The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1070

He has no sympathy for this kind of people.

Lin Feng just saw some tiny footprints at the door and felt abnormal when he rang the doorbell.

Therefore, if the Golden Phoenix does not open the door for a long time, he knows there must be something wrong.

So he opened the door in his own way. He pushed it open just to get into the room as soon as possible, but he didn't want this stupid guy to hide behind the door and hit the wrong side.

After confirming that there is no one else in the room, Lin Feng helps Jin Fenghuang untie the rope.

Soon, there was an ambulance outside. It was manager Mu himself who had just made an emergency call.

Along with the ambulance came the police car.

The police car is Lin Feng's hotline. Let this guy get out of the hospital bed and go directly to the Bureau. Can the Qinglong Association keep such people.

After everything is done, Lin Feng helps Jin Fenghuang up and sits on his seat.

However, at this time, the Golden Phoenix was already in a bath fire.

The medicine was so powerful that she tried to restrain herself with her reason as soon as possible. However, the signs of collapse became more and more obvious, and she could not hold on to it.

Lin Feng closed the door, lit the candle, put the rose in front of the Golden Phoenix, and said with a smile: "sister Jin, you have a candlelight dinner. It's too romantic. Don't you just ask me for something to talk about?"

Golden Phoenix's body has a little strength, she slowly stood up, eyes suffused with thick bath fire staring at Lin Feng, mouth whispered: "good brother, thank you for saving me!"

Said, went to Lin Feng side, the body a soft, soft if boneless, generally fell in the arms of Lin Feng, a pair of jade arms hook Lin Feng's neck, Golden Phoenix affectionate looking at Lin Feng, the inner warmth has already been rampant: "good brother, sister like you for a long time, today's sister please you once?"

Lin Feng naturally knew that Jin Fenghuang was drugged. He took him to the pool in the bathroom and washed his face with clear water. He said, "sister, you should defeat it with your own consciousness."

Golden Phoenix's face flashed a trace of disappointment, but his body was closer to Lin Feng. He whispered: "good brother, don't you want a sister?"

"It's not that I don't want to!" Lin Feng said seriously, "I don't want to take advantage of others."

"It's not taking advantage of others'" Golden Phoenix's face was flushed, and her broken hair on her forehead was even more charming and sexy: "even if I was not calculated by manager mu, I will be your woman tonight!"

"Why?" Lin Feng asked.

"Because things are changeable!" Golden Phoenix said: "because you never know which will come first tomorrow or accident, so I will catch you and let you become the most important person of my vitality forever."

The Golden Phoenix's eyes are very firm, although the whole person has a kind of extravagant and lustful atmosphere, but with her solemn expression at the moment, it has a unique flavor and is very attractive.

"What a changeable world!" This sentence said Lin Feng's heart.

The day before, my parents were still walking in the street with their hands in their hands. The next day, they were taken away by those people and disappeared.

He has the most profound understanding of the impermanence of fate, so it coincides with his idea of cherishing the present.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Lin Feng's heart was filled with a long lost passion.

Jin Fenghuang put his hands around Lin Feng's neck, and a pair of red lips took the initiative to meet him. After several intimacy, the Golden Phoenix gasped and said, "Lin Feng, I love you, today I am your man!"

Lin Feng no longer suppressed the inner impulse, he directly picked up the creature, went back to the living room and gently put the Golden Phoenix on the bed.

Two people undressed, tightly intertwined.


the next morning, Jin Fenghuang woke up in a daze, thinking about the wonderful and crazy action of last night, and her heart felt a burst of satisfaction.

However, the bedside is empty. What about Lin Feng?

At this time, Jin Fenghuang remembered that today was the duel day set by Lin Feng and Ouyang's family.

As soon as Jin Fenghuang patted his head, he was so strong that he had to sleep for 12 hours. Now it's 10 o'clock in the morning, and Lin Feng has already gone out.

he gets up and puts on his clothes. He finds a delicate breakfast and a small note on the table, which reads: "it's my woman. I'll take good care of it. I'll take care of my breakfast. I'll go out."

The heart of the Phoenix was moved.

For a long time, no one has been so kind to her. This man can't help but admire the ability and talent of his own, as well as his delicate tenderness. Jin Fenghuang only thinks that he is the happiest woman in the world at this time.

However, the next second her heart is a tremor.

By the way, today Lin Feng is going to duel with Ouyang family. Is there any danger?

Thinking of this, she suddenly did not have the idea of eating, heart uneasy, quickly washed some, then went out.

Today's duel between the Ouyang family and the Lin family is not widely publicized. We all have a tacit understanding to keep the news. After all, it is not a formal event.It's just that the people present are really bad, they are all from the upper class.

Many people from the four big families, three chambers of Commerce and four major gates have arrived. Almost half of the capital city has come. They will be witnesses to this duel.

There is a bet in this duel. Last time, Lin Feng overturned the marriage of Ouyang family and took his elder martial sister away from the city, which made Ouyang family bear a grudge.

The Ouyang family made a three-month duel agreement with Lin Feng. If the Ouyang family lost, it would be written off, and the Ouyang family would not want to overthrow the city.

If the Ouyang family wins, Lin Feng will let the Ouyang family handle it. Moreover, the Ouyang family will force Qingcheng to marry to the Ouyang family according to the original engagement.

Qingcheng is a rare Qinglian body. A woman of this constitution will wash the dry fire in a man's body if he has a relationship with him, and his cultivation speed will be thousands of miles a day.

Therefore, Ouyang family is not only to see the beauty of Qingcheng people, but also to care about the function of her body. They need such women to contribute to Ouyang Yiyun's cultivation.

This duel is of great significance.

The place where the duel is held is in a secret underground boxing hall, which can hold 100 people. It is a place where some underground boxers usually fight.

There are several strong men at the gate of the boxing hall. Not everyone can get in and out at will. Only those who hold tickets can get in and out.

And the ticket is issued by the associated press.

This duel was sniffed out by the associated press. He felt that it was an opportunity to make money. He took the initiative to undertake all matters related to the duel, and then sold tickets at a high price.

However, the admission tickets of several thousand yuan are a drop in the bucket for the upper class people.

A lot of people came just after ten o'clock in the morning.

This duel is a duel between Ouyang family and Lin family, which is one of the four big families in Kyoto. On the face of it, it involves the struggle with the associated press and the green dragon Association. It is very promising.

I also heard that the person who came out this time is a descendant of Ouyang family who has lived abroad for a long time. He is a strong practitioner. He has not only reached the peak of Huaqi state, but also is proficient in Yingzhou ninja. This must be a wonderful duel.

Everyone will shine their eyes and wait and see. , the fastest update of the webnovel!