The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1106

Due to the limited time, Lin Feng did not choose to purchase some things needed under the tomb, relying on his own experience and ability for so many years.

Fortunately, there are many small tools on the mouse. The small backpack is just a treasure chest. He took out a small flashlight and gave it to Lin Feng. The grip on the back of the flashlight could be loose and could be directly clamped on the shoulder, so it would be easy to hold it in the hand.

But the mouse and the red scorpion turn on the flashlight of the mobile phone, instantly around a lot of bright.

Just now, after the black hole was opened, it had been put in for a long time before it came in. The main reason was that it was sealed for a long time, and the oxygen was thin, and people would suffocate when they came in.

Lin Feng was the first to enter the hole, and found that the black hole was a straight 45 degree slope channel directly below. Due to the limited range of the flashlight, it was not clear what was at the bottom.

Step by step, Lin Feng went down the steps, and the more spacious he went.

This passage is also made of cement, and there are some strange murals on both sides. It seems that there are some blatant things in the hell on the 18th floor, which makes people see the cold behind.

After walking for about ten minutes, the passage reached the bottom. There was no road ahead. There was only a right turning passage. The passage was parallel to the ground. It should be the real tomb.

Lin Feng indicated to the two people behind him that there might be a mechanism here. Be careful.

He picked up a small piece of earth from the ground, and stood at the entrance of the passage. Instead of entering the passage, he threw the stone into it.


As soon as the soil fell to the ground, a sharp spear, similar to a harpoon, flew out of it and nailed it directly to the left wall.

"Hoo!" The mouse let out a breath: "what a danger!"

Lin Feng nodded and said, "this is just a pediatrics. There must be more dangerous things behind it!"

Listening to Lin Feng, the mouse looked at the dark corridor on the right side, and the cool wind was blowing from behind: "boss, this is terrible!"

"If you're afraid, you'll go out. There's still time." Lin Feng Road.

"No, I want to be with the boss. As long as the boss is there, it's safe!" Said the mouse.

"Are you not afraid of being haunted A faint voice came from behind the mouse.

The mouse subconsciously turned around and saw a face behind him, which made him cry out "wow".

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Red scorpion put down the mobile phone flashlight, that grimace is the image that red scorpion uses the mobile phone flashlight to shine on his face.

But in this dark catacombs, the mouse nerves were tense, was really scared by the red scorpion.

"Hongjie, what are you doing? You almost stopped your heart!" Said the mouse, covering his heart.

"Ha ha ha, look at your timid appearance, or you go up, let me and the boss two in the bottom, maybe encounter some illusory drug, I can have a good time with the boss!" The red scorpion looks at the mouse.

"You always want to take advantage of the boss, I can't let you succeed!" Said the mouse.

"You are not a woman. What are you jealous of with me?" Red scorpion road.

"I'm not jealous!" The mouse pleaded.

"All right, all right, no noise!" Lin Feng has no choice but to interrupt their conversation. At this time, the conversation without nutrition is avoided as much as possible.

"It should be all right! Follow me Lin Feng walks into the corridor on the right, followed by rats and red scorpions.

The corridor is very narrow, only one person can pass through it. It is very stuffy.

Lin Feng is always on guard. If there is a hidden weapon at this time, there is no place for people to hide. He secretly turns his energy around and protects his body.

When the cultivator reaches the Huagu state, he is already invulnerable. When he reaches the Huaqi state, he can surround his body with a layer of strength, making it more difficult for the enemy to hurt his body.

However, it's all on guard.

If you are attacked by surprise, your body instinct and energy can't be mobilized immediately, or you will get fatal injury.

Therefore, Lin Feng is ready to protect himself. The two people behind him are flesh and blood, and there is no cultivator. He wants to be a shield in front of him to block the hidden arrow behind.

After walking for a few minutes, some depressions suddenly appeared in the walls on both sides. At the concave places, a guard in iron armor was standing.

The armored guard looks like an empty shell, with a armor on the outside, an iron mask on his head and an iron hat on his head.

Every five meters or so, there will be a pair on both sides.

Lin Feng sighed to himself that the catacombs are quite large. It took a lot of effort. For those iron clad guards, they all cost a lot of money?

The mouse was very curious. As he walked, he couldn't help but feel his curiosity. He reached for the guard's armor.

He thinks that it should be made of paper. It is impossible that there are so many metal products under it?

He put his hand on the front chest of the armor, and suddenly came a cold feeling.

"It's steel!" The mouse was surprised. It was all made of steel. It was a big deal!At this time, however, a colorful insect suddenly emerged from the black eye hole on the head of the armored guard.

The insect is similar to a sea louse, with a hard shell and dense legs. But unlike the sea louse, it is only the size of a human thumb. Its head is slightly larger, and its two tusks can be seen clearly.

The insect two rows of dense legs swing, crawling very fast, all of a sudden climbed to the mouse's hand.

"Oh, my trough!" The mouse screamed in terror.

"What's the matter?" Lin Feng quickly turned around.

"I was bitten by insects!" Said the mouse, with a sad face.

"What kind of bug?" Lin Feng asked.

The mouse quickly flashed the flashlight on his body, but could not find the insect.

"I don't know. It's a shell. It's fierce and frightening." The mouse looked at the two needle hole sized wounds on the back of his hand, took it up and said, "this is what the insect tooth bit!"

Lin Feng looked at it carefully and couldn't tell what kind of insect it was.

The red scorpion came forward and took a picture of the mouse's hand with her mobile phone. Her eyebrows wrinkled. All of a sudden, she said in a loud voice: "the insect is on you!"

This said, the mouse also felt a cold neck, and immediately almost scared to urinate. He grabbed his neck with one hand and felt that he had caught a hard shell.

The mouse pulls off the insect and looks at it intently, which makes his scalp numb.

The insect was so ugly that a row of legs kept swinging, and those who were afraid of it would faint on the spot. However, the insect's abdomen was red, just like eating human blood. Its mouth had several petals, and its mouth was full of tiny teeth. Two long teeth were on the top of the top, and they were still trying hard to reach the mouse's hand.

"Lying trough!"

The mouse was frightened by the insect's appearance and threw it to the front. However, due to its nervousness, the mouse's action was too big, so it threw its hand on the armored guard.

The guard was also unsteady. He was swept by a mouse and swayed back for a moment. But then, due to his inertia, he fell forward and hit him like a mouse.

"Ah The mouse was scared to stay where it was.

At this critical moment, Lin Feng pulled the mouse away, and the armored guard fell to the ground with a "bang", and the armor broke apart.

However, a terrible scene happened.

See that iron armor inside, in an instant, actually climbed out of the dense that kind of terror insect, toward three people quickly climbed over. , the fastest update of the webnovel!