The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1066

The mouse changed all those things into money and donated them to the orphanage. Moreover, they saw their own money changed into various things and gave them to the children without parents.

This matter let Lin Feng boast about the mouse for a week, Leng is to say that the mouse this matter did beautifully, enlightened.

But the mouse said something meaningful. He said, "boss, do you remember what you said to me?"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "I said a lot to you, I don't know which one you said!"

The mouse said, "boss, when you taught me, I asked you why you spared no effort to teach me, and did not ask for any reward. You said a word to me at that time, I will always remember it!"

Then, a rare mouse with a serious and formal face said, "boss, you tell me that what you learn should be taught to others, and what you get should be given to others. This is what you taught me!"

"I didn't understand the meaning of this sentence before, but now I understand that people live for themselves. It's the lowest way to live. A person with a really high pattern is a person who has selfless love and a heart of giving back and gratitude. You are the one who really lives well."

A series of mice said a lot of feelings, let Lin Feng have some surprise.

Lin Feng squinted at the mouse with a smile and said, "why do you suddenly talk so nice? I'm not so noble. I'm philistine. Moreover, I'm stingy."

"Boss, that's just your appearance. I think you are the most noble person." Said the mouse.

"Don't flatter me!" Lin Feng waved his hand and took the topic over and said, "why did you choose to donate to the orphanage? Why don't you help the lonely old people, why not donate them to the mountain areas? "

The mouse lowered its head and said in a sad tone: "boss, I am also an orphan. I understand that without parents' loneliness and helplessness, even some children witness the death of their parents, and the whole childhood will leave a shadow. They are very poor!"

Lin Feng nodded and touched the head of the mouse: "mouse, you still have me, you are not lonely!"

The mouse said with a smile: "boss, I really thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would not have died on the day my parents died. You saved me!"

"Don't say these words. Don't be so polite with me!" Lin Feng said, "by the way, do you hate those people?"

"Of course, I would like to kill them in my dreams. They killed my parents. My parents are honest and kind people. If they didn't show up, the three of us would have been with Meimei until today." When the mouse said this, his eyes were red, full of killing intention.

This kind of mouse can't be seen on weekdays.

Lin Feng touched the mouse's head again and said, "well, don't think about it. Those people won't come to a good end. I promise you!"

The mouse nodded and swallowed the tears into his stomach.

"Come on, I'll take you to some delicious food!" Lin Feng said.

They went out of the community and went to a barbecue restaurant, which was the favorite food of mice.

And then, there is one thing is approaching, that is, Lin Feng is about to usher in the March appointment of Ouyang's family.

Ouyang family Ouyang Yiyun is defeated by Lin Feng, which destroys the marriage between Ouyang family and elder martial sister. Ouyang family harbors a grudge and vows to share the same fate with Lin Feng.

So it was decided that the decisive battle would be held in three months, and the date would soon come.

If this is a simple battle, it is not surprising, but since Lin Feng became famous in Kyoto today, the decisive battle between Ouyang family and Lin Feng has become a battle that affects countless forces and interests.

First of all, Lin Feng is now in the Lin family, which has become a battle between the Ouyang family and the Lin family.

Secondly, many of the guys who secretly want to get rid of Lin Feng find Ouyang's family. They want the Ouyang family to support the Ouyang family. They want the Ouyang family to take Lin Feng's life on the day of the decisive battle.

However, more people observe in secret. Although they are not unfamiliar with Lin Feng, they are not familiar with it. They don't know what kind of strength Lin Feng has. It is said that Lin Feng is only a practitioner of bone melting state. There are also rumors that Lin Feng has hidden his strength. In fact, he has reached the level of one or even two levels of Huaqi state.

However, this is what people say when they touch each other. They still want to see the real situation.

What's more, Lin Feng is the eldest grandson of the Lin family. The future of the Lin family is determined by his ability. Many people want to see the eldest grandson of the Lin family. How much weight can he have.

Of course, there are also some gamblers who start the game privately and place bets on both sides.

The battle of engagement was a great sensation.

Of course, this is just a feast for the upper class in Kyoto, and ordinary people will not pay attention to it.

No one will vigorously publicize it. After all, this kind of engagement is to be carried out in secret, and the magnates from all walks of life will know it.

On this day, Ouyang's villa.

Ouyang Zhenhua is sitting in a critical position, while the rest of the younger generation sit in two columns in order.Ouyang Zhenhua looked at Ouyang Shuo and asked, "shuo'er, tomorrow is the day of the decisive battle with Lin Feng. Is there any mistake in the arrangement?"

"Don't worry, Dad. It's safe!" Said Ouyang Shuo.

"Confidence is good, but don't underestimate that boy." At this time, a strong man with big arms, round waist and full face at the side table said.

The strong man is Tang Zhen, the second leader of the white tiger hall.

Tang Zhen of the white tiger hall had some conflicts with Lin Feng at the Lin family's birthday party that day. Moreover, they had always been antagonistic to King Wu Zong since ancient times. Seeing that Lin Feng had a close relationship with Chen Lao of Wu wangzong, he directly listed Lin Feng as the enemy list.

But now, Lin Feng has become famous. They can't look down on Lin Feng. So they heard that Ouyang family and Lin Feng had a three-month agreement, so they came and planned to unite with Ouyang family and took Lin Feng's life on the day of the decisive battle.

And it is not only white tiger Hall who wants Lin Feng's life. There are also two other people present, one is Tang ruoxiu, the second son of the Tang family, and the other is Luo Qinghe, the president of the United Press Association, one of the three major chambers of Commerce in Kyoto.

Naturally, the Tang family doesn't have to say that since Tang Ruoxue had a conflict with Lin Feng because Shangguan Ruoxue had a conflict with him, Tang Ruoxue has been hiding and hiding these days for fear of being found by Lin Feng. It can be said that he has lived a rat life in darkness.

Now that he has this opportunity, he hopes that Ouyang's family will kill Lin Feng, and he doesn't have to worry about Lin Feng's arrest.

The reason why Luo Qinghe came to the United Press was that he was short of funds for nearly a year. In order to relieve the pressure of funds, he wanted to get some treasures to hold a high price auction. He focused on the blood jade because his uncle and father had a relationship with blood jade and almost became their treasure.

And after that, he also left some clues to search for blood jade. He knew that blood jade was priceless. When he got the blood jade, he and the associated press became prosperous.

Therefore, he sent people to find the whereabouts of the blood jade. Although the progress was not very fast, but there were some eyebrows. However, he heard the grapevine news, Lin Feng seemed to have found the storage place of the blood jade, and he would soon be able to get the blood jade.

At that time, he was so moved that he could not let Lin Feng find the blood jade first.

In addition, Lin Feng recently took control of the green dragon Association, and the rapid rise of the green dragon association made him panic.

Originally, he and the associated press were the largest Chamber of Commerce in Kyoto, and the green dragon association was only the third. Now it seems that his elder brother's status is not guaranteed.

He decided that Lin Feng was the stumbling block.

Therefore, in Ouyang's villa today, all the people present have the same goal, that is, to kill Lin Feng! , the fastest update of the webnovel!