The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1157

At this time, Swan Lake Villa, in front of Villa 8.

Highland barley hurt the red scorpion and King Kong, but his heart is more angry, he yelled at the villa: "Lin Feng, you are so willing to be a shrinking head turtle, aren't you? I tell you, if you don't come out today, I'll kill you friends! "

"No, no, no!" Liu Qing licked her lips and said, "kill the men and leave the women. I found that these women, one by one, are more powerful than the other. The women who have played with them before are just rubbish!"

Hearing Liu Qing say so, highland barley brain a bright, smile way: "good, now Lin Feng also dare not come out, these people, let us at your mercy, who do you like, directly do it!"

"They are all peppers Liu Qing said.

"What are you afraid of with me?" Highland barley road.

Liu Qing heard, suddenly came to the bottom gas, highland barley but three moves can defeat Lin Feng man, he is in this, is the strongest, so far, he has not seen who can defeat highland barley.

He glanced around, looked at the red scorpion, and looked at Qingcheng, the corner of his mouth was almost salivating.

"That... You come here!" Liu Qing seems to be on the stage to call miss so pointing to Qingcheng.

"Put down your dirty hands!" Qingcheng silver teeth clenched, angry way.

"Ouch Liu Qing said: "Qingcheng, Lin Feng did a turtle shrinking his head today, dare not come out to fight, what good is a man like that? If you're smart, you can tell me, and I'll tell you something. I'll soon have a lot of money. If you follow me, you'll eat and drink spicy food every day

"Ha ha!" Qingcheng sneer: "do you deserve it?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Qing angry way.

"Am I not direct enough? From the beginning to the end, I haven't seen you with my eyes, because you don't even have the qualification to let me take a serious look at you! " Qingcheng sneered: "rascal scum!"

"Lying trough!" Liu Qing was furious: "Stinky girl, you don't know good or bad. Lin Feng is a dead man sooner or later. You obediently obey me today. I will treat you better in the future. If you don't obey me today, I will treat you as a dog after Lin Feng's death!"

"Then I'll cut off your dog's head first!" Qingcheng couldn't listen to his foul language. She held the sword in her hand and rushed to Liu Qing.

"Lying trough, she has a knife. Help!" Liu Qingchao yelled at highland barley.

Highland barley figure a flash, appeared in front of Qingcheng, a palm to fight Qingcheng in the past.

Qingcheng had been prepared for it, but it was shocked by highland barley.

"Hey, girl, you're really hot, but the more you do, the more I like it!" Liu Qing hid behind highland barley and laughed.

Highland barley said to Qingcheng: "call Lin Feng out quickly, or I will wash here with blood!"

Although the Swan Lake Villa is quiet on weekdays, there are bound to be onlookers when there are such lively events. However, the team behind highland barley has already isolated the villa from other people in the villa.

Therefore, even if the highland barley slaughter today, they also have a way to block this matter.

But now highland barley still don't know how the seven kill strength in the villa is, otherwise it would have been killed in the villa and turned upside down.

However, if he doesn't enter the villa, he has a way.

I saw his whole body filled with genuine Qi and walked towards Qingcheng and others. His eyes were full of murderous opportunities, which made people afraid.

"Since Lin Feng is indifferent to your life, I'm not polite. I'll take you in first, and then kill Lin Feng!" Highland barley says, toward Qing City wait for a person to walk.

"You really think you're the root of a green onion!" With the sound, I saw an old man running out. It was the breeze.

If before this, Qingfeng would not have paid attention to highland barley at all, but now he is in the recovery period. The seed of Yuan Shen in his body is dormant, so he can not play his due strength at all, and the true Qi in his body is very thin.

However, he can't stand the rampant action of highland barley.

"Oh, why is there an old man here? Old man, when you are old, you should stay at home honestly. Don't come out to fight with young people. You'll have a long history. You should see the current situation clearly. If you miss and kill you, you will be in great loss! " Barley said.

"All capable people like to hang a pot to help the world and save people. But the more capable you are, the more harmful it will be to the society. The old man, I have nothing but positive energy in my whole body. I can't let go of you and others!" Qingfeng finished, took out his mobile phone and handed it to Qingcheng's hand behind him: "this thing helps me to keep it. There are a lot of songs downloaded from it, which I love to listen to!"

"Old man!" Qingcheng's voice trembled, because he saw death in the eyes of the breeze.

Qingfeng when, the mobile phone has never left the side, but today let Qingcheng help her keep it, it seems that he has been ready to go all out.

Highland barley sneers: "if you want to fight, there are so many things to do. I really can't stand you people!"With that, he did not care whether Qingfeng was ready or not. He directly bullied him and hit Qingfeng with a fist.

Qingfeng see highland barley hit, he is very clever to one side to hide, by the way to lead away highland barley.

Otherwise, Qingcheng and Jingang red scorpions are all behind the breeze and will be implicated.

Highland barley again catch up, merciless continuous attack toward the breeze.

Qingfeng can predict the attack of highland barley every time, so several moves of highland barley have escaped.

So it can be seen that the foundation of the breeze is still there, but now he has no previous strength, so under the attack of highland barley, it appears soft and fragile.

After a few moves, Qingfeng didn't pay attention to it, but he was punched by Highland Barley in the middle of his abdomen. The whole person was beaten to fly out, and the blood flowed from the corner of his mouth.

But he still staggered to stand up, several strands of gray hair on top of his head were scattered down, the corners of his mouth kept bleeding, and his eyes were a little dull, but he said in his mouth: "today, as long as I'm still alive, you are not allowed to move the plants and trees here!"

"Well, you stubborn old man, since you want to die, I'll give you a ride!" Highland barley killed the opportunity to rise sharply, secretly luck, a punch toward the breeze in the past.

"Get out of the way!"

At this time, however, a figure pushed the breeze away.

It's a critical moment to push the breeze away.

Qingfeng has lost its combat effectiveness. If she is hit by this blow when she can't parry, it will be a dead end.


Highland barley didn't hit Qingfeng, but Qingcheng.

Fortunately, Qingcheng has been on guard for a long time. While pushing away the breeze, they are ready for defense.

However, the real gas full of a punch, or will Qingcheng hit fly out, behind the villa in front of the stone bench, even the stone bench are smashed into pieces.

Highland barley saw this, gritted his teeth and laughed: "ha ha ha, a group of waste, one can fight, since this, I will not waste time with you, from you, I will kill everyone!"

Highland barley pointed to Qingcheng: "you asked for it!"

However, at this time, but heard a voice: "you this person, too much!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!