The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1165

"What's wrong with me?" That woman's orchid finger is warped, the voice is charming but hoarse, the person that listens to itches all over.

"Banshee, when did you come back? Why didn't you inform me? " Lin Feng asked.

This is the scouting genius of the sharp knife class in the Rubik's cube team.

She was a man, but because of the influence of her childhood environment, she had a wrong understanding of gender, so that she always thought she was a woman.

But such a wonderful flower has the ability of extraordinary people.

He was born in an acrobatic family. He practiced bone shrinking skill and lightness skill since he was young, and he was proficient in hiding. Therefore, his task in Rubik's cube is usually to investigate and sneak in secretly.

It's a piece of cake for him.

Later, Lin Feng taught him some magic skills, and with his original skills, he became even more powerful.

So many times, he went to the enemy's hinterland, the enemy was unaware.

The human demon relies on this one hand ability, in the Rubik's cube foothold, obtained Lin Feng's approval.

In the Rubik's cube team, everyone has unique skills. In their own field, everyone is a terror level existence, and the human demon is no exception.

At this time, the demon said, "boss, Lao Hu knows that you are busy recently, so he directly informs us that he can come back to the Dragon kingdom again. The black widow and the wolf also want to come back, but they have not argued with me!"

Red scorpion added: "then, we want to give you a surprise, we secretly picked him up and returned home! What's the matter, boss? Surprise or surprise

Once again, I Miss Lin Feng. I don't know what it's like to see Lin Feng again!

Lin Feng and the demon tightly hugged, and then, Lin Feng said with a smile: "demon, how big are your chest muscles, are you practicing or playing hormones?"

The man demon orchid finger a Qiao, jiaochen way: "hate, people are born like this!"

"Oh, come on, I have goose bumps all over the floor." Lin Feng couldn't stand the orchid finger of the human demon. He couldn't bear it before, but now he couldn't, but then he asked with a straight face: "by the way, you four want to go to the secret place with me, don't you?"

"Yes Four people have different opinions and the same way.

"Give me a reason first!" Lin Feng Road.

"Boss, you see, it's like this!" As the eldest, red scorpion came to speak for everyone: "we have been living and dying with you, and we have a tacit understanding. This action is extremely dangerous. As your right-hand subordinates, we should step forward..."

"yes, don't be so grandiose, say the point!" Lin Feng Road.

"I haven't been to the secret place, I want to see it!" Red scorpion a facial paralysis said.

"The secret place is no more than the usual task. We usually face people, but in the secret place, our opponents are not necessarily human beings!" Lin Feng Road.

"Not a man?" People were surprised.

"Yes Lin Feng said: "our enemies may also be a group of wild animals, a group of monsters, or even some mutant groups or monsters. Even, we may encounter ancient gods, Nine Tailed foxes, etc., which is totally different from the present world!"

"Boss, you say that, we want to go more!" Red scorpion road.

"No way!" Lin Feng said.

At this time, Qingcheng on one side advised Lin Feng to say, "younger martial brother, they still want to fight side by side with you. Since they care about you so much, why do you still push their good intentions away? It's very sad! "

"But I am also responsible for their lives," said Lin Feng

The red scorpion said: "if you are not around, it is meaningless for us to live! In the past few years, the brothers have been through a lot of hardships. They just want to be reunited with you and fight together again. They will die with no regrets. However, boss, you are not the one with high spirits. You have started to protect us, but you don't know that what we need is not your protection! "

Red scorpion emotional some excitement, eyes also some red: "we need, is your approval, is your company!"

"Yes, boss, only when our brothers are around, can we feel that the day is meaningful! What's more, you leave us at home and you explore. Do you think we can sit still? " Said the genie.

"Boss, please!" Said the red scorpion.

"Please The mouse begged.

Lin Feng's eyes are also a little red, these brothers, no matter when, want to die with themselves, this life has such a group of brothers, no regrets!

Lin Feng took a deep breath, eased his mood for a while, and suddenly called out, "demon!"

"Tao!" The genie stood straight and put his hand between his eyebrows: "boss, please direct me!"

"I have appointed you as the core group of secret territory, the first scout to be responsible for investigating the front, investigating the enemy's situation, ensuring that the road ahead can be mastered in real time, and if necessary, go deep into the enemy's hinterland!""Yes, boss, make sure you get the job done!"

The Banshee had a proud face, firm eyes and a clear voice.

Seeing this scene, immediately aroused the feeling of long lost blood boiling, King Kong, red scorpion and mouse, eyes are moist.

Lin Feng continued: "mouse!"

"Come on

"I appoint you as the secret land core group, mechanical engineer, responsible for the maintenance of electrified equipment network, as well as the maintenance of equipment and equipment!"

"Yes, boss, make sure you get the job done!"

"Red scorpion!"

"Come on

"I appoint you as the core group of secret place, medical staff, mainly responsible for the treatment and rescue of poisoning and injured people, and also need you to go to the battlefield to poison if necessary."

"Yes, boss, make sure you get the job done!"

"King Kong

"Come on

"I appoint you as the secret land core group, logistics chief, responsible for working with me to protect other members of the core group!"

"Yes, boss, make sure you get the job done!"

A loud and clear voice came from the window, cutting through the silent night sky.

Once upon a time, the invincible team gathered again.

Even Qingcheng on the other side was also boiling with blood. She had never seen her younger martial brother so masculine and handsome. It turned out that this man was already a god of war before he went to Kunlun Mountain for cultivation.

Sure enough, I didn't see the wrong person.

At this time, Villa 8, but an unexpected guest.

Late at night, after a few rings, but listen to Jack's voice outside the door: "Lin Feng, open the door!"

"What are you doing here so late?" Lin Feng called downstairs.

"Do you think I want to come?" Jack said, "wolf king is coming to see you. Open the door!"

"Wolf king?"

Lin Feng went to the balcony and looked down. He saw a big man in a suit and a black windbreaker standing in front of the door.

He raised his head, a sharp face, weather beaten, not angry from the prestige.

At the left eye, a scar of palm length is shocking, while a pair of eyes, reflecting the light, is particularly bright.

A pair of rough hands, he suddenly picked up a translator, took the translator around his neck, opened his mouth and said, "Hello, Lin Feng!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!