The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1151

It's a sunny day today.

But the people in Villa 8 are sad.

From the duel between Linfeng and highland barley, there is only one day left.

And Lin Feng, locked himself in the basement, not to let anyone close.

However, Qingcheng seems to have changed a person. She has become more easygoing in her clothes. Instead of Han clothes or formal clothes, she is wearing a loose one-piece shirt. Her face is not as white as before. On the contrary, she looks ruddy and energetic.

However, Qisha never takes off his mask all day long. He is not tall and large, but he seems a little thin. However, he likes to wear loose robes, especially black robes. He is the first one to get up every day and sit quietly in the hall.

We are also used to the seven kill, and no one will go to talk to him, but out of enthusiasm, the food will be ready for him in time.

At this time, people are sitting on the sofa, you look at me, I look at you, sad face.

"When did the boss go to the basement? Why didn't you come up? Can something happen? " King Kong asked worried.

"No!" Qingcheng said: "younger martial brother is practicing, he must grasp every minute and second, so he is afraid of being disturbed by us!"

After listening to the words of Qingcheng, we were a little relieved, but the red scorpion asked sensitively: "how do you know?"

Qingcheng suddenly blushed. She never lied, but she couldn't tell anything at the moment. It was too shy for her. Every time she thought of the bright red on the sofa, her heart jumped wildly, but there was also a trace of happiness.

Red scorpion see Qingcheng do not speak, then continue to ask: "elder martial sister, you and the boss have met?"

Qingcheng said truthfully: "yes, I saw him last night, he is practicing!"

"At night?" Red scorpion is more sensitive.

"Oh, sister scorpion, they are the elder brother's elder martial sister. Isn't it normal to instruct the elder brother to practice? What are you worrying about? " Said the mouse.

The red scorpion glared at the mouse and said, "I just want to recognize the personal safety of the boss. Do you want to talk more?"

Without Lin Feng, red scorpion will always be a beautiful woman Wang Fan, and no one can control her.

Qingcheng said: "your boss is OK, he is grasping cultivation, so you should not worry too much!"

"What if he doesn't eat or drink?" Asked the red scorpion.

"Do you think he's stupid?" Qingfeng said: "there is a refrigerator in the basement. There is fresh water and food in it. He doesn't want to live too well."

"Why do you know so well?" Asked the red scorpion again.

She is very concerned about the boss.

"Oh, I am lazy to explain, you ask the mouse to know!" Said the breeze.

The red scorpion looked at the mouse, and the mouse said, "Qingfeng and the boss are good friends. They are in the basement...

when he said this, the mouse suddenly had an itchy throat and picked up a water cup to drink.

The red scorpion was furious: "what? The boss is gay? Do you like the old man

For a moment, it was hard for her to accept.

Qingfeng was not angry and said: "ah, ah, you said, don't take me with you. I'm not a bad old boss, I think I'm still a little fresh meat!"


All of a sudden, everyone was vomiting.

Even the seven killers standing at the door, who had been motionless as loose, coughed twice and scratched his head, which was somewhat embarrassing.

"You, hum, you're too much. You're just jealous of me. You don't admit that I'm a little fresh meat!" The breeze is not happy.


The crowd vomited again.

This old man, if you don't have a face, you'll be more shameless than anyone else!

At this time, Lin Feng in the basement.

I had a good time with my elder martial sister last night. It was like a dream.

He never dreamed that his first meeting with his elder martial sister would be on the sofa in the basement.

Happiness came too suddenly, he still has a little bit of God.

Elder martial sister is an iceberg goddess. In order to help him, she chose to sacrifice her body. This kindness will always be remembered by Lin Feng.

After the rain and clouds with my elder martial sister yesterday, she told him that this matter was brought about by master Xuan Lingzi behind his back.

Qingcheng has been trying to help Lin Feng these days, but she can't get in. She called her master last night to ask if she could do anything.

The master told her that the blood of ancient martial arts in Lin Feng's body was causing trouble. Everything was a double-edged sword. For practitioners, the blood of ancient martial arts was the best treasure, but it also had side effects.

The blood of ancient martial arts is too irritable. If it is not used properly, it will be possessed by demons. In the later stage, it will play a negative role in cultivating the seeds of Yuan Shen.

Because the blood of guwu is the most difficult to suppress, he will not coagulate according to the instructions of strength. Therefore, it is very difficult for the blood of guwu to coagulate the seeds of Yuanshen!If you want to control this phenomenon, you can't help it. There are many kinds of external forces, such as some kind of medicinal materials, such as some kind of spirit stone.

But those medicinal materials and spirit stones, almost can't be found, only exist in legends or secret places.

Therefore, there is only one way for Lin Feng to condense into the seed of Yuan Shen, which is to rely on Qinglian's body to help.

Qingcheng a listen to their help, immediately happy bad, quickly asked, how to help?

Xuanlingzi didn't say so. He just told the Qingcheng principle.

He said that Qinglian's body is a kind of Yin soft and pure constitution, which is very rare, and this Constitution also belongs to a kind of extremely Yin constitution. If the Qinglian breath of Qinglian's body can be introduced into Lin Feng's body, this kind of yin and soft breath will pacify the blood's irritability of ancient martial arts, and at the same time, all the factors of irritability in Lin Feng's body will be appeased.

Therefore, as long as the breath of Qinglian is combined with the blood of ancient martial arts in Lin Feng's body, it is not difficult to condense the seed of Yuan Shen in Lin Feng's present state.

Qingcheng listen to the clouds, ask xuanlingzi, then how can the breath of Qinglian lead into Lin Feng's body? Do you want to transfuse Lin Feng?

Xuanlingzi said: "blood transfusion is useless. In fact, it doesn't need to be so troublesome. The strength of this kind of Qinglian body lies in the body of virginity. Whoever wins the body of virginity will enjoy the purest pure breath of Qinglian."

Xuanlingzi is euphemistic, but Qingcheng is not stupid. Of course, she can hear the meaning of xuanlingzi. Although she knows that the only man she can marry in the world is Lin Feng, she is not ready for it.

She asked xuanlingzi, is this the only way?

Xuanlingzi didn't give a positive answer, but suddenly asked her a very obscene and strange question:

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