The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1160

"It's over

Everyone's heart is down, this blow was hit fly, I'm afraid it's death or injury.

However, the next second, everyone was stunned by the scene.

Lin Feng's whole body Qi circulates. The whole person seems to be wrapped in the current. He tosses back several times. His whole body Qi disappears. Lin Feng, like a feather, falls slowly and falls lightly on the ground without any sound.

He still had that confident smile on his face.

Injured? No way!

On the contrary, Lin Feng's smile is more brilliant.

Seeing this scene, Qingfeng was excited: "Water God, it's water god! Four or two thousand pounds

People don't understand what Qingfeng is talking about, but Qingfeng shouts out happily: "Lin Feng, you are really the seed of Yuan Shen. You are still of water property. You can overcome the hardness with softness. I passed on the cultivation to you. I really didn't mistake people!"

Hearing Qingfeng's words, people suddenly realized.

"The original boss he..." King Kong opened his mouth and was excited and didn't know how to do it.

Red scorpion is wild Laughter: "boss, ha ha, you finally succeed, I know my boss is the most powerful, my boss is the strongest!"

Qingcheng also showed a gratifying smile. It seems that master xuanlingzi was right. Combining with Lin Feng, he really broke through the bottleneck and entered a new stage.

Water attribute of the yuan Shen seed, also known as the water god, the true spirit of the water god, known for its softness and softness.

However, this does not mean that there is no lethality. On the contrary, the water god's lethality is not weak at all. However, it usually uses the most casual moves to break out the strongest power.

The water god is also one of the five kinds of Yuan Shen seeds, with the strongest defense and counterattack ability. The top water god cultivator can turn all attacks into nothing, and then prepare to fight back and defeat the opponent.

This is like the Taiji technique of the Dragon Kingdom, which overcomes the strong with softness and pushes the thousand catties in four directions.

Therefore, highland barley just that a fierce blow, was easily resolved by Lin Feng.

Qingfeng was moved to cry at this time. He said again and again, "Lin Feng, I really didn't read you wrong. I really didn't read you wrong!"

"All right, all right!" The mouse said to one side, "who is my boss? It's too late for others to flatter me. You have not read wrong all day long, as if you were right to cow b!"

"Do you have itchy skin The breeze scolded.

"You're hurt. I'm itchy. You can't do anything with me, hehe!" The mouse stinks.

This scene is completely the scene of people's frolic and brawling on weekdays, because at this time they saw that Lin Feng had advanced to the stage of Yuan Shen, and their original worry for Lin Feng was relaxed.

However, Qingcheng still looks dignified.

The other side is the God of gold, and Lin Feng is the God of water. If they don't resist each other, we can't say who has the advantage.

However, Lin Feng has just entered the yuan Shen period, but the other party has already advanced to the yuan Shen period. In contrast, Lin Feng is still inferior.

After all, the body has to adapt to the new stage of Yuanshen period. Everything is still in the running in period. How can it compete with a mature master?

Not only does Qingcheng think so, but so does highland barley.

He was surprised that Lin Feng had become the seed of Yuan Shen in a few days. This ability is really terrible.

Fortunately, it is only in the early stage, and it has just taken shape. If Lin Feng is allowed to go ahead, it will become a big problem in the future.

So, we have to kill Lin Feng in the cradle.

He had been promoted to Yuan Shen for several years. He didn't believe that he could not beat a man who had just become the seed of Yuan Shen. The previous two moves were careless. In this third move, he would use the ultimate killing move to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng also seems to see the meaning of highland barley, said: "you say three moves to kill me, the next is your third move, use all your skills!"

Finish saying, suddenly is a smile: "otherwise, I always feel you do not respect me, please respect me heartily, thank you!"

After hearing this, highland barley was instantly infuriated. He felt that Lin Feng and Ben looked down on him. He secretly mobilized his true Qi. This time, he asked Lin Feng to shut up and shut up forever.

"Don't worry, I will respect you well!" Highland barley finish saying, suddenly burst up, eyebrow at the center of the sky eye mark, more shining.

And his whole body's true Qi has reached the maximum value. His clothes are automatically windless, and the hunting sound is blown by the true Qi.

Highland barley eyes red, mouth deep drink: "when I, will cut it!"

Then, suddenly bow down, the body like a tight spring, the next second, suddenly expand, the body is like an arrow from the string, shooting at Lin Feng.

Highland barley takes the body as a weapon, as if his body has become a sharp sword, a sword that can conquer all attacks.

This Qi suddenly burst, people around feel a strong momentum from highland barley.

Gold God's attack, if concentrated, is really invincible.

At this time, Lin Feng has already started the phantom vision. The speed of highland barley is fast and invisible in the eyes of people, but in his eyes, it is slow.When highland barley was close to his body, his body retreated and grasped the body of highland barley. He took the body of highland barley as center and arm as radius to form a circle.

This time, it is to unload the highland barley greatly half of the offensive.

Highland barley did not expect such a quick move, not only can be easily avoided by Lin Feng, on the contrary, he also played himself as a monkey.

However, it is not Lin Feng's purpose to be a monkey.

Lin Feng grabbed the body of highland barley around for a week, after removing most of the momentum, the real Qi in his body suddenly rushed out, like the surging river water, converged on the palm, and hit highland barley with one hand. Highland barley felt a strong force, and his viscera seemed to have moved, and the whole person could not help losing the center of gravity and flying out.

All this happened between the electric light and flint, and people's eyes couldn't keep up with the speed. They saw the highland barley rush past, but they were caught by Lin Feng and turned around, but they were beaten away again.

After highland barley flies out, it is to fall on the ground directly, a mouthful of blood gushes out in the mouth, very embarrassed.

"Big brother! You want me to die in three moves, but what's wrong today? It's obvious that I beat you down with one move Lin Feng raised his index finger and swayed a few times: "you can't use it. I have to show my strength and respect you well."

"Are you... Poof!"

Highland barley was livid by the gas, and struggled to get up, but felt the Qi and blood surging, a stream of blood arrow directly spurted out.

When they saw this, they immediately cheered.

"Win, win!" The mouse hugged King Kong's big neck and cheered.

Qingfeng also grinned: "Stinky boy, good boy, kill that tortoise sun, let him not respect the old and love the young, give me to beat him!"

Highland barley is to cover the chest, a face can't believe said: "why? Why is that so? "

"Want to know?" Lin Feng asked with a smile.

Highland barley said: "of course!"

Lin Feng went to highland barley, put his mouth close to his ear and said, "the truth is very simple!"

"God is the death of man, and he must first make him mad! Big brother, you did too much before. You were punished by God! Ha ha ha

This sentence, almost the highland barley gas back in the past. , the fastest update of the webnovel!