The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1152

Qingcheng heart is still quite touched, if you say loneliness is not, there is cooling.

No matter how hot it is, she always feels a little cool.

She asked, "master, what do you mean by asking me this question?"

Xuanlingzi still didn't answer Qingcheng's words, but asked again: "apprentice, with your understanding and wisdom, coupled with my cultivation in this mountain isolated from the world since childhood, your cultivation is much higher than you are now, but do you know why your hard-working cultivation has little effect?"

This is the heart of Qingcheng. Qingcheng has been working hard all the time. Even all his mind and time are spent on practice. It can be said that during his days in Kunlun, practice almost occupied all her time.

She was practicing when her younger martial brother and her master were drinking and rowing; when they were having a barbecue and eating meat, she was practicing; when they were hiding in the house and enjoying small movies, she was also practicing.

Even, the obscene laughter of master and younger martial brother would not disturb her practice at all.

She is a person who devotes herself to practice and is determined to devote her whole life to practice. However, her growth speed is so slow that she is not even one tenth of that of her younger martial brother.

After so many years of hard training, she has only reached the realm of bone melting. There are masters of ghosts and animals like xuanlingzi and Kunlun. She is also a body of pure ripples suitable for cultivation. Why is the speed of practice so slow.

She has always had doubts in her mind. She has asked her master Xuan Lingzi more than once.

But xuanlingzi has always been selling the key to say: "the time has not come, if the time comes, I will tell you naturally!"

Therefore, Qingcheng has been carrying this question to this day. However, listening to master's tone today, it seems that he is going to reveal the mystery of this matter.

Qingcheng has always been plain as water, and her face has never been smooth, but at this moment, she still can't restrain the excitement in her heart. She wants to know the answer too much.

Xuanlingzi said: "Qinglian's body is extremely Yin constitution. Women with this constitution are naturally full of femininity. No matter which man sees it, he will be moved by it."

"And this kind of constitution is also an excellent constitution for cultivation. However, the clear lotus in this body needs to sprout, otherwise, it will never stimulate the real strength of this body!"

"What is budding?" Qingcheng asked

Xuan Lingzi said: "to make friends with men, to become a real woman!"

Qingcheng face instantly red to the neck root, this topic, let her very embarrassed.

But xuanlingzi was very serious and said: "you don't avoid this topic. Men and women's affairs are also very pure. Only those people with dirty heart will think of this kind of dirty things. The progress and development of human beings are closely related and inseparable. Is it pure to disobey the laws of heaven?"

Qing Cheng bowed his head in shame: "I know, master!"

Xuanlingzi said: "you are extremely Yin constitution, doomed to your cold and aloof personality, and this extremely Yin constitution, will also be reflected in the physical senses, you will feel cold from time to time, especially at night, when the sun's Yang Qi fades and the extremely Yin Qi comes, you will feel more cold."

Qingcheng nodded: "Oh, so it is!"

Xuanlingzi continued: "and the breath of Qinglian in your body will directly affect your growth. It will make your character too calm and unable to be enthusiastic about anything. Therefore, you have always been a calm person."

Qingcheng recalled her state for so many years and found that it was really like this. She was not interested in anything except cultivation. Therefore, Lin Feng always said that she was a fairy out of the world, and had nothing to do with this worldly world.

It turns out that they are all created by their own constitution.

Xuanlingzi said: "you must know that the world is balanced. Yin and Yang need to be reconciled so that the world can be stable. So is the human body. The human body is a small world. It needs Yin and yang to reach balance in order to play its best state. Therefore, you and your younger brother Lin Feng are just two extreme examples. One is as warm as fire, the other as cold as water The imbalance between yin and yang means that you will stop in a certain period of practice. "

Qingcheng nodded, and she finally understood why she had been standing still. Even the last time Lin Feng went to the original forest of Shennongjia to practice, there was no effect.

The original problem is not the environment, but itself.

Xuanlingzi continued: "I think you will be more happy when you are with your younger brother Lin Feng, because you will be affected by the dryness and heat of his ancient martial arts blood, and your younger martial brother will be more comfortable with you, because he can feel the extremely Yin breath of your Qinglian body, which will make him more relaxed and peaceful. So, you, you It should be a perfect match

"Master..." Qingcheng is still a little embarrassed.

Xuanlingzi said: "don't be stubborn. If some people miss something, they will never come back. It will be a lifelong regret for you. When the opportunity is still there, don't hesitate to accept Lin Feng as an apprentice for his apprentice. Only when you two perfectly combine, can we break through the shackles of both sides and achieve the harmony of yin and Yang in the new era The gate of the world will also be open for youSaid here, xuanlingzi's voice seems to be some vicissitudes, some sad: "disciple, dare to do it, don't let indecision, miss your love in this life!"

With that, xuanlingzi hung up the phone directly.

If Qingcheng and Linfeng are in front of xuanlingzi at the moment, they will be shocked by the scene in front of them.

Because the old man, who had always been cynical, had a sad face and full of tears.

Perhaps, to Qingcheng said those words, is to review once oneself.


therefore, Qingcheng made up its mind to change itself and perfectly combined with Lin Feng.

However, the master's words did come true.

When she combined with Lin Feng, she felt a warmth and joy that had never been seen in her body and mind.

She felt that her frozen body was slowly melting, the soft current ran straight to her heart and lungs, and the itchy feeling of crispy crispy spread all over her body. At that moment, she felt as if she was surrounded by blazing flames, but it was not hot at all.

What's more, after the event, she suddenly seems to have changed.

She was suddenly full of passion for life, and was full of curiosity and interest in everything around her. She was no longer that plain woman. Her heart was burning with flames. The cultivation class, which had been unable to break through, broke through continuously in a short day.

Maybe it was repressed for too long. When the gate was released, the energy poured out soared up into the sky.

Qingcheng is so, and Lin Feng side, there is unexpected harvest. , the fastest update of the webnovel!