The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1105

The tomb is the gate guard of Liu's family.

The tombstone was erected by their son. On the tall marble tombstone, there are two lines of vigorous and powerful characters: the tomb of loving father Liu Congzheng and loving mother Shen Xi.

When the guard chattered, Lin Feng was staring at the tombstone.

What the guard said was that Jiangzhou had a very chaotic history of public security management.

It should be said that his parents were robbed and his blood jade was lost on the way.

The blood jade was lost in Jiangzhou City, which attracted a large number of experts from home and abroad. During that time, in order to trace and plunder blood jade, various forces fought bravely and wisely, and occasionally fought each other. It was really a turbulent time.

This Liu family, however, upholds justice and order in troubled times. It has to be said that it is a just family.

The sudden loneliness of the Liu family may have something to do with the blood jade. During that time, everyone's eyes were fixed on the blood jade. Who cares if you are a Liu family. If the Liu family is suppressed, it must have some relationship with the blood jade, which leads to the fall of the Liu family.

Of course, this is all Lin Feng's guess, there is no evidence to refer to.

However, it is not important to guess whether it is right or not. What is important is that the guard's words make Lin Feng have an idea of Liu Congzheng's name.

Looking at the tombstone in front of him, he murmured, "Liu Congzheng, Congzheng, isn't it a Zheng beside two people? Isn't that the word" Zheng "

Lin Feng said to himself, let the mouse and the red scorpion are some puzzled, the boss this is again bewildered?

However, every time the eldest brother is bewildered, he can solve some big problems. They call him the moment of opening his mind. At that time, the head of the eldest brother may be spinning rapidly to open his head.

Lin Feng continued to think about it. The name of Liu Congzheng's wife comes from a famous family. The name of Shen Xi is more like the name of a family with cultural heritage. However, these are not important. What Lin Feng is interested in is that the western character of Shenxi!

Liu Congzheng's "Congzheng" is a sign.

There is a word "West" in Shenxi.

Lin Feng felt that the answer had been revealed.

Isn't that what the poem says?

"Don't ask for Western characters at the head of the tomb!"

That is to say, remove the "from the west" on the tombstone, you can get unexpected results.

Lin Feng went to the tombstone and looked at it carefully. He found that every word of the tombstone was carved on a small raised stone independently. The tombstone is not a whole. The stone is inlaid behind. If you don't look carefully, you can't see the tiny gap in the middle of the stone block, so that the stone frame of each word is carved on it!

Lin Feng took a deep breath and bowed piously to the tombstone and grave, saying, "I'm sorry, I offended you."

Then, he put his hand on the words "cong" and "Zheng", clasped the stone with his five fingers and pulled it gently.

The stone was pulled out.

All of a sudden, Lin Feng's heart was overjoyed. Basically, it was an organ.

He gently placed the two characters on the stone platform under the tombstone, grasped the western character with one hand and pulled it again.

Western characters were also pulled out.

A few seconds after the western character was pulled out, there was a bang and a sound from behind the grave.

The tomb of Lord Liu is very large, which is more than one person high. People can't see what happened behind.

Lin Feng went around to the back. After a careful look, he found that there was a hole in the back of the tomb.

The surface of the tombs of Lord Liu and Liu Tainai is made of cement, and the outside of the cement is inlaid with a layer of ceramic tiles. Therefore, the whole tomb has a feeling of being solid. However, after a sound just now, a door half a person high is opened.

The sound just now was the sound of the stone door falling to the ground.

It should be that Lin Feng took out the stone with those three words, and the stone slab behind it automatically bounced open, revealing a hole.

Looking at the dark cave, Lin Feng didn't have any hesitation. Whether it was a tiger's den or a sea of fire, Lin Feng had to go and make a breakthrough. The blood jade was probably under the tomb.

The mouse detector must have been blocked by some substances below.

Lin Feng said: "you watch the wind above, I'll go down and have a look."

"Boss, I'll go down with you!" Said King Kong.

"I'll go down too!" Said the red scorpion and the mouse.

"I don't know what's going on down here. All of you can stay on it. If I don't come out for two hours, you'll stop your mouth and let no one know!" Lin Feng said.

"Boss, no, I want to go down with you!" Said the red scorpion.

Looking at Lin Feng as if he were dying, the red scorpion felt very uncomfortable. Once upon a time, everyone fought side by side and handed over their lives to each other. How come the boss doesn't take himself with him now?

The mouse and King Kong also think so. Does the boss dislike that they are lagging behind?"Boss, in the past, we all went together to fight against any danger. Although most of the time, you were in front of us, but you took us with you. Why don't you take us this time? Do you think we are in the way?" Asked the mouse.

"Before, when I was your captain, you should obey my orders!" Said, Lin Feng face left a trace of desolation: "but now I retired, to Jiangzhou, I and Lao Hu applied for retirement, I am no longer your team leader, I will not ask you to take risks with me!"

Where the blood jade is, it must be very dangerous. Lin Feng doesn't want them to take risks for themselves.

Hearing Lin Feng say so, the mouse complained: "boss, how can you be so polite, one day for the boss, life for the boss, your business is our business!"

"Yes, boss, we must go down with you, or we won't rest assured!" Vajra.

"You have such a big physique, do you want to block our way?" Lin Feng half jokingly looked at King Kong Road.

"Ah King Kong's words are blocked for a moment!

"Then my figure is OK." Said the mouse.

"I can do it too!" Red scorpion said: "and if there is any poison gas mechanism below, I can help you solve it!"

They once had a tomb robbing mission. It was a large ancient tomb. There was a layer of grave inside, which was a gas grave. People would lose consciousness and die in it immediately.

The red scorpion's insight into poison and gas is amazing, and it will be known before it gets close. Therefore, it was the red scorpion who led everyone through the dangerous gas chamber.

Lin Feng was impressed with this matter, so she did not refuse any more. It was good to have two more people to help.

"Well, I won't be polite to you. Let's divide the work." "King Kong, watch the wind outside. Don't let anyone approach here. If necessary, you can return the words on the tombstone, and then seal the door of the cave. We will try to get oxygen ourselves!"

"Little red, mouse, you two go down with me. I'm in the front, in the middle of the mouse. After Xiaohong is broken, we may have a very dark sight. We use the previous contact code to communicate. Do you understand?"

"I understand!" The three people saluted Lin Feng.

"Come on, don't come here!" Lin Feng said: "from now on, listen to my command, go, follow me to the grave!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!