The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1181

Lin Feng just walked out of the door of other villas, but saw a man, sitting on the stone steps in front of the door, seems to have come for a long time.

"Who are you?" "Sitting here, is it basking in the sun?" asked Lin Feng

The man turned off his big hat and revealed a pile of golden yellow hair. He turned around, his face covered with whiskers. He could not tell his age or appearance, but he could see that he was a Western European.

He said in Western European: "I'm waiting for someone. I'm sorry to disturb your trip."

Say, move two steps to the left, give Lin Feng a place.

Lin Feng also said in Western European: "who are you waiting for? Is it convenient to talk about it?"

The man said, "a devil!"

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and laughed.

If ordinary people hear this, they will think that this man is a mental illness.

But Lin Feng doesn't think so. It's not surprising that any strange things happen and any strange people appear here.

Lin Feng asked tentatively, "do you have anything to do with the people you are waiting for?"

"It matters!" The man said, "he's here to kill you!"

"Oh? That's interesting! " Lin Feng Road.

He took a close look at the man sitting on the ground. The man was very big, dressed in a leather coat. His shoulders and legs were wrapped in metal armor. He carried a long broad sword behind his back. The scabbard was on the ground, which was more than one meter long.

Although the dress was strange, it also revealed endless dignity. Especially the Cross Medal on the left chest of the man attracted Lin Feng's attention.

Lin Feng asked, "you are a member of the Holy Light order, aren't you?"

"You talk a lot!" Said the man.

Lin Feng ha ha a smile: "you sit in front of my house, still say I speak a lot, why don't you say you are impolite?"

The man did not speak any more, but stood up and walked forward.

"Hello, you should be waiting for blood clan people?" Lin Feng asked.

The man still did not speak and continued to walk forward, like a stubborn cow.

Lin Feng continued: "if I guess correctly, you should be George the hunter? The knight who is gifted but degenerated by obstinacy

The man suddenly stopped, stood in place and asked coldly, "how do you know?"

Lin Feng shook his head and chuckled: "when the blood clan comes to kill me, I will know in advance every time. The enemy of the vampire Munn is the fallen knight George, one is a blood sucking demon and the other is a demon hunter. The stories of you two are well-known in Western Europe. I believe that after you die, the younger generation will regard you as a myth."

"Your mouth stinks, don't you dare to annoy me?" George looked back, and there was a sharp flash in his honest eyes!

"There is no word" fear "in my dictionary of Lin Feng Lin Feng said with a smile: "besides, if you kill me, Mun will not appear. How can you hunt him?"

"You are cunning George said, "I don't like people like you!"

"I don't like you either!" Lin Feng said, "but I like what you do. I hope you can chase down Mun and kill him. Then, restore honor to your family and become the apocalyptic Knight respected by generations."

George turned smartly, and the sword behind him swayed slightly with his body moving forward: "I will be near here, ready to kill him at all times."

Lin Feng wants to laugh. Why is George so cool? Is it fake or real?

His words and deeds reveal a kind of Knight's dignity and coldness all the time. However, this gesture only makes Lin Feng feel funny.

Lin Feng said, "can I say one more word?"

George did not look back, but a cool wave of his hand: "you love to say it's your right, but I'll keep my ears closed and I won't listen to your gossip!"

Lin Feng laughed, but said: "the person you want to kill will not appear here. If you want to catch him and go to the Kunlun Mountains in the west, he has been waiting for me there."

Lin Feng has long been informed that Mu en of the blood clan has come to assassinate him. He also knows that he will go to Kunlun, so he directly waits for him in the Western Kunlun, which can also avoid George's pursuit.

"What? Is that true? " George quickly turned back, seriously looked at Lin Feng, that pair of eyes suddenly opened round, at this time has no that cool, more funny.

However, he saw Lin Feng turn to walk, cool wave to him and say: "believe it or not, I say tired, goodbye!"

"Ah George's eyes were dull, his tongue reached out and licked his shriveled lips. He said to himself, "no wonder we haven't seen him for a few days. This cunning thing!"

Then, he took out his mobile phone and began to search for tickets to Kunlun.

, they came to the restaurant and sat down by the window.

Every time I come here to eat, the past is vividly in my mind.

He remembered that the most frequent meal was with Wei Yichen.I don't know how Yichen is doing abroad now?

Lin Feng took out the phone and planned to have a video conversation with Wei Yicheng.

At this time, Catherine has come forward, happy to look at Lin Feng: "rare ah, what to eat?"

Lin Feng laughed: "the same old way!"

"Good!" Catherine said to the waiter, "same as usual!"

Then, she pulled out the stool and sat opposite Lin Feng, "has it been decided?"

"Yes Lin Feng said, "it's been decided for a long time. Let's start tomorrow."

"Well!" Katherine nodded: "with scar and Jack, I can rest assured. Wolf king is a veteran veteran with rich experience. Jack's detective ability is first-class. With them to help you, you will be more powerful."

"Thank you for your support Lin Feng smiles.

"Lin Feng!" Catherine suddenly looked at Lin Feng affectionately: "are you free tonight?"

"Well?" Lin Feng didn't understand what Catherine meant.

Katherine sipped her lips. "I appreciate you so much, so I want to spend the night with you."

Western European people are open-minded and speak straight, so this is obviously to let Lin Feng spend the night with her.

Lin Feng said with a smile: "I'm afraid it won't work in the evening, because I'm going to leave tomorrow, and I still have a lot of preparation to do today."

Catherine sighed, with a look of disappointment on her face.

But Lin Feng said with a smile: "if I can come back safely, do you still count?"

Catherine said, "count it, I'll wait for you!"

At this time, the waiter brings up the red wine and puts down two glasses.

Wine is awake, he directly filled Lin Feng's cup.

"Mind if I have a drink?" Catherine managed to squeeze in a smile.

"Of course not!" Lin Feng raised his glass with a smile.

Katherine raised her glass, and her blue eyes were tender. "I hope you will come back triumphantly. I will light the candle and wait for you to have a candlelight dinner with me!"


Lin Feng raised his head and drank it.

After drinking, Katherine put down her glass and said, "I'll be busy first. Call me if you have something to do."

Then, reluctantly looking at Lin Feng, turned away.

Lin Feng picked up the phone, opened the address book, found Wei Yichen, this is his last to say goodbye to the woman.

He clicks on the video call and dials it directly.

In less than three seconds, the other end was picked up.


Wei Yicheng was jubilant, and the whole person was about to fly up. The ecstatic mood almost rushed to Lin Feng's side through the screen.

"Long time no see, morning!" Lin Feng smiles gently. , the fastest update of the webnovel!