The CEO's a Woman

Chapter 1020

Lin Feng thought that the secret weapon was used to deal with him, but he didn't expect to use it on Lin Zhengqing.

In fact, this hidden weapon, Kirin has not been used, just in case someone runs away with broken jade during their fight.

He was right.

The mouse ran over to pick up the broken jade in Lin Zhengqing's arms.

"Don't go!" Lin Feng gave a big drink.

Sure enough, at the same time, Kirin shakes his arm again. It seems that the concealed weapon is loaded again. The next second, it will shoot at the mouse.

At this critical moment, Lin Feng suddenly comes forward, grabs Kirin's arm and pushes it up.

The concealed weapon flew out, but this time it stabbed directly at the rock above.

If it wasn't for Lin Feng, the mouse would be the next Lin Zhengqing.

Seeing the failure of a blow, Qilin is very angry. He pulls back his hand, waves the concealed weapon and shoots at Lin Feng.

However, there is no threat to Lin Feng. He sends several of them, which are nimbly evaded by Lin Feng. In the process, Lin Feng does not retreat but advances and comes to Qilