The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1045

Lin Feng's intention to dominate Kyoto is not driven by greed.

He has now seen the situation clearly. Before he gets the blood jade, there are many forces ready to move.

You got the blood jade? I don't have to do anything else. I can deal with them all day.

Therefore, Lin Feng intends to pull as many famous forces as possible to the side of his alliance before the blood jade really appears.

In the future, when blood jade rebuild the sky, they will lose a large part of the enemy, and they will have more chips.

However, foreign forces are too far away, and Lin Feng has no idea for the time being. It's a big deal to kill one, two to kill a pair.

But for domestic forces, Lin Feng does not want to be like this. After all, all of us are compatriots. Unless we have to, we will give them a ray of life.

Just like this incident in xuanming mansion, if you put your previous temper on it, Lin Feng will certainly clean up the group of people severely and abolish the scar man who takes the lead, so that they can know what will happen to "Shura".

However, this time, Lin Feng just let them promise a few conditions and then let them go.

This is also a warning that if the other party does something wrong again, he will not be as good as this one.

Therefore, Lin Feng's idea is that domestic forces should try their best to turn hostility into friendship to achieve cooperation or friendship, and then, those forces hiding in the dark, even if Lin Feng can't catch them, they can't easily interfere with Lin Feng.

Even if it is "extinguished", it will not be so easy to make trouble again.

Therefore, Lin Feng wants to conquer the so-called major forces in Kyoto with his own ability in this period of time.

The current situation is that among the four families, Shangguan family and Lin family belong to him, while Tang family and Ouyang family are his enemies.

Among the four main gates, xuanming house and black tiger hall were temporarily enemies. Because of Chen Lao and Qingfeng, Emperor Wu was regarded as his partner. He had just finished Shenhe gate again, which was one to one.

Lin Feng has little contact with the three chambers of Commerce. However, the chamber of commerce is the most mixed organization. If one chamber of commerce is completed, it is equivalent to how many enterprises and big men have been settled.

Therefore, Lin Feng plans to go to the chamber of Commerce first. If he can manage the chamber of Commerce, he can not only take out the tourism resources of the chamber of Commerce for Jin Fenghuang, but also employ the highest level bodyguards in the name of the chamber of Commerce, which are all famous ace bodyguards. Even Qinglong of wuwangzong, who was employed by the Lin family, can be hired through the chamber of Commerce.

Hiring high-level bodyguards is also one of Lin Feng's goals.

Only in this way, I don't have to worry about the danger of villa beauties all the time.

The employment of high-level bodyguards, by virtue of individuals, is not entitled to employ. Only after the chamber of Commerce has verified your strength and determined that the status and property of the highest level bodyguards are enough to support the employment of the highest level bodyguards, the list of bodyguards will be listed for selection and employment will be completed.

In other words, no matter how much money Lin Feng has, he can't directly hire the most senior bodyguards.

One is that he is not sure which are the senior bodyguards.

Secondly, those bodyguards would not believe Lin Feng and would not have an employment relationship with him.

The chamber of commerce is authoritative, so we all employ and be employed by the chamber of Commerce as the carrier.

In the afternoon, it is the beginning meeting of the youth dragon Association.

At the beginning of the year, the conference was held in a five-star hotel under the Shilong group of Xu Shilong.

The reason why the conference started in the afternoon is that this kind of meeting is not the kind of meeting that people think will bring hundreds of people at once, and then it will be held for three or four days.

The most important meeting of the chamber of commerce is always one of the core backbones who have the right to participate. Therefore, at most dozens of people are elites among the elites and representatives of major forces.

Then, after the meeting in the afternoon, we will go directly to the dinner party. We will raise our glasses and cheer on each other to see if there is any better cooperation in the future.

Although the Lin family is also a member of the green dragon Association, Lin Feng was not invited to the meeting because the outside world did not know his identity at this time.

Lin Zhengwu is going to attend the meeting on behalf of the Lin family.

Lin Zhengkai is crazy. Lin Zhengqing is dead. Lin Zhengwu is the oldest of the second generation of the Lin family.

However, after Lin Feng asked him to attend the new year's meeting of the chamber of Commerce, the representative naturally became Lin Feng.

Lin Feng took the Golden Phoenix to the chamber of Commerce Hotel.

The meeting starts at 1:00 p.m. when Lin Feng and Jin Fenghuang arrive here, it is 12:00, and it will start in an hour.

After asking about the origin of Lin Feng, the hotel attendant took him to the second floor of the hotel, where the meeting was to be held.

At this time, there are many people present, Lin Feng saw an old acquaintance - shangguanyun.

Shangguanjia is also a member of Qinglong Association. With the help of Qinglong Association, many obstacles in shangguanjia's tourism industry have been removed, so the development is very good. Therefore, shangguanjia will come to participate in the activities of the chamber of Commerce. Moreover, shangguanyun is the same level to participate in, and Shangguan Ruoxue will occasionally walk through the scene.But today Shangguan Ruoxue did not come.

After seeing Lin Feng, Shangguan Yun came up to say hello at the first time. They respected Lin Feng very much. Shangguan Hong ordered that Lin Feng be a VIP after Lin Feng.

Lin Feng, out of politeness, also said hello with a smile.

At this time, he saw a middle-aged man coming over. The young man actually coveted the beauty of the Golden Phoenix, but he didn't know how to talk to him. When he saw shangguanyun standing opposite the Golden Phoenix, he rushed over and said to Shangguan Yun, "Oh, Shangguan elder brother, you've come quite early!"

"Oh, brother Xu, you're not too late!" Shangguan cloud guest airway.

"It's my own business. How can it be late?" Said the young man.

The young man's name is Xu Youming. He is the cousin of Xu Shilong, President of the green dragon Association.

In fact, his relatives are very far away. Only when Xu Youming fawns on Xu Shilong, he can make a great success. He pastes Xu Shilong everywhere. Even the chamber of Commerce, he says, has become his own business. After all, the president is his cousin. It is also a kind of unfriendly show off.

For Xu Youming's arrogance, shangguanyun has long been commonplace. Xu Youming used to be a scoundrel, and he had no ability. It was just because he climbed onto the high branch of his distant cousin Xu Shilong. He begged for a lot of resources in the chamber of Commerce. By virtue of Xu Shilong's name, he got to know many big men in the industry. His business has become bigger and bigger in recent years.

However, no matter how big the business is, he can't change his appearance. The character of local ruffian has always been shamed by the people in the chamber of Commerce. Because of Xu Shilong's face, no one dares to provoke him.

So Shangguan cloud is just polite on the surface, and he doesn't like this person very much.

At this time, Xu Youming's eyes looked at the Golden Phoenix and said to Shangguan Yun, "elder brother Shangguan, do you know this woman? Introduce it to me

"I don't know!" Shangguan cloud's eyes flashed a trace of not easy to detect dislike.

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