table, eating and chatting with Wei Yichen, just like Wei Yicheng sitting opposite him with him.

The meal lasted two hours.

Lin Feng's mobile phone is out of power, Wei Yi Chen just reluctantly hung up the phone.

When Lin Feng returned to the villa, it was already at night.

He chatted with Jin Lengyu, Shen man and Huoling for a while, and talked about some past events, which made everyone laugh.

Then, say goodbye to the three and go upstairs to bed.

The three women naturally know what Lin Feng means. Lin Feng is specially looking for them to talk about the past before leaving.

They have no strength in this matter, so they can only pray at home for Lin Feng's safe return.

Of course, they also know that it's not that simple.

And Lin Feng, after going upstairs, stands in front of the balcony of his bedroom, looks out the window at the bright moon and the stars, takes a deep breath, and then closes his eyes.

Tomorrow, will embark on a new journey, everything is new and unknown.

Hopefully, it will be a wonderful journey. , the fastest update of the webnovel!