The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1048

"I count three and disappear from my face!" Xu Youming yelled: "one, two..."

just before he could shout out, another voice came from his side:

"what's the matter? Why are you so excited? "

People follow the reputation to go, but see is a middle-aged man to this side.

The middle-aged man is very dignified. He has a mustache, a big back, a pair of dark blue eyes and a cigarette in his mouth.

He was dressed in a silver suit and a luxurious mink coat. He was followed by five or six elderly old men. Each of them seemed to have extraordinary bearing and should be at the level of some big boss.

In this way, more set off the extraordinary man.

Seeing the middle-aged man coming over, Xu Youming immediately changed his face and said with a flattering smile to the middle-aged man: "cousin, you are here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Listening to Xu Youming's remarks also confirmed Lin Feng's speculation that this man is the president of Qinglong chamber of Commerce, Xu Shilong.

Xu Shilong nodded to Xu Youming and said, "today's traffic jam, I came a little late, but the meeting has not started yet?"

Xu Youming responded that he had said something wrong just now. He seemed to blame Xu Shilong for coming late. He said quickly: "cousin, I didn't mean anything else. I came too early. The conference of the chamber of commerce at the beginning of the year is too important. I'm so anxious for the chamber of Commerce. I'm sorry!"

Xu Shilong waved his hand with a smile: "it's OK, you think too much!"

Then he asked, "when I came in just now, I saw that you were arguing with others. What happened?"

"Oh, that's it There was a hint of malice in Xu Youming's eyes. He pointed to Lin Feng and said, "cousin, this man is not a member of our chamber of Commerce, but he slipped in to attend the meeting. Obviously, he came to rub against the relationship. I found out that I wanted to drive him out, but he just begged for nothing here. So I was very angry. I'm sorry, cousin. I've disgraced the chamber of Commerce!"

It has to be said that Xu Youming's ability to pretend to be poor is still first-class.

Xu Shilong nodded: "Oh, this way!"

He looked at Lin Feng and asked, "you are not a member of the chamber of Commerce. How did you get in? What are you doing here? "

"I'll come to the meeting." Lin Feng still said that.

Xu Shilong frowned and said to a young man behind him, "go check the front desk register. How did this person get in?"

"Yes The young man stepped back and turned down the stairs.

Xu Shilong didn't pay attention to Lin Feng any more. There were too many anonymous people trying to get into the chamber of Commerce. As president, he had no spare time to take care of them.

Then, he glanced at the people waiting for the meeting in the hall, and said with some displeasure on his face: "why didn't the Lin family come? Lin Junlong didn't come, didn't he send a representative? "

"Oh, the Lin family is so big that it's normal that they don't want to join the chamber of Commerce." Said an old man with a sharp mouth behind him.

"Yes, the Lin family used a lot of resources from the chamber of Commerce in the past few years. Many good deals from the government were given to the Lin family. In recent years, their wings have hardened and they don't want to be with us at all." Another old man with a beard said sour.

After all, in this chamber of Commerce, the Lin family has always been the majority. These people wish that the Lin family would get out of the chamber of Commerce, so that they can get a lot of good resources.

Shangguan cloud is also a little surprised, usually the people of the Lin family arrived early, how this time the Lin family did not see any movement?

However, at this time, but listen to Lin Feng said: "how Lin family in your mouth, said so philistine?"


All of them were in a daze. The two old men looked up and down at Lin Feng with disdain in their eyes.

They did not expect that a little-known punk would dare to tease them on such an occasion!

Lin Feng went on to say: "the Lin family has a great career. It was made by themselves, not from the chamber of Commerce. Moreover, the Lin family has a high status in the chamber of Commerce. That's because the Lin family contributes a lot to the chamber of commerce every year. Which of your enterprises has more support from the Lin family to the chamber of Commerce?"

Before Lin Feng came to the chamber of Commerce, he had simply asked Lin Junlong about the status of the Lin family in the chamber of Commerce, so he had some expectations for this scene.

Lin Junlong told Lin Feng that this group of people from the chamber of Commerce seem to be at odds with each other. They are respectful and respectful at meetings. They are like old friends for many years. In fact, they are acting for their own interests.

In recent years, the Lin family has not seldom offended people in the chamber of Commerce. Because the Lin family contributes most to the chamber of commerce every year, it will give priority to the Lin family if there are any good projects and first-hand resources.

However, those who have misdeeds can not see the Lin family's pay, only see the Lin family's demand. In private, they even slander the Lin family. Many people in the chamber of Commerce have formed an alliance secretly and want to kick the Lin family out.

However, the Lin family has always been moral. After the Lin family got the resources, a large part of the money they earned was returned to the chamber of Commerce, which made the chamber of commerce very rich and powerful because of the existence of the Lin family. Xu Shilong was also very satisfied with the Lin family. In recent years, the chamber of Commerce and the Lin family were just mutual aid.Therefore, the status of the Lin family in the chamber of Commerce has not been shaken.

However, Lin Junlong also intends to retire this year. He thinks that his hard-working situation is just like that. If his descendants do not strive for success, sooner or later, they will give up their hands. Therefore, he decided not to interfere in the affairs of the chamber of Commerce. Whatever the younger generation has done, he will have his own children and grandchildren.

In other words, he wanted to manage, but he didn't have so much energy. Lin Junlong got old all of a sudden because of the things about Lin Zhengkai and Lin Zhengqing. He also realized that he would eventually grow old. The Lin family, in the end, would have to rely on later generations to survive.

So this time Lin Junlong planned to take the place of Lin Zhengwu to attend the chamber of Commerce instead of the Lin family, but it happened that Lin Feng came back, and Lin Feng happened to go to the chamber of Commerce, so Lin Junlong asked Lin Feng to attend.

Lin Feng didn't think about how to do things for the Lin family. He just wanted to finish his goal as soon as possible.

However, these people in front of his face, a pair of small mouth, he can not see down, so he argued a few words.

But his argument immediately angered the old bastards.

The old man almost jumped up. He pointed to Lin Feng and said, "which onion are you? How can you speak here? "

Even the bearded old man and several big men behind Xu Shilong look at Lin Feng with bad eyes.

Lin Feng didn't pay attention to them just now. They are used to being flattered. They think they are high and powerful. When they see Lin Feng such a hairy boy, they all criticize and question them. Regardless of whether Lin Feng is right or not, they can't stand this attitude.

Even bearded old man was very angry, but he was not so direct. Instead, he said mildly and insidiously, "at the chamber of Commerce meeting, someone even sneaked in and put out some words. Should we deal with this seriously? Otherwise, isn't the chamber of Commerce a place for passers-by to throw aspersions? "

Xu Shilong body someone whispered to Xu Shilong: "president, we have to get rid of this boy, you see, everyone's mood is wrong!"

Xu Shilong glanced at Lin Feng carefully. His eyes still fell on Jin Fenghuang for a few seconds. He thought for a while and said, "security, take these people who are irrelevant to the chamber of Commerce, take them out!"

Then he waved to Shangguan Yun and other members of the hall and said, "let's go in for a meeting, and wait for the Lin family."

But listen to Lin Feng said: "you don't have to wait, the people of the Lin family are here!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!