The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1109

The black cloth was pulled down by Lin Feng, and the black cloth fell to the ground, but the scene inside was very spectacular.

See inside, is a half meter high crystal table, under the crystal is also inlaid with night pearl, colorful.

On top of it, there is a huge coffin. Yes, it is standing rather than lying flat.

The coffin was four or five meters high. It was as wide as two or three coffins. The surface of the coffin was bright red and eye-catching. However, if you look closely, the surface of the coffin is still covered with black spots like black tadpoles. The black dots connect into some strange patterns, which are more like some kind of Rune pattern.

But the outside of the big coffin is wrapped with a layer of black ink pipe thread made of net, as if to bind the things inside the coffin.

The mouse shivered and asked, "boss, what's the situation? How can the coffin stand? And... And what are these patterns and nets for? "

"There are probably mummies in here!" The red scorpion suddenly uttered a sentence!

"What? A mummy? " The mouse eye bead son stares round: "is the corpse zombie?"

"Mummies are a kind of zombies!" Said the red scorpion.

Red scorpion once refined a pair of medicinal materials, is to take the corpse powder which has been used to drive corpses for thousands of years to be used as medicine introduction. In order to make medicine, red scorpion went with a group of grave robbers to steal ancient tombs, but before the final main tomb chamber was reached, all the people were crazy, and those who died ran away were lost. However, the red scorpion withdrew from the tomb without success.

So this time when he entered the tomb again, the red scorpion was extremely calm. The thousand year old tombs were all broken in, not to mention such small Tombs?

However, it is said that the design of the tomb chamber mechanism is indeed ingenious, combining a lot of modern elements, which is incomparable with that thousand year old tomb. If the group of tomb robbers steal the tomb, it is estimated that the whole army will be destroyed if they break into the tomb at most.

I have to say, the boss is still powerful, with his own strength, let them two people peacefully follow up to now.

Red scorpion love full look at Lin Feng, and Lin Feng seems to be thinking about something, see red scorpion look over, he said to red scorpion: "this may not be a dry corpse!"

"What is that?" Asked the red scorpion.

"Blame the ghost!" Lin Feng Road.

"Blame the ghost?" Red scorpion beautiful eyes stare big, she is the first time to hear this kind of saying, that is not the fierce ghost?

"Hiss -"

the mouse took a breath: "no wonder, no wonder it has to be tied up with a net. There are ghosts in it!"

The mouse's mood was extremely excited, very excited, and a little irritable. Lin Feng frowned and said to the red scorpion, "the poisonous corpse beetle bit the mouse just now, haven't you treated the wound for him?"

"Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't say it!" The red scorpion went to the mouse, took out the disinfectant and began to disinfect the mouse.

Although the red scorpion is not a professional doctor, the person who uses the poison will detoxify it. After the poisonous corpse is bitten by a person, he will not live if he does not deal with it after a period of time.

Just now, everyone was in the secret room. They couldn't get close to each other, so they couldn't detoxify the mice. Now they all came to the crystal table and could move freely. Lin Feng thought of detoxifying the mice.

When the red scorpion detoxified the mouse, the mouse still kept staring at the big coffin, and said to Lin Feng with fear: "boss, this is so terrible here. Let's go quickly. Don't stay here. In case these ghosts run out of the coffin, they will suffer!"

Seeing the mouse's fear, Lin Feng couldn't help laughing at him and said, "complaining about ghosts is not ghosts. Don't be superstitious?"

"What is that ghost?" Asked the mouse.

"Complaining about ghosts is a general term for people who died unjustly!" Lin Feng said, "in this tomb, there are many people buried with him. Don't you find out?"

"Ah? Where are the people buried with him? " The mouse looked around, and his little eyes were full of horror all the time.

"Those armored guards, do you think they're just appearances?" Lin Feng said: "those iron armor inside, are all the people who are buried!"

"Ah?" The mouse grinned, and the cold sweat almost came out.

"What do you think? Otherwise, how could there be so many poisonous corpses? Those poisonous corpses were raised by the corpses of the group of martyrs. Later, they had been breeding and chose to live in iron armour! " Lin Feng asked the mouse: "just now that fell down in the armor, is not exposed a few human bones, you did not see?"

"No!" The mouse said, "I'm too nervous to look at it!"

"All right." Lin Feng said: "but the people who died are not only those, but also the people who died in the coffin."

"What? This is the coffin? " The mouse pointed to the coffin.

"Yes Lin Feng said: "according to the eight diagrams of yin and Yang and five elements, the pattern on the surface of the coffin and the ink thread net are used to suppress the corpse. The people who died are not willing to die, so there will be resentment before death. If it is not suppressed, the tomb owner will be flushed. So there is such a design. Even those iron armor guards, there should be corpse suppressing symbols behind the iron armor!"

The mouse felt that Lin Feng's words seemed to open a strange world. He murmured: "boss, I never believed in ghosts and gods before, but when you say that, I feel that there are ghosts everywhere in this tomb chamber!"Lin Feng said: "this is because the owner of the tomb and the people who built the tomb have superstition. Whether there is resentment or ghost, I have not studied this one."

The mouse swallowed his saliva and said, "is the level of the martyr in the big coffin higher, or how can he enjoy such a large coffin?"

Lin Feng said, "you are wrong. It has nothing to do with the level. This is the division of functions. The group outside is the guard, the thugs of a large family. They were also the guards for people to guard their homes. The inside of the coffin are servants and maids. They are the servants, not the same!"

When the mouse heard this, he suddenly grasped the point: "they?"? Boss, you just said 'they'. Are there more than one body in this coffin

"Of course, did I say there was only one corpse in this coffin?" Lin Feng said, "there are no less than four corpses here!"

The mouse looked at the coffin again, snuffled, and said, "why is the coffin standing?"

"Have you ever seen a servant lying with his master?" said Lin Feng

"No!" Said the mouse.

"It's over Lin Feng said: "in the eyes of the tomb owner, the servant is always a servant, even if he is dead, he is also a servant. Therefore, the tomb owner can lie down and rest, but the servant should stand, and they should be ready to serve the master at all times."

"Oh, so it is. You know a lot, boss." The mouse thumbed up.

Lin Feng saw that the red scorpion had treated the wound of the mouse and said to the mouse, "next, we have to explore!"

"Explore what?" Asked the mouse.

"Explore the inside of this coffin!" Lin Feng said.

"Ah?" A mouse to explore the inside of the coffin, immediately scalp numb!

"There's a pile of corpses in the coffin. Do you want to go in and explore?" Asked the mouse, with a sad face.

"Yes, and the job is up to you!" Lin Feng patted the mouse on the shoulder. , the fastest update of the webnovel!