The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 107

The setting sun set, the whole Jincheng was plated with a layer of golden halo.

Lin Feng took out the phone and called the mouse.

"What are you up to, mouse?"

"Oh, I'm programming!"

"Are you taking private work again? Are you short of money again? Dongsheng Group will pay you monthly salary, not enough to spend? " Lin Feng said, "I'm going to find Tang Dongsheng

"No, boss!" The mouse stammered: "I want to make a small program to play!"

"Oh Lin Feng said, "if you are free tonight, come out with me. I've found a dozen beauties in the morning. I'll give you a few!" Lin Feng said.

With his understanding of the mouse, the mouse is bound to bring the little green cap son area, elated and wild.

But the mouse was silent, a few seconds later, light said: "boss, I will not go, I'd better program at home to play it!"

"Damn it! What's the situation? " Lin Feng said, "do you have something on your mind?"

"No!" Said the mouse.

"Why don't you come? A dozen beauties, boss, I'll give them to you! " Lin Feng said.

"Boss, in fact, I think... Yu'er is the best!" The mouse stammered.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Lin Feng covered his stomach and laughed: "you are in love. You fell in love with that man woman!"

"Boss, don't call people that way!" The mouse said, "in fact, he is just a little masculine! I don't like the gentle one

"You're a pain in the neck, whatever you want." Lin Feng said: "by the way, when programming, don't put too many ambiguous words. That man and woman like to be straightforward!"

"Ah The mouse almost fell in the past, the heart said how the boss knew he was making up a little program for chasing girls?

Lin Feng will smile, under the opponent of these brothers, he is like the palm of his hand.

But now the mouse is by his side. The other brothers are still on their own missions. I haven't seen you for a long time. I don't know how everyone is doing.

Lin Feng lit a cigarette, took a few puffs, and sent a message to Wei Yicheng: "are you ready? You boss, I can't wait

The other end quickly returned the news: "boss, don't worry, the arrangement is well arranged!"

Wei Yichen sent a message, then said to a dozen women beside him: "at eight o'clock in the evening, I'll bring my boss here. You should remember that no matter how good my boss is, you can't kiss him, touch him, let alone have sex with her. He's mine!"

"I see!" More than a dozen beauties spoke in the same voice.

But Wei Yi Chen's heart is very sad, the eldest brother seems to be very warm to other women, why is he like to see his little sister? I am also very well developed!

No, I have to take the boss today. It's rare that so many beauties cooperate with me!

"You should remember your mission. Today, you should try your best to make my boss happy, let her drink more, and then send him to my bed. When it is done, I will pay you twice. I have plenty of money!" Wei Yichen said.

"Well, we know!" Said a woman with a big sister's appearance.

Wei Yi Chen's heart a burst of snicker: "boss, today you absolutely can't escape my palm heart, hey hey!"

Lin Feng waits for Wei Yichen at the designated place. Soon Wei Yichen comes with her Lamborghini sports car. She pulls on Lin Feng and goes to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

Because the main play is at night, in the dead of night, it is the best time for men and women to be in love. Wei Yichen is not in a hurry.

She is in her twenties. Her first kiss is still there. She hasn't held her hand. Her boyfriend hasn't made friends with her. She's been single for more than 20 years. She's not in a hurry.

They entered the dining room and sat down by the window.

Wei Yichen is wearing a very woman today, a black one-piece buttock skirt, very close to the body, front convex and back warped, round hips are more charming.

Moreover, her two white thighs are long and straight, and her long black flowing hair is thrown to the side of her head. She is very individual. Her thin red lips are bright and attractive, which makes people want to stop.

Lin Feng took a look, the heart said that this little girl today how to change, is not the previous ruffian style, you don't say, such a make, still quite feminine.

However, Lin Feng did not show any difference, just a light look at Wei Yi Chen, then picked up the menu to look.

"Morning, I can't understand the menu. It's all in English. Are these Antarctic mussels, Arctic shellfish, drunk shrimp, raw seaweed? Does it feel like it's all raw? "

"Well, this is the French seafood restaurant!" Wei Yichen said.

Then, she raised her hair and said to Lin Feng with a smile, "boss, do you think I'm beautiful today?"

"Beauty!" Lin Feng said without looking.

"Boss -" Wei Yichen said coyly: "look at me, today I specially dressed for you

"Oh?" Lin Feng disapproved and said, "what are you dressing up for me? You just let those models dress up! ""Oh, boss -" Wei Yichen was a little angry: "where am I worse than those car models? You think about them all day long! "

"Of course you're not bad. You're much better than they don't know!" Lin Feng said.

This is true, regardless of temperament and appearance, as well as the outlook on life, all crush those romantic women do not know how many times.

"That's about it!" Wei Yichen's eyes smile into two crescent.

