The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1164

Now it is the end of spring and the beginning of summer. The breeze is warm and the climate is pleasant.

Lin Feng also made a major decision at this time. He decided to get up and go to the secret place of Kunlun.

There is only one last step to get the blood jade, and this last step is also the most critical and difficult step.

Before going to Kunlun secret place this time, Lin Feng wants to do everything well.

In the past, Lin Feng liked to control the situation in his own hands. But this time he went to Kunlun secret place, he knew that not only was the journey dangerous, but also there were various dangerous factors in the secret place, which were not seen in the ordinary world.

Therefore, this time, Lin Feng didn't know whether he could succeed. Before he left, he had to do all the things that should be done. In case he never returned, he would not leave any regrets.

Before this, Lin Feng once investigated who helped his father when he put the blood jade into the secret place.

Because of my father's accomplishments in those years, I couldn't even open the door to the secret place.

But he looked for a long time and there was no clue.

It's futile to investigate again. It's better to go there yourself. Moreover, the great secret place is also the holy land for practitioners. As a practitioner in the early days of Yuan Shen, he has to go there.

When he knew that Lin Feng was going to the secret place, everyone in the villa had to go together. Even Jin Lengyu, Huoling and Shen man, who seldom participated in Lin Feng's affairs, would go.

We can see that they are really worried about Lin Feng's safety and want to advance and retreat with Lin Feng.

But when Lin Feng asked them why they wanted to go with them, they all had their own unreasonable reasons. Jin Lengyu said, "I'm responsible for your diet. How can I do things for malnutrition?"

Huo Ling said, "I grew up in the mountains. I am familiar with the mountains and know a lot of herbs. I can be a guide in the mountains."

Shen man felt that she was a police detective who seemed to have nothing to do with the incident. However, she just thought of a reason and said, "I guess it won't be peaceful all the way. I will maintain public order."

Naturally, Chen Wu and Ren Changfeng are not backward. They both want to go with them, and the reasons are wonderful.

For example, Chen Wu said: "there is a strong aura in the secret place, which will stimulate his inspiration for the game and enable him to have a deeper and more comprehensive understanding of the game he likes."

After hearing this, Lin Feng was quite speechless and persuaded them to quit.

When night came, a bright moon hung high. Lin Feng sat on the balcony and enjoyed the moon while drinking tea.

At this time, Qingcheng knocked on the door and came in.

"Elder martial sister, why are you here?" Lin Feng said.

Qing Cheng's face hung with a blush: "when we were two, did you still call me elder martial sister?"

"Oh Lin Feng laughed and said, "look at me, I'm used to it!"

Qingcheng didn't mind, and asked, "can't you see it? They all choose to be with you because they are worried about you

Lin Feng talked, sighed and said, "why don't I know? They are all my best friends. That's why I can't take them there. The danger of the great secret place is beyond the imagination of ordinary people. Take them there and die for a lifetime

Qingcheng nodded: "that's right. They are ordinary people and have nothing. That place is really not suitable for them."

Then he said, "but you can't refuse me. I have to be with you."

"Elder martial sister!" Lin Feng looked at Qingcheng seriously: "you can't go either!"

"I must go!" Qingcheng looked up and said, then he felt embarrassed and said: "it's not as the saying goes, marry the chicken and the chicken, marry the dog and follow the dog, I'm not married, but..."

Lin Feng naturally knows the meaning of Qingcheng. He takes Qingcheng into his arms, and a warm current rises in his heart.

Qingcheng said, "I think master knows my decision and will approve of me. At first, Shifu didn't let me go back to Kunlun Mountain directly. Instead, he came here to find you. It turned out that he had his purpose."

Lin Feng laughed: "master should have received the new mobile phone I bought for him. It's my gift to this old man!"

At this time, I heard someone knock at the door.

Lin Feng quickly released Qingcheng. Their relationship has not been made public.

At this time, I saw the breeze come in with a smile, followed by mice, red scorpion and King Kong.

King Kong finally came in. The door was not high enough. He came in and pushed the door back. His body was like a hill, blocking the door.

Lin Feng looked at this posture and couldn't help laughing: "what's the matter? You're so powerful that you want to kidnap me?"

"Boss, you're joking!" Said the mouse with a smile.

The breeze coughed a few times and said, "I didn't expect that Qingcheng is also in Ha! Cough

Qingcheng frowned: "I come to see my younger martial brother!"

"No problem!" Qingfeng waved his hand and turned his head to Lin Feng and said, "Ming people don't speak in secret. Stinky boy, I want to go to the secret place with you!"

Since that day, the beard said two words "the bright people don't speak dark words". Qingfeng has been fond of this sentence. He thinks it is in line with his straightforward character.Lin Feng had long guessed that they had come because of this. He raised his eyebrows and asked, "why do you want to go to the secret place with me?"

Qingfeng said: "I have very little Qi in my body now. If I can enter the secret place and absorb the rich aura, the recovery speed will be thousands of miles in a day. Before long, I will be able to recover to the previous state. Otherwise, I don't know what year and month it will be if I want to restore my previous state in this dirty world."

"I used to do it for you. This time it's your turn to help me. Can't you help me?" Said the breeze.

After hearing this, Lin Feng felt that Qingfeng was very reasonable. He nodded: "if this is the case, you really need to go with me!"

"Of course! When I get back to my old style, I can be your strong helper Qingfeng said, and then he patted his chest with great pride: "to tell you the truth, I was lucky enough to enter the great secret place once. It was in the remote Xinganling secret place in the north. So, I have experience in the secret place and can provide you with technical support!"

Lin Feng patted his thigh: "good, you go with me, I have no reason to refuse you!"

"OK!" Qingfeng laughs: "Ming people don't speak in secret. I'm very happy now. I even want to play music!"

"No, no, no, no!" Lin Feng quickly pacified the breeze: "it's late, you go back to bed quickly!"

Then, looking at the red scorpion mouse and King Kong, he asked, "do you three want to go to the secret place with me?"

"Not three, but four!" Said the red scorpion.

"Four?" Lin Feng frowned.

At this time, but see a small seductive figure, from behind King Kong stand out.

It was a woman with a perfect figure. She was also beautiful.

When Lin Feng saw it, a surprise suddenly appeared on his face: "you... You... , the fastest update of the webnovel!