The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1065

Because there is still a period of time away from the so-called late spring and early summer. In this period of time, Lin Feng mainly did three things.

First of all, he helped Jin Fenghuang consolidate her position in the green dragon Association. In this short month, through reorganization and the introduction of some relations with Lao Hu, the Qinglong club has been brilliant. Its members, large and small, have broken through thousands, and they have become the first chamber of Commerce in Kyoto.

In the outside world, we all know that the green dragon association has changed its owners and is under the control of the Lin family. The Lin family hired a beautiful woman from abroad to manage the green dragon Association. This also made the crisis sense of the other two big chambers of Commerce rise a lot.

Second thing, Lin Feng is looking for time to practice every day.

It's not that when you reach the peak of Huaqi state, you don't need to practice. After communicating with xuanlingzi, Lin Feng found that the peak of Huaqi state is just a pronoun of a master. If you want to become a master among the experts admired by outsiders, you still need to continue climbing.

It is recorded in the dictionary of practitioners that there is still a higher realm waiting for him to challenge after the transformation of Qi state. However, he did not see the specific realm in the dictionary of practitioners.

Moreover, he only had the first half of the book. When he got the book in the crescent lake of Phoenix Group, he only had half of it. He didn't know where the second half was.

And his half of the book is about the cultivation to the peak of the Huaqi state, but there is no later.

Therefore, Lin Feng was a bit depressed at this time. However, under the deception of his nose and tears, he finally got rid of his master xuanlingzi. At this time, he realized that xuanlingzi still had a lot of goods in store. Soon he received an express from xuanlingzi from the foot of the mountain. It was a book named "the dictionary of practitioners (2)".

At that time, Lin Feng couldn't laugh or cry. He said that he was a bad old man. There were so many copies of the cultivator's dictionary. He called xuanlingzi and asked why he didn't send (3) (4) and so on together?

Xuanlingzi said that there was no more in the back. He only had (2).

Lin Feng was speechless, but his teacher took care of him. Naturally, he remembered that after he got the second volume of the dictionary of practitioners, he studied it carefully.

This book mainly introduces what kind of state will be reached after the completion of the cultivation of Huaqi state.

In the past, huaxue, Huagu and Huaqi were just blood refining, bone refining and Qi refining. To put it bluntly, they are the strengthening of one's own body.

Huaxue state can make people have several times or even more than ten times of their normal strength; while Huagu state can make themselves as hard as iron, making them iron headed and invulnerable; up to now, the peak of Huaqi state, it can use the energy and power in the body at will, turn the force into Qi, and concentrate on the release, which is the highest level of triple body training.

But the second volume of the dictionary of practitioners is about another kind of practice.

Modern society is the end of the law era, aura is very thin, so people's body over time produced obstruction, not smooth enough.

Of course, this is not physical obstruction, but spiritual obstruction.

People have seven emotions and six desires, happiness, anger, sadness and joy, which are all caused by the obstruction of spiritual consciousness.

In ancient times, these seven passions and six desires can be controlled, but people in modern society can't control them, because now everyone has twelve shackles.

These twelve shackles are important obstacles restricting the development of human spiritual consciousness. If we want to challenge higher-level practice, we must break through these twelve shackles.

Moreover, every time you break one shackle, your ability will double. Breaking through the twelve shackles is also a part of practice.

But these twelve shackles, whose specific position is unknown, are just a kind of spiritual consciousness in human body. This kind of spiritual consciousness is born by human beings, but temporarily blinded by the filth of the world. To break through these 12 shackles, we can not achieve it through hard work, but we should pay more attention to our mind and talent.

Therefore, Lin Feng found that the more you go up, the more difficult it will be. Even in the end, many things can't even be obtained through hard work. This is the most hopeless.

But Lin Feng has confidence in himself. He thinks that there is nothing difficult in the world. As long as he works hard, he will find a way to break through the shackles.

It is said in the dictionary of practitioners that if one breaks through the twelve shackles, one will be integrated with spirit and body, and enter into a new realm. He is still the same person, but he is not the same person. He is a new structure and a pure human body without impurities.

At that stage, it was called Dawu Zhenshen.

He can turn strength into true Qi, walk like the wind, and even can chop mountains and rivers. He has the power that ordinary people can't imagine.

Therefore, it is very difficult to reopen the twelve shackles one by one.

But Lin Feng likes to do something to meet the difficulties.

He was looking for the shackles of spiritual consciousness according to xuanlingzi's instructions.

This is a very ethereal feeling. The basic operation is to breathe and breathe every day to make your strength more pure. The stronger the energy is, the earlier the spirit will be triggered. The instinct of the body will be awakened. There will be a spiritual guidance to guide you to break through the shackles.

Therefore, Lin Feng's current cultivation tasks are two. First, to cultivate the purity of strength and Qi; second, to improve the energy in his body.He breathes and breathes every day to practice his strength. Although there is no significant improvement in these days, he can feel the obvious progress.

At the top of his cultivation level, he is already one of the best among people. If ordinary people, he has already stopped moving forward. However, every day Lin Feng's practice has made new improvements. Although the degree of improvement is very small, but over time, there will be changes different from ordinary people.

So during this period of time, practice was the second thing Lin Feng did.

And the third thing is that Lin Feng is always paying attention to the East Cemetery, and is also looking for the real trace of extinction.

Mie is a very cunning person. Lin Feng didn't find any useful clues about him for a time.

Time passed quickly, after the new year, winter grandfather's snow colored quilt also slowly faded, as if spring was coming.

The spring wind is getting warmer, and the people in the cat winter are also going out of their homes, and the people on the street are getting more and more.

Lin Feng is looking forward to the end of this winter. When the leaves gradually sprout, it is the best time for him to look for blood jade.

At this time, the surface of Kyoto seems to be very peaceful, but in fact, the undercurrent is surging.

As we all know, there is a new young talent in the Lin family, named Lin Feng, who once caused a small disturbance in Kyoto. Some people who have good faith also find out that Lin Feng turned out to be the son of Lin Zhengtian, the eldest master of the Lin family. Therefore, he appeared in the Lin family, and it is likely that he will inherit the Lin family's mantle in the future.

At the same time, the beauty who controls the green dragon club is Lin Feng's woman, so we all know that Lin family and Qinglong club have been controlled by Lin Feng at this time.

Those who looked down on Lin Feng in the past all changed their faces. They didn't know who disclosed the address of Cuiluan District in Linfeng. Every day, there were merchants and magnates who visited Lin Feng and brought valuable gifts.

Lin Feng was too lazy to pay attention to them, so he chose to live in Laohu, leaving mice to send those people in Cuiluan district.

And the mouse is to do not refuse, first, please come into the house, accept the gift, and then say that the person is not in, and drive people away.

Lin Feng denounced the mouse and said that you specially received family gifts. I am not that person who is soft handed!

The mouse had his own way. He said, "I said to them, I'll take the gift! This means that the gifts I receive have nothing to do with you. Those people who want to take them away but are embarrassed to take them away, so they put them here! "

Lin Feng shook his head and laughed. The mouse learned from him and became more and more philistine. Now the house is full of gold and silver jewelry, as well as some mountain treasures and antiques. The mouse is nothing but a rich man.

Lin Feng is too lazy to care about him. It's a good thing that the mouse can have this mind now. Before, he didn't care about the affairs of the world, and he didn't like money. Now he may be exercising his conduct.

But Lin Feng underestimated the mouse. In the week after that, the mouse did a thing, which made him shocked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!