Lin Feng has been looking down at the menu, muttering: "why is this all fierce seafood?"

Wei Yichen said with a smile: "if you want to be strong this evening, of course, you should eat some tonic. Here, you can have more oysters, such as clams and drunk shrimp. They are full of raw protein. You can eat them to make sure you are good!"

With that, she said to herself in her heart, "so I can feel better for the first time."

"How thoughtful you are Lin Feng picked up the menu with a smile: "I fight a dozen beauties, really need a little energy, but also do not need so fierce, my body still has some foundation, just a little bit, after all, don't delay my evening business because of dinner!"

"Good!" Wei Yichen snapped his fingers: "waiter, take my order, please!"

Because it is the only English restaurant in Jincheng, all the waiters and owners are foreigners, so Wei Yichen talks with the waiters in English.

Of course, if the guests don't use English, the waiters will also speak some simple Chinese.

But Wei Yi Chen thinks her English is super good. Before, some male students praised her for her incomparable sexiness when she spoke English. So she was luring Lin Feng with full fire today.

"Good English! It's amazing Lin Feng gave a thumbs up.

"Of course Wei Yichen smiles triumphantly.

After ordering, the two sat down and started chatting.

But at this time, Lin Feng heard a very unfriendly voice behind him: "long Shao, this is the boy!"

According to his reputation, it was Qin Yu who came.

On that day, in the basketball court of Commercial University, he had a bullfight with Lin Feng. He was defeated 5-1 by Lin Feng. He was also ridiculed as an angry bird. All of a sudden, his image in the commercial university was completely destroyed. Now he goes out with a hat, the brim of which is low, for fear of being seen by others.

Qin Yu was mixed up with long Shao. After being humiliated by Lin Feng in the Dragon Tower, long Shao also held a grudge. In addition, Qin Yu had long wanted to settle accounts with Lin Feng.

Qin Huan has been following Wei Yichen these days. Seeing that Wei Yichen came out of University today and had dinner with Lin Feng, he thought this was the best time. He wanted to put Lin Feng's clothes in front of Wei Yichen and let Wei Yichen see who was the real man.

So before ordering, Qin Huan called long Shao. By now, long Shao has arrived.

He went to Lin Feng and said coldly, "Oh, is this another girlfriend? You boy, peach blossom is very prosperous

"Thank you for the compliment Lin Feng smiles and ignores long Shao.

Long Shao was so angry that he could be so cool. He pointed to Wei Yichen and said, "Qin Huan, is this the girl you like? How can I look so familiar? "

Qin Huan said, "yes, that's her!"

"Then what are you doing? Sit here!" Long Shao said.

"Oh Qin Huan was so pleased that he sat on the stool beside Wei Yichen.

"By the side of a beautiful woman, is that all you want?" Long Shao said: "tut Tut, this chest, this buttock, you boy is really lucky, quickly embrace the waist of the beauty, accompany the beauty to drink a few cups, happy!"

"Good!" Qin Huan said, and went to hug Wei Yichen directly.

"What are you doing?" Wei Yichen pushes Qin Huan away in a rage.

Wei Yi Chen's big action startled the foreign waiter on the side. He quickly asked Wei Yichen, "beauty, do you need any help?"

it means, beauty, what kind of trouble are you in? Do you need any help?

Wei Yi Chen's face turned red and hesitated to say.

"Are you ok?" the foreigner asked again

"OK, stop your mother. OK, get out of my way!" Long Shao directly scolded the foreigner.

The foreigner was startled and opened his mouth with exaggeration: "Wow, you are fierce!"

"Do you hate me, go away --" long Shao scolded: "dare him to take care of Laozi's affairs and seek death!"

The waiter didn't dare to see long Shao again, so he ran to the backstage to find the boss.

At this time, long Shao said to Qin Huan again, "Qin Huan, are you a man? What are you afraid of? Beautiful women are yours today. I think who dares to say "no"

Long Shao is the son of the leader of the Longkou group in Xicheng. He was arrogant and arrogant since he was a child. He has been walking in Jincheng all the time. That day, Lin Feng was humiliated in the Dragon Tower. How can he swallow this tone of voice!Therefore, he is running to Lin Feng today. He should not only humiliate Lin Feng, but also let him know how miserable it is to provoke himself.

Qin Huan swallowed and vomited. He was too eager for Wei Yichen. Today, with long Shao here, he must take Wei Yichen.

He held out his hand again and held Wei Yicheng in his arms.

"You don't touch me -" Wei Yichen struggled to shout.

"Yi Chen, I like you so much. Let me kiss you quickly. I don't mean anything else. I just want to get you!" Qin Huan finally let out his ugly face and kiss Wei Yichen.

"Well, people don't like you. What kind of kiss do you have to kiss?" At this time, Lin Feng raised his head, shook his head and said with a smile, "can you still order B face?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!