The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1044

At present, there are three chambers of Commerce in Kyoto: Wawa, Changping and Qinglong.

Among them, the four big families in Kyoto are also members of the three chambers of Commerce, and many prominent figures and entrepreneurs are members of the chamber of Commerce.

There are many chambers of Commerce in Kyoto, large and small, but the only ones with real strength are these three chambers of Commerce.

First of all, Luo Qinghe, the president of the association, is a famous transportation magnate in Kyoto. During the period when logistics rose, Luo Qinghe, with his subordinates, broke out his own day and even monopolized half of the transportation industry.

Later, after the establishment of the association, Luo Qinghe became the president.

The Changping association was founded by Guo Changping.

Guo Changping grew up in a mining family. The family has been engaged in precious metal and Baozhu ore business for generations. Although it seems that they are not as powerful as other families in Kyoto, they are rich in wealth. Some people have privately helped the Guo family to calculate their wealth. They are likely to have more property than the four families put together.

Of course, this is just a rumor, but the Guo family has been very low-key, making money are quietly put up, never attracted attention.

But later, business became more and more difficult. Guo Changping found that it was very difficult for him to do business well. There were always obstacles like this and that. He stopped making cars behind closed doors. He planned to cooperate with people from all walks of life and support each other, so as to make the future development of the Guo family more stable.

At that time, when the chamber of Commerce rose, he also established a chamber of Commerce, Changping society. Relying on the advantages of Guo family in metal forging industry and building materials mining industry, he attracted a group of big men in the circle, and then extended to the machinery manufacturing industry and energy mining industry. The Guo family was not very brilliant, but the Changping society controlled by Guo Changping was growing stronger and stronger, and finally occupied the three major businesses One of the seats.

Finally, the Qinglong club was founded by a group of real estate and financial tycoons. At the beginning of its establishment, it just wanted to exchange information so that everyone could better control the real estate and financial market in Kyoto. Because real estate and finance are high-speed industries in recent years, making money like water, the rapid rise of Qinglong club has once attracted the eyes of other chambers of Commerce 。

After that, the green dragon Association radiated to the tourism, hotel and catering industries, gradually becoming one of the three chambers of Commerce.

The reason why the Qinglong Association involves the tourism industry is mainly due to the participation of shangguanjia.

As we all know, among the four families in Kyoto, Shangguan family attaches great importance to the development of tourism. With the cooperation between Shangguan family and Jingdu Shangjia, the tourism development is very prosperous. Therefore, Shangguan family has brought a lot of tourism resources, which makes the Qinglong Club absorb dozens of tourism giants.

The main reason why Lin Feng took Jin Fenghuang to Kyoto is to take advantage of this opportunity to help Jin Fenghuang establish a relationship in Kyoto, and strive to link Danzhou's tourism industry with Kyoto, so as to benefit the people in Danzhou.

After all, Danzhou is Lin Feng's hometown, where the fox died and his hometown was hard to leave. He always wanted to contribute to the people of his hometown.

When Hu Jingjing and other people went to the capital, they asked Hu Jingjing and other people to go to the camp to protect them.

Back in Kyoto again, Lin Feng's identity has changed. Lin Zhengming takes Lin's servants to meet Lin Feng. Lin Feng doesn't pay attention to it. He says he has something to do and then pushes it away.

Since the chamber of Commerce started in the afternoon, he arrived in Kyoto in the morning and took yuwenji to the God crane gate in Kyoto.

He once promised Ye Beili, the head of the shenhemen gate, and promised to find her yuwenji to be the head of the South Yunnan branch, so he let yuwenji and yebeili meet at the first time.

Yu Wenji only then knew the purpose of Lin Feng's bringing him to Kyoto. She was disappointed and felt that Lin Feng was going to abandon her.

However, after several persuasions from Lin Feng, she found that this was not the case. Lin Feng arranged her here to let her realize her dream as soon as possible and stay young forever.

Yuwenji here, was night Beili special permission to learn "Chiyou secret arts", so that her efforts also have a direction, do not have to think about blood jade.

But Yu Wenji said in Lin Feng's ear: "let me be the person in charge of the South Yunnan branch, but I have a request. Only if you promise me, I can do it!"

Lin Feng see night north from also quite like rain Wenji, said: "what request you to say, I promise you!"

Yu Wenji's face suddenly flushed and her eyes were full of spring. She whispered in Lin Feng's ear, "stay with me for a night!"


Lin Feng rolled his eyes, this request, a bit too hasty?

"What? Don't you agree? " Yu Wenji suddenly looked at Lin Feng worried: "I really want to spend a good night with you, even if one night, I am also satisfied!"

Yu Wenji has a strong possessiveness. After meeting Lin Feng, she is gradually attracted by Lin Feng's personality. After seeing other fresh meat, she has no feeling at all.

At this time, she realized that the most attractive part of a man is not his appearance, but his inner part.Lin Feng is not that kind of handsome earth shaking person, but as long as his people stand in front of Yu Wenji, he has a fatal attraction to her.

Yu Wenji did not know why, but she could not help the restless heart, she lost interest in any man, only to Lin Feng.

However, she knew that she was not the only woman who had such an idea. Therefore, she did not want to be able to get Lin Feng. She just wanted to have a chance to be husband and wife with Lin Feng, and her life would be enough.

So, as she was about to leave, she had such a request.

Lin Feng said: "sister rain, this is not good!"

Yu Wenji's eyes affectionately said: "you have promised, can't go back on your regret!"

Lin Feng sighed and said, "well, although I promised you, I didn't say when I would sleep with you. If you are like this, you should go to do a good job first. If you want to sleep, you can do it at will."

If it is heard by other men Lin Feng's words, will be envious of the dark, such a beautiful and heinous beauty in front of you, you even pretended to be reserved, this is another man, would have rushed over.

But this is also the difference between Lin Feng and other men. He has his own steps and ideas. It's not that he doesn't love beautiful women. It's not time.

"So, if you can agree, we'll form a cooperative opinion, OK?" Lin Feng said.

"Well, it's a deal. I'll sleep till you!" Yu Wenji said.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Lin Feng has a bad smile.

In this way, Yu Wenji has successfully become a general guarding the shenhemen. Because of Lin Feng, Yu Wenji's status in shenhemen is very high, even comparable to the external consultant Lin Qin.

After Lin Feng finished this matter, he thought about it in his mind.

In this case, the God crane gate is settled, with Ye Beili and Yu Wenji in. After the God crane gate, it should be their own alliance camp.

So, if you want to dominate Kyoto, how do you sort out these complicated forces? , the fastest update of the webnovel!