The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 106

Lin Feng took up his pen and began to write on the blackboard, "first of all, ah Fei is a normal person, and a normal person has a normal life. Therefore, we should start from these places."

"How?" Ye Yuwei asked.

Lin Feng said, "let me give you an example! 1、 Does a fat have a junior, does he have an abnormal relationship with his superiors and subordinates? Do you know? 2、 A fat did not give up, is the life of husband and wife harmonious? Do you know? 3、 A fat's child is not the problem of fighting in the bar? Is the problem of children's education a Fei's heart disease? Do you know? There are many, many, I will not list them one by one, simply speaking of these three points, do we want to help her to deal with the rude request of Xiao San? Are we going to look for the most advanced technology at home and abroad so that he can get rid of the difficulties and restore his power? Are we going to help him solve the problem of children's education? "

Lin Feng said here and summed up on the blackboard: "a fat is in a high position. Today, money and beautiful women are easy to get. What he needs is a person who knows him better and can help him solve the most difficult thing to say! At this time, if you can handle it, you and his relationship will be very close. You think, ah, the least known thing about him, you know, do you think that we have a good chance of winning? "

Lin Feng concluded to Ye Yuwei: "so, when we do sales in China, we are not selling products, but selling ourselves. When customers recognize us, will we recognize what is behind us? Do you understand, Mr. Ye? "

Ye Yuwei is listening. She never thought about these things. In his world, sales is a collision of professional knowledge. If you are more professional than your competitors, better than your competitors' products, and lower than your competitors' prices, they will choose you!

However, Lin Feng gave her a vivid lesson today. She repeated Lin Feng's words in her heart: "to sell in China is not to sell products, but to sell yourself!"

A good human relationship, a good grounding gas, a good sales themselves!

For the first time, he was convinced by a man. Lin Feng, the little security guard, let her have a new definition of sales.

Ye Yuwei nodded to Lin Feng and said, "you are right in your analysis. We should go to find his heart disease and help him solve it. He will give us due reward."

"Smart!" Lin Feng said to Su Jing, "you see, the graduates of the US State University are different. They can be seen through a little bit!"

This is the first time that Su Jing saw Ye Yuwei's submission to others. She could not help shaking her head and laughing. Lin Feng always makes a big splash at the critical moment. How much else does he have to show?

But at this time, Lin Feng looked at his watch, but cried out: "lying trough! Almost delayed the event

"What's the matter?" Su Jing asked.

"Wei Yichen found ten models for me. I almost forgot about it. I have to go back and change into decent clothes." Lin Feng said.

Su Jing bit her teeth, and Lin Feng began to be romantic again. Every time she heard that Lin Feng wanted to go to another woman, she was inexplicably angry. She didn't know why, but she was very angry.

"Please pay attention to your personal hygiene!" Su Jing said, "if you have any disease, you will be expelled from the company."

"You drink? Are you jealous? " Lin Feng said with a smile: "I knew you care about me, but I can't give up having sex with ten beauties just because you are jealous. With the strength of my silver spear bully in the lake, I must pick them up before I stop!"

"I wish you success!" Su Jing gritted her teeth and laughed: "by the way, I'd like to send you a sentence:" in the past, a friend was like you, but now the grave is covered with grass and earth. " Take it easy. I don't want to see you on the headlines tomorrow: a man who indulges in excessive sexual behavior and died of unconsciousness is known to be a small security guard of Dongsheng Group! Therefore, I ask you to give us Dongsheng Group a face! "

"Poof -" Ye Yuwei was amused to laugh.

She didn't expect that the president Su, who is not a man of words, is so sharp.

"Don't worry. I haven't been in your bed yet. How can I hang up?" Lin Feng said with a smile, "it doesn't exist!"

"You..." Su Jing's face turned red. She glanced at Ye Yuwei. Seeing that ye Yuwei was holding her mouth and trying to laugh, she became angry and said, "Lin Feng, please pay attention to me. Don't talk nonsense in the company!"

"Oh, I'm not talking nonsense. I'm serious!" Lin Feng said, "you're still talking nonsense. Believe it or not, I'll call the police and arrest you!" Su Jing said.

"Well, now, don't get excited! Can't I stop talking? " Lin Feng spat out his tongue and added: "by the way, I forgot to tell you, in addition to the car model, there are two third tier stars. Flowers bloom, rain and dew are evenly stained, ah ha ha ha, frank and crooked!"

"You don't want to face -" Su Jing wanted to scold, but because of Ye Yuwei, she was stunned to go back.

But ye Yuwei said: "Lin Feng, some circles or easily do not touch good!"

"Don't pay attention to him. He's just a rascal, a stallion, a pervert and a sex wolf!" Su Jing scolded her head off and was much more cheerful.It's the first time ye Yuwei saw Su Jing so angry. Usually, this iceberg female president is not smiling. It's really not easy for Lin Feng to make her so angry!

"Maybe those who have the ability will be more romantic! Mr. Su, don't be angry Ye Yuwei advised Su Jing.

After all, ye Yuwei grew up in the U.S. and has a more open mind. She doesn't have much antipathy for the affair of men's romantic affairs. In her heart, as long as men have high EQ and high IQ, they deserve the favor of many women.

But Su Jing didn't think so. She knew that her mother, Su Qing, hated those irresponsible men most.

In her mind, romantic and irresponsible are the same thing.

So she really hates Lin Feng! However, seeing ye Yuwei smiling on the sideline, she also felt that she had something wrong with her. She coughed dryly and pretended to be calm and said:

"he is not romantic, and it has nothing to do with me. Let him go at will. We have no right to interfere in the private life of employees!"

"OK, Mr. Su, I'll shoot some videos tonight to show you the kind of nosebleed!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

"Get out of my office!" Su Jing said coldly.

She's afraid of going on like this, she can't help but get angry!

"Good!" Lin Feng walked out of Su Jing's office with a smile, but he called out: "by the way, I'll use the condom on your bedside first! Save me to buy it again

"You're going to die for me."

I heard a loud scolding from Su Jing's office!

"Don't be so stingy. I only use a few. You can't use up your one." Lin Feng called.

"Pa --"

there was a sound of throwing things in the office. The decibels of the sound penetrated the whole floor, which was enough to show Su Jing's anger.

Lin Feng fan eyes a smile, quickly out of Dongsheng building. , the fastest update of the webnovel!