The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1156

King Kong hit the past, momentum is very strong, a look is under the anger with full strength.

That punch is much stronger than ordinary people's strength. Liu Qing on the side of him was frightened. At the moment, he knew that he had been hit by King Kong before, and that was King Kong's failure to use his strength.

If this blow is hit in his face, he will die.

However, highland barley did not change his face. His feet were slightly separated and his legs were stable as two pillars. One hand was behind him and the other was clenched. When King Kong came, he suddenly punched out: "drink!"

That sudden force, instantly will King Kong's momentum scattered, Highland Barley's fist, also like a tiger out of the cage, directly on King Kong's fist.

King Kong's momentum has been weakened a lot, and then suffered from highland barley, the whole person was bombarded by Highland Barley's Qi and retreated repeatedly, so that he fell on the ground and flipped over before stopping.

"Wow A sound, a mouthful of blood from King Kong's mouth.

"King Kong

"Big man!"

The red scorpion and the mouse rush up and hold King Kong.

Red scorpion silver teeth clenched, cold drink: "bully my brother, I fight with you!"

She suddenly stood up, suddenly a forward rush, came to the highland barley, pulled out the whip on her waist, threw a blast in the air, and then, a whip toward the highland barley.

This weapon of red scorpion is very particular. It is a belt on weekdays, but at the critical moment, it is her weapon.

The belt is not flat, but a section of thumb thick steel, connected by steel wire in the middle, and a sharp hook at the end, just like the tail of a shoe.

The steel whip is one and a half meters in total. Normally, half of the whip is tied on the waist, and the tail is buckled at the back of the waist. About one meter is hung outside the left leg under the waist.

The red scorpion is also very unconventional, wearing leather pants and leather jacket, so the metal whip, naturally part of the belt, part of the pendant, more show her valiant.

And her steel whip is rarely used in combat, only when she encounters a strong enemy, she will pull out the long whip. It seems that highland barley this time really makes them feel powerful.

Qingcheng that steel whip thrown out, whip tail that sharp hook toward the face of highland barley hook past.

However, highland barley did not dodge, reaching out for a "pa" sound, directly holding the tail of the steel whip.

Seeing this, the red scorpion did not rush back to the whip, but directly pressed a small button at the end of the whip.

With a sound of "hissing", a burst of white gas suddenly came out from the last steel cylinder at the end of the steel whip. It was like natural gas leakage, and it was sprayed towards highland barley.

Highland barley quickly shut up, and the other hand waved in front of him, and the white air was instantly dispersed by the true Qi of highland barley.

Then, highland barley with a pull steel whip, red scorpion involuntarily by highland barley Chuai in front of, at the same time, highland barley a hand out.

Red scorpion is not a vegetarian either. She knows that the other side is pulling herself in the past to come here, so she has taken precautions in advance.

However, when the hand of highland barley hit her arm to block, she felt that she had been subjected to a fierce impact that had never been seen before. All her limbs were torn and hurt because of the impact of the true Qi. She threw down the steel whip, and her body was beaten and flew out, and she fell heavily on the ground, vomiting blood.

"It's a duel, but you come here to bully people. Is there any morality?" Qingfeng and Qingcheng also rushed out. The guy in front of him was so irritating that they couldn't see it.

Moreover, the red scorpion and King Kong get along well with them, and have already become good friends. Good friends are beaten like this, no matter who can sit still.

Although Lin Feng repeatedly let them endure, waiting for him to handle the matter in person, but the situation is out of control at the moment, and it is impossible to go out.

And seven kill has been very quiet in the villa, his task is to protect Lin Feng, obey Lin Feng's arrangement, Lin Feng told him to protect the people in the villa, outside the villa, he does not care.

At this time, around the villa, there are many pairs of eyes staring at here.

In one of the villas, a cheongsam woman with heavy make-up was sitting in front of the window with a cigarette in her mouth and a mobile phone in her ear. She was talking: "my Lord, the friend of Liu Qing of the Liu family was shouting in front of Lin Feng's door. Lin Feng didn't dare to come out to fight. Lin Feng's younger brother was injured by that guy. In my opinion, Lin Feng is a showy figure. He meets soft and fatal bullying and meets hard It's soft! "

"Well, don't worry. I'll keep an eye on this side. When will your people arrive? To speed up the pace, I'm afraid to let the Liu family beat the others! "

The woman was smoking skillfully while talking to the other end of the phone.

In another villa, Jack, Jones and bill are watching the scene.

"Jack, is Lin Feng in the villa? Did you run away with the box in advance Asked Jones.

Jack's face was grave and silent.

Bill said, "it's not impossible. There's a saying in the Dragon kingdom that a hero doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Lin Feng must have chosen to escape in order to save himself and the box."Jack sighed, saying, "Lin Feng can not run away, these days each other strictly watch the death, unless the forest peak disappeared, otherwise must be in the villa!"

"Then why didn't he come out?" Asked Bill.

"I don't know!" Jack said.

Jones turned his eyes and said, "will it be Lin Feng who dare not come out to fight!"

Jack said, "Lin Feng is not like that!"

Jones had no idea what to say when he raised his eyebrows.

But Bill asked, "Jack, that man looks like he is much better than Lin Feng. They handed in that day. Lin Feng should not be his opponent. What should we do next? Would you like to help? "

Jack asked, "do you think you're better than Lin Feng?"

"Oh!" Bill was asked about it.

Jack continued, "Lin Feng is not the one, can you help you go?"

"Too!" Bill scratched his head: "what do you do? Isn't it not that guy who's going to take the box today

Jack was thinking about it, and he thought, and said, "what are the tasks of our three coming to Longguo?"

Bill said, "protect forest peak!"

Jack shook his head: "no!"

"Protect the blood jade," Jones said

Jack nodded, "half right!"

Then he said, "we are protecting blood jade from being robbed by blood people!"

"What do you mean by the boss?" Jones seems to understand Jack a little bit.

Jack said: "we chose to protect Lin Feng in order to prevent blood people from getting blood jade. But the ultimate goal is not to let blood people touch blood jade. So, if Lin Feng died today, the box fell into the hands of the Liu family, but it didn't have much influence on us. We only need to continue to protect Liu family and prevent blood people from coming from Liu family Take the blood jade in your hand, even if you finish the task! "

"Yes!" Jones took a shot: "or Jack is wise, who is the blood jade in his hand, what does it have to do with us? Most importantly, it can't be in the hands of blood! "

Bill also said: "so, there are stronger people taking over blood jade, which is a good thing for us, because the safety of blood jade is higher! Am I right? "

"Exactly right!" Jones said and reached out his hand.

Bill laughed and extended his hand, and they came to a clap to celebrate.

Originally, I was still struggling to think about how to solve the situation in front of him. Jack said a few words and started to talk about it.

But at this time Jack's face was still a little heavy, and he muttered to himself, "what is your situation, Lin Feng? What is it doing? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!