The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1108

"What to do, boss?" Asked the red scorpion.

However, at this time, he found that Lin Feng's lips were moving rapidly, talking to himself.

Red scorpion saw this scene, but suddenly his heart was calm.

The eldest brother was bewildered again and began to enter his opening moment.

Just as the group of corpses was about to catch up with them, Lin Feng said, "go in and step on the red tiles. Come one by one, don't jump together!"

Because of years of trust in Lin Feng, and we have no time to think, the mouse and the red scorpion subconsciously jump into the room and step on the red brick.

Lin Feng also chose a red brick to stand. He was the last one to enter the house. As soon as he pressed the button on the wall, the stone door popped down and blocked the poisonous corpse outside. Some poisonous corpses ran a little faster, but they were also directly killed by the falling stone gate.

"You don't move. I'll calculate the next step." Lin Feng said.

The mouse and the red scorpion were all motionless on the floor. Lin Feng's mouth began to talk again. Then he looked up at the ceiling and said that the mouse jumped directly to the left and front two squares, stepped on the green brick in front of him. Xiaohong, to the right, jumped obliquely to the third grid, which is also green. Don't touch other bricks! "

"Mouse!" Lin Feng reminds way.

According to Lin Feng, the mouse jumped directly in the past, safe and sound.

"Xiao Hong!"

"OK!" Red scorpion also according to Lin Feng command jump past, very stable.

Lin Feng takes a step towards the front of the slope, and there are still no concealed weapons in the room.

"Damn it, boss. You are worthy of being our boss. At such a critical moment, you can understand the mechanism in this room!" Said the mouse, thumbing up.

The red scorpion looked at Lin Feng with admiration and admiration: "you don't ask me, I have never liked a man, but I love my boss very much. Of course, the boss is not an ordinary person."

Then she asked, "boss, what's the principle? Can you tell us what's wrong?"

Lin Feng said: "it's actually very simple. The one who designed the tomb is a chess lover. You can see the murals around, which is the battlefield of chess."

At this time, the mouse and the red scorpion carefully looked at the murals. Indeed, there were kings, Queens, ministers, bodyguards, bishops, knights, and horses...

aren't these chess pieces?

The red scorpion and the mouse are familiar with chess. After all, when they are abroad, they will play cards and chess to have fun.

So the mouse and the red scorpion suddenly realized.

Lin Feng continued: "the width of the stone gate is exactly the width of three floors, and the positions of the three of us coming in are elephant, horse and soldier, so we should play roles. If we take a wrong step, we will be doomed and all three of us will be doomed."

"That's what it looks like." The mouse said, "what the boss asked me to leave just now is" day ", so I'm playing the horse, right? The horse is gone

Hearing the mouse say this, the red scorpion also understood: "that with me is" elephant ", like walking in the field, so the boss wants me to walk sideways!"

"That's right. You two are very clever. You can see through a little bit!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"It's just that I have to jump out every time. I'm scared. It's hard to walk!" The mouse said, "I'm so nervous that I'm sweating!"

"Are you tired and sweating after a long walk? I sweat if I want to sweat? Don't I go to the "field" more than you do? " Red scorpion has no good airway.

"You have long legs, two steps against me and three steps. Of course you have to go far!" Said the mouse.

"Cut!" Red scorpion white mouse one eye, and then seem to think of something, asked Lin Feng: "by the way, that boss, how do you go?"

"I'll play the soldier. Just go straight!" Lin Feng said, smiling and taking a step forward, very relaxed.

"Ah Suddenly, the red scorpion and the mouse are in a mess.

Feeling confused, he was put forward by the boss. He was afraid to walk "sun" and "field". As a result, Lin Feng walked forward recklessly.

"Boss, why don't you let us play the role of soldiers? You're too black in the stomach!"

Lin Feng smile: "you two can make talent, should undertake this big responsibility!"

With that, he suddenly looked serious and said, "but, it doesn't mean that as long as we go this way, we can pass the customs."

"What else can I do?" Asked the red scorpion.

"To the color!" Lin Feng said.

Then, pointing to the thing covered with black cloth, he said, "if you can't guess wrong, the light switch of the mechanism should be there. We have to go there, find the switch and turn it off! If you look at your feet carefully, when we go there, we have to go through 15 lines of floor, 15 lines of five colors in total. The person who created the tomb room is also a color controller. This should be a kind of obsessive-compulsive disorder. If the three of us are not on the floor of the same color at the same time, the mechanism will be triggered! ""That's right!" Said the red scorpion.

Lin Feng said, "but these are all my guesses based on appearances."

"But at least now we are not caught in the trap, which shows that the boss's prediction is right!" Said the red scorpion.

Lin Feng didn't speak. He took two steps forward and reached the edge of the yellow floor. He said to the mouse and the red scorpion, "you two go to the Yellow lattice. Remember, the mouse goes to the sun, and Xiaohong goes to the field, one by one. Don't do it at the same time!"

"Why?" Asked the mouse.

"Have you ever seen anyone play chess and go with two men?" Lin Feng gave the mouse a blank look: "the craftsmen who made this tomb room all follow the rules of chess. If you go at the same time, you will trigger the mechanism!"

"Oh The mouse scratched his head: "thanks to the boss in, or today must be a hedgehog!"

"It's also possible to be burned and fumigated with poison gas!" Lin Feng said, "this room is not just a kind of mechanism with the spines on the head."

Hearing this, the mouse shivered and his back became cold.

I knew I couldn't come down. I didn't use anything, but it added a lot of trouble and burden to the boss.

"Boss, I feel a little redundant!" The mouse some guilt way!

Lin Feng stepped forward and said, "no more. At most, three people can come into the tomb at one time, and you are not more than the number. If it is four, it will be dead if four people come in at the same time."

The mouse said, "I don't mean that. I feel like a drag on the boss."

"Stop talking nonsense, keep going, and go to the blue grid in front of you!" Lin Feng Road.

He couldn't listen to his brother's politeness. As long as he followed Lin Feng wholeheartedly, none of them was redundant.

In accordance with Lin Feng's instructions, the mouse and the red scorpion walked forward step by step. The three of them moved forward orderly and finally came to the big black cloth.

"You two are outside. I'll go in and have a look." Lin Feng said, lifting up the black cloth, cat waist walked in.

"Do you think the boss will be ok?" Asked the mouse.

"The boss is so powerful, how can something happen?" The red scorpion glared at the mouse: "crow's mouth!"

At this time, the black curtain was leisurely landing. The mouse looked at the place wrapped in the black cloth. It didn't matter. He shivered and almost cried out. , the fastest update of the webnovel!