The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1071

The museum continued to enter the interior, this duel shocked many big people, many people sitting in the corner seemingly unimportant, may be some big people in a certain department.

Moreover, Lao Hu also came, he also sat in the back, his relationship with Lin Feng was not publicized, so some people know that he is Lin Feng's dry grandfather, but many people still don't know.

In the front two rows are the representatives of the big family and the big gate.

Tang ruoxiu of Tang family, Ouyang Zhenhua of Ouyang family, Shangguan Hong of Shangguan family and Lin Junlong of Lin family.

Meanwhile, representatives of zongmen have also been present, sitting together with representatives of the big family. The night of Emperor Wu Zong Chen Lao, baihutang Tangzhen and shenhemen is leaving the north at night.

Yebeili didn't know that Lin Feng and Ouyang's family had an engagement. Recently, she was also worried about Lin Feng. Yebeili had a special meeting with Lin Feng and told him to pay attention to Ouyang's family. Ouyang's reputation is not very good. She always likes to cheat on some things. She wants Lin Feng to be alert to some means of Ouyang's family.

Today, Beili came here to cheer on Lin Feng.

However, the people in the dark underworld looked very mysterious. The visitors were dressed in black clothes, and the broad cloak covered the whole person. Since the underground boxing hall was not the one with bright lights, half of his face was always in the shadow and could not see the real face.

In the front row, there are three seats, the leaders of the three chambers of Commerce.

Luo Qinghe of the associated press, Guo Changping of the Changping society and Jin Fenghuang of the Qinglong club.

Luo Qinghe and Guo Changping have been seated, but Jin Fenghuang has not come.

About an hour before the duel, the backstage is busy, and the front audience is also turbulent.

Luo Qinghe and the associated press secretly defeated Lin Feng, and he was determined to fight the green dragon Association, so he was very concerned about the duel.

However, Luo Qinghe is very deep in the city government, so he has always been very insipid and can not see any emotions and waves.

However, Tang Zhen, who was behind him, was restless from the beginning. After the entrance of yebeili, he was even more excited. He got close to yebeili and began to offer hospitality.

"Ye Mencius, did you receive the flowers I sent you that day? I'm specially entrusted to bring it back from Nanyang... "Tang Zhen said with flying eyebrows.

"What flower?" Ye Beili interrupts Tang Zhen and says, "I don't know what you are talking about. Please pay attention to the propriety of the Tang hall leader. In this public occasion, you represent the white tiger hall. Pay attention to the influence. Thank you!"

Ye Beili's words made Tang Zhen feel a little angry. He said that you are not the head of the God crane gate. What kind of clothes are you? In the end, you're not a bitch to be pressed on the bed?

"Ye menzhu, don't be so unkind! I know you are capable and beautiful, so few men are worthy of you, but you can't always be alone. What do you think of me? I'm also the number two figure in the white tiger hall. If we can get together, we can unite with each other... "Tang Zhen spits in front of the night north and flies straight.

Night north from frown again interrupted Tang Zhen way: "who said I am single, I already have a sweetheart!"

"What? Do you have a goal? " After hearing this, Tang Zhen felt a burst of anger in his heart and asked, "who is it?"

"Who is it that matters to you? Why should I tell you? "

Yebeili has no sweetheart in fact, but she hates Tangzhen's obsession, but it's not good to tear her face directly.

After all, she is the leader of the God crane gate. Her words and deeds are related to the interests of the God crane gate. She can only set up an enemy for the God crane gate by tearing her face with the white tiger hall.

So she treated Tang Zhen more tactfully. Otherwise, she would have doubted Tang Zhenmei's life for a long time.

Tang Zhen is a fire in his heart, and there is no place to send. He insisted on asking the truth: "if you don't want to tell me, it proves that there is no such person, you are lying to me!"

"Master Tang, on this occasion, would you please not discuss this issue with me? It seems that you are very naive Night north from the two legs, turned to the other side, no longer look at Tang Zhen.

Ye Beili took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, are you here?"

Soon Lin Feng returned the message: "on the way, not in a hurry!"

Yebeili sent a message saying: "I want to remind you that today's duel is not so simple. Many people seem to be gambling behind their backs to buy you lose, and they will certainly move their hands and feet!"

"Don't worry about how they like to move." Lin Feng came back.

Night north from a sigh, she felt that Lin Feng simply did not put on the heart.

She bit her lips, her big beautiful eyes blinked a few times, and her brain turned around several times. Finally, she found the place where she felt insecure.

She squinted 45 degrees. Several people on the referee's bench at the scene were whispering. Then, one of them pointed to Luo Qinghe.

The arrangement and arrangement of the event were all funded and prepared by the associated press, which is a chamber of Commerce. To outsiders, it does not involve the family fight between the Ouyang family and the Lin family. The Lin family is a member of the Qinglong club, while the Ouyang family is a member of Changping Society. It has nothing to do with the association and the two families, so it seems very fair and just.However, in order to escort Lin Feng, yebeili sent many spies from shenhemen to investigate the matter privately, and finally found some clues.

She found that Ouyang's family was getting rid of Changping society and planned to join the Hewang Association. The United Press also promised that if the Ouyang family became a member of the Hewang Association, they would give double resources from Changping society to support Ouyang family.

Ouyang's family was hurt by Lin Feng last time, so they need more energy.

So, this cooperation fits in.

Therefore, and the associated press is regarded as a common company with Ouyang family. In this case, it's strange that he doesn't face Ouyang family.

In particular, yebeili just saw that Ouyang Zhenhua and Luo Qinghe had a very happy chat, and Luo Qinghe went to the referee's seat for a chat.

So night north from the conclusion, this duel, there is definitely a black curtain.

Ye Beili sent another message to Lin Feng: "Lin Feng, I advise you not to participate in this duel, you can't win!"

"Why?" Lin Feng replied.

"The referee and all the staff behind the scenes are their people, which is tantamount to setting a trap for you to jump!" Yebeili returned to the news and said, "what's more, it's not the Ouyang family who came to participate in the duel this time. They're the ones who paid a lot of money to come here. In this way, how many chances do you have to win?"

"You have a lot of sense." Lin Feng simply returned a sentence, there is no below.

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