The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1021

However, Lin Junlong knew that all these were retribution, and they could not be stopped.

Lin Junlong waved to Lin Feng and said, "Xiaofeng, come here!"

Lin Feng walked over to Lin Junlong.

"Xiaofeng, you are the son of Lin Zhengtian and the eldest grandson of my Lin family. In the future, the Lin family will depend on you!"

After listening to the old man's words, people look at me, I look at you, look at each other.

This is not to deny all of the second generation of the Lin family, and then, to deny all the people after the third generation of the Lin family.

Everyone knows what the old man's words mean. He wants to hand over the Lin family to Lin Feng.

The Lin family, the first of the four families in Kyoto, has numerous property enterprises. It also owns millions of acres of private manor and several luxury castles abroad.

Such a powerful family, so handed over to Lin Feng?

In other words, Lin Feng changed from an unknown boy to a famous dandy and rich three generations in Beijing in an instant!!!

This is not only a bit dramatic, but people are thinking, is the old man's action, too hasty ah!

Lin Dong and others were even more unconvinced. He stood up and said, "grandfather, in terms of age, I am older than him. If we say that we should inherit the throne, it should be me."

"Yes, Dad, let's take a long-term view on this matter." Said Lin Hongxia.

Lin Junlong looked at Lin Dong and then looked at Lin Hongxia. Suddenly, he said angrily, "even if I take a long-term view, who among you can take on this important task, and who can take over the Lin family safely after I abdicate?"

With that, he looked around, his sharp eyes across everyone's face.

In addition to eating, drinking and playing, these people are pursuing vanity and face all day long in exchange for the enjoyment of Dharma. Which of his eyes is Lin Junlong?

Although Lin Zhengkai and Lin Zhengqing are not good at heart, they are also the two most capable sons. Except for the two, the rest are all in the bag.

Therefore, today's Lin family has suffered heavy losses.

It's not just the loss of two sons, but the loss of two people who will carry the flag in the future.

It's enough to destroy a family.

Lin Junlong plans to retire after today's affairs. He can't control it all the time. Otherwise, other people can't be trained. He can't rely on him. If he makes a mistake one day, the Lin family will die.

Through this period of time, Lin Junlong carefully analyzed Lin Feng. He found that although Lin Feng was still young, he had this amazing ability.

This kind of ability is not only reflected in the cultivation of martial arts, but also in his intelligence quotient, emotional intelligence, and ability to handle affairs...

it can be said that Lin Feng is the most powerful all-round genius Lin Junlong has ever seen.

What's more, Lin Junlong knows that Lin Feng has the blood of Lin Zhengtian. He inherited the pure blood of guwu family, which is a magic weapon to change the Lin family.

At the same time, Lin Feng has a close relationship with Laohu, a big city in Kyoto. Lin Junlong knew that Lin Feng was Lao Hu's grandson. Therefore, if Lin Feng was in charge of the Lin family, Laohu would help him and unite with the powerful, and no one could shake him.

In addition, if Lin Feng can take back the blood jade, the blood jade will become the treasure of his Lin family. If he can become the guardian of blood jade, he will become one of the top families in the world. With his own strength, Lin Feng can bring the Lin family to the top.

This is Lin Junlong's greatest wish. Of course, he also believes that Lin Feng has this ability.

Therefore, what Lin Junlong thinks is that no one knows. We don't understand why he did this. Only he knows clearly in his heart that Lin Feng can be the leader of the Lin family. This is the best way. Over time, Lin Feng will be stronger than any other leader of the Lin family.

Now, even if all the people are against it, he must carry out his own will, taking advantage of the weight of his speech, while he still has the right to hand over the principal to Lin Feng.

People look at me, I look at you, are a little confused.

This is how the old man handed over such a big stall of the Lin family. Was the old man confused?

More people think that Lin Feng is not Lin Zhengtian's son and Lin's grandson, and he won't be in charge as soon as he comes back. The eldest and second young masters can't get what they can't get. He can get it easily? This is not fair!

At this time, the rest of the Lin family were a little envious. Their hearts said that they didn't take Lin Feng's happiness and wealth into consideration, and their status soared to become celebrities in Kyoto in an instant. Then, there were groups of beautiful women, splendor and wealth, and they were all shining moments in their lives.

This is the peak of life!

However, when everyone's envious eyes were red, Lin Feng said in a loud voice: "I'm sorry, master, I can't accept it!"


All of a sudden, everyone was confused.

No, what the hell is it? Don't accept such a good thing?However, King Kong and the mouse had a meaningful smile on their faces. They thought that their eldest brother was the leader of the Lin family. They thought it was super boring. How could such talents as the boss be tied up in such places!

Sure enough, the boss is the boss. They always admire him for his work.

"Why?" Lin Junlong did not expect Lin Feng to say so.

He thought that Lin Feng's return to Kyoto was to take back that share for his father.

And he gave the whole Lin family to Lin Feng, which was the affirmation of Lin Feng and Lin Zhengtian, and also the supreme glory of Lin Feng.

But why did Lin Feng refuse to accept it?

Lin Feng light said: "Yi People's whereabouts are unknown, but the gold bottle to the moon, parents big revenge not revenged, how to talk about the glory of family business?"

Lin Junlong couldn't help sighing.

He can understand Lin Feng's mood.

Yes, my girlfriend is still missing. I can only drink to the moon when I am lonely. I haven't got revenge from my parents. How can I be in the mood to manage my family business?

After hearing this, they were also moved by Lin Feng's affectionate, righteous and filial character.

If it's a fake, it's all.

But in everyone's eyes, Lin Feng is willing to give up the rights of the master of the Lin family in Kyoto for these reasons. This is not a pretence.

Lin Junlong was a little surprised and asked, "what happened to your father, as well as your girlfriend, were not all made by Qing'er? Don't you say that Qing'er is extermination? Now, Qing'er has been cleaned up by you, and you are also regarded as revenge. Why do these two things still linger in your mind? "

Lin Feng said with a bitter smile: "master, things are not so simple!"

He stepped forward, put his mouth to Lin Junlong's ear, and said in a low voice, "in fact, Lin Zhengqing is not extermination, he is just cooperating with Mie. All he does is instigated by Mie. He and Mie are cooperative relations."

"Oh?" Lin Junlong stops his sadness and looks at Lin Feng in surprise.

"It's a long story!" Lin Feng showed his hands.

Because he had known for a long time that Lin Zhengqing was not really extermination, he was just a pawn and spokesman of extermination.

Therefore, in the eyes of Jin Xiangnan, general and others, Lin Zhengqing is extermination. But in fact, what Lin Zhengqing does and orders are all the people behind him. That is the real Mie.

Therefore, if Lin Zhengqing died, the matter was not solved?

On the contrary, the real extinction is still staring at Lin Feng in the dark.

Lin Feng knows that Qilin and Taotie should be Mie's men!

The elder brother Yan, a middle-aged man with white hair, was also sent to protect Lin Zhengqing.

So, next, he has to fight with the real extermination, which is the most important thing.

Lin Feng is looking forward to the real destruction and his real veil. , the fastest update of the webnovel!