The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1161

At this time, that side of Liu Qing, still dead dig his throat things.

Lin Feng walked over and slapped him on the back.

"Cough!" Liu Qing spits out a black button in his mouth.

It was Lin Feng who just jumped in.

Liu Qing covered his throat and coughed a few times. Then he looked at the scene in front of him and was shocked.

What's the situation? Lin Feng has nothing to do, but highland barley falls on the ground and spits blood. What's the situation?

Liu Qing was shocked, but Lin Feng picked it up and threw it in front of King Kong: "tie him to the basement and I'll deal with him later!"

"Don't do it!" Liu Qing was frightened and begged Lin Feng for mercy: "Lin Feng, listen to me, I was forced, I didn't want to deal with you, nor did I want your woman, I dare not, please let me go, they forced me!"

As soon as Lin Feng heard this, it seemed that there was a mystery hidden in it, which even more bound him to ask questions.

However, at this time, highland barley received a message on its mobile phone, which was sent by Xiwang:

failure is shameful. Give you a chance to make up for your mistakes and kill Liu Qing. Don't let Lin Feng know that we are from the alliance of the gods of death!

Highland barley takes a deep breath and looks at Liu Qing.

Liu Qing is still pleading with Lin Feng, but seeing that it's not easy to ask for mercy, he goes to the doctor in a hurry, and begins to shout at highland barley: "highland barley, you are saving me, don't you say we will cooperate? How come you can't help yourself at the critical moment? Come and help me

Highland barley bit teeth, endure the pain of the whole body, run to Liu Qing.

Liu Qing was overjoyed. It seems that highland barley has come to save himself.

However, highland barley rushed to him, and did not start to King Kong and others, but directly grabbed Liu Qing's neck and whispered: "die you!"

Liu Qing's face is full of panic and consternation, how is this going on?

But how can Lin Feng let highland barley succeed? He pulled the highland barley apart and kicked it on the body of highland barley. He turned the highland barley on the ground and fell to the ground dying.


In the villa's innermost tall villa, Xiwang held a single hole telescope, saw this behind the scenes, angrily scolded.

"Xiwang, please don't be angry." Next to a black suit young humanity: "highland barley strength is your recognition, but this time did not expect, Lin Feng in a short period of time, so, highland barley inadvertently lost Jingzhou!"

Xiwang was still a bit ferocious, and said: "it's the same period of Yuanshen. Lin Feng has just been promoted to Yuanshen stage. Even if there is a gap in the quality of Yuanshen seeds, it can't be so big. What's the problem?"

The young man was also puzzled: "what Xiwang said is reasonable. From Mai Yun's point of view, Linfeng's Yuanshen seed is water property, and highland barley is metallic. They are not mutually exclusive. Lin Feng has no advantage. According to common sense, even if the seed quality of Linfeng's Yuanshen is better, there will not be such an obvious gap. Highland barley is also skilled in the cultivation of Yuanshen period, No You should be defeated by Lin Feng! "

Xiwang bit his teeth and said, "there is only one reason. Highland barley is careless!"

"Probably so!" The young man named Mai Yun.

Xiwang's face showed a trace of impatience, and directly sent a message to highland barley on his mobile phone: "it's shameful to fail, and because of you, our whereabouts have been exposed, you can end it by yourself!"

Mai Yun saw the news, but also helplessly lowered his head, silent for highland barley.

Highland barley was at the end of his tether at this time. When he saw the news sent by the king of the west, he was disheartened.

Death, he is not afraid, he is just afraid of death.

He asked Lin Feng, "why on earth can you defeat me?"

Lin Feng said with a smile: "don't you know that in the period of Yuanshen, the quality of Yuanshen seed determines the strength? We are all in the early days of Yuanshen. Maybe my seed is better than yours

Highland barley asked: "impossible, even if your yuan Shen seed quality is better than mine, it is absolutely impossible to have such a big gap in strength!"

Highland barley feel their own strength and Lin Feng ratio, some are not worth mentioning.

From the beginning to the end, Lin Feng didn't seem to use all his strength. He easily defeated himself. But up to now, he didn't know how much strength Lin Feng still had.

Just, Lin Feng gives such ambiguous answer, make him hard to accept, he is difficult to accept such obscure failure.

In fact, it was not only him, but even the west king didn't understand why highland barley was defeated so badly.

At this time, however, it was a scene that no one else had thought of.

I saw a figure floating in the air, and then came a cold voice: "if you are defeated, why do you have to go to the bottom of the matter? If you lose, you'll lose. You must be incompetent. It's wordy! "

"Who are you?"

Highland barley see that figure float to come, is a full face beard of middle-aged people.

The middle-aged man did not pay attention to highland barley, but said to Lin Feng: "you are much better than the rumor. I originally thought that this time I came to take blood jade as an object, but I found that this trip was not as simple as imagined, but it made me have more expectations!"Lin Feng looked up and down at the man and said, "you are very straightforward. Did you come from the destruction?"

"The wise don't speak in secret, yes!" Said the beard.

Lin Feng nodded, thinking, thanks to his promotion of Yuan Shen period, otherwise, today is not dead in the hands of highland barley, will also be defeated by this guy.

"Since you're so straightforward, I don't mean to speak in secret." Lin Feng said: "no matter who comes today, he can't take away the blood jade. If it's convenient, please go back and give me a word. If you want to kill me, come in person. Don't give me time and opportunity. Otherwise, I will behead him one day."

"Don't worry, if I lose today, I will bring you words, but if you fail, I will take two things from you: Blood jade and your life!" he said

Lin Feng smile: "at any time to accompany!"

At the sight of the posture, the nerves that had just been relaxed became tense again.

This is your sister. One wave is not smooth, another wave is rising again. As expected, after getting the ancient box, things have become more and more.

Jack on the other side is even more moved. This is just the power dispute of the Dragon kingdom. The blood clan and the Holy Light Knight Order have not been mixed in. The so-called most talented soldier of the blood clan, Mu en, has not been present. The future of Lin Feng is really worrying!

At this time, the beard was not wordy. He opened his posture and waved to Lin Feng: "come on

Lin Feng smile, said: "you are a guest, you first please!"

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