The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1047

However, the smile in Xu Youming's eyes is a misunderstanding.

He thought that the Golden Phoenix was smiling at him, and he was elated and said: "beauty, if you want to join the club, I will try to pull you in..."

"you won!" Jin Fenghuang abruptly interrupts Xu Youming.

"I won?" Xu Youming looks confused.

However, he found that the Golden Phoenix did not speak to him again, but looked behind him.

Xu Youming looks back and sends cash to Phoenix. He talks to Lin Feng who is walking behind him.

"You won!"

Golden Phoenix eyebrows and eyes are mixed with a trace of amorous smile.

"Oh, it's the will of God." Lin Feng said.

Their eyes meet, they are very gentle, the dialogue is natural and calm, as if there is no Xu Youming between them.

Xu Youming was so embarrassed that he turned to Lin Feng and said, "you are not a member of the chamber of Commerce. Get out of here quickly!"

Lin Feng did not pay any attention to Xu Youming. He turned to Jin Fenghuang and said, "I'll wait for you tonight."

Golden Phoenix a face is coy, say: "good!"

Xu Youming was completely angry.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Lin Feng, then looked at the Golden Phoenix, and then said to the Golden Phoenix: "beauty, is that man your boyfriend?"

"Yes When Jin Fenghuang talks, his eyes never leave Lin Feng.

"Break up with your boyfriend, I'll let you join the green dragon club!" said Xu Youming maliciously

"After joining the association, what can we do?" Golden Phoenix smiles.

"After joining the association, with my relationship, you can enjoy superior treatment in Qinglong club. Your enterprise can become one of the top 500 enterprises in China in a few years. How about it?" Xu Youming said.

Hearing this, the Golden Phoenix is smiling and shaking his head.

Sometimes, it's better to be modest and low-key, because you can't tell when you will meet someone stronger than you. Even when you show off in front of others, people will feel embarrassed and ridiculous.

The reason why Jin Fenghuang thinks so is that she knows some details of Lin Feng.

Not to mention the background and relationship that Lin Feng has now, let's just say that before, when Lin Feng was the leader of the Rubik's mercenary regiment, he had carried out many cutting-edge tasks around the world, mostly to solve problems for some big people, or to protect some big people.

Those big people, either politicians of various countries or celebrities of a generation, are people of high position and power and famous reputation.

And these people, after contact with Lin Feng, owe too much or too little to Lin Feng's kindness. Some of them are for help, some are for saving lives, and those can't be bought with money.

For example, josenna, a former royal decorator in Western Europe, was introduced by Lao Hu, and he also took on many tasks from the Dragon kingdom. In particular, Lin Feng knew many of the great figures in Kyoto of the Dragon kingdom. Of course, he was more of a top-level official magnate.

However, when Lin Feng came to Kyoto, he did not start these relations, because he wanted to keep a low profile and not to be too attracted to the attention of the enemy and "exterminator".

Now, he has attracted everyone's attention, and Mie has been watching him secretly, so he doesn't need to keep a low profile.

When Jin Fenghuang knew this, he was very surprised. He didn't expect that this seemingly simple and ordinary man not only concealed his amazing force and ability, but also concealed such a powerful network of relationships.

At that moment, she finally understood that holding on to Lin Feng's thigh was equal to having everything.

Therefore, today's Golden Phoenix is very calm and calm in the face of everything, because beside him stands a top-notch boss, which is the kind of hidden boss that others don't know, and whose footprints overturn the whole Kyoto.

Now, is it not ridiculous that a member of a small chamber of Commerce dares to speak out in front of Lin Feng?

It's like a little teddy, a domestic pet, barking in front of a wolf king who has been through many battles.

Teddy thinks he's the boss.

However, Lin Feng is not angry at this time. Angry is the performance of incompetent talents. Lin Feng just thinks that Xu Youming is ridiculous.

Lin Feng raised his eyebrows and jokingly said to Jin Fenghuang, "honey, let's break up now. Then you can join the chamber of Commerce and make a lot of money, and then you can take care of me. Haha

The Golden Phoenix also came to be naughty, said with a smile: "good, then you wait for me to take care of you!"

"Waste, what a waste!" Xu Youming's face was livid, pointing to Lin Feng and scolding: "you even want to rely on your own woman, are you still not a man? I'm sick of you

Then he said to the Golden Phoenix in a loud voice: "beauty, do you have a brain problem? What's good about this man? Why do you have to be with him? He's just a piece of junk

Shangguan Yun, who has been watching, couldn't look down. He went up to Xu Youming and said, "brother Xu, today is the meeting of the chamber of commerce at the beginning of the year. At the beginning of the year, harmony makes money. Don't hurt the harmony.""Hurt a fart!" Xu Youming angrily yelled: "today I don't believe it. Is it so difficult to deal with a woman?"

He pointed to the Golden Phoenix and said angrily, "you, stay with me tonight, and I will give you glory and wealth."

Then, he pointed to Lin Feng and said, "you, now get out of here, or I'll have your dog legs discounted!"

In broad daylight, robbing people and women by force, which was done by bullies in ancient times, is living in this chamber of Commerce today.

Shangguanyun really can't look down. If it goes on like this, the Qinglong chamber of Commerce will not be polluted by people like Xu Youming?

Shangguan family is also the elder of Qinglong chamber of Commerce. He doesn't want such a good organization to be destroyed by such bastards.

He quickly stopped Xu Youming and said, "brother Xu, please don't be angry!"

"I'm senema!" Xu Youming even yelled at Shangguan Yun with red eyes.

Shangguan cloud a Leng, did not expect Xu Youming to turn over his face.

Xu Youming said: "Shangguan Yun, my business is not up to you to take care of. Don't think I politely call you Shangguan elder brother. You are really my elder brother. I see that you are old, you know? Don't stumble with me here. Get out of my way, or I won't be rude! "

Although shangguanyun is the representative of Shangguan family, he knows that there is still some gap between Shangguan family and Xu Shilong.

After all, Shangguan's family has always paid attention to the cultivation of martial arts, and the commercial development is relatively backward. Moreover, many business opportunities are given by the Qinglong Association. Even if he is dissatisfied with Xu Youming, he should give Xu Shilong some face.

Moreover, every chamber of Commerce has a top expert hired by a large sum of money. If he wants to use force, he may not have a chance.

Therefore, Shangguan Yun is very clear about his situation, his teeth are almost broken, the knuckles of his fist clenched hands turn white, but he still kept silent.

It's not that he doesn't want to help Lin Feng, but he can't.

And Xu Youming in the show of authority, more unscrupulous, he to Lin Feng, he said: "I count three numbers, disappear from my front!"




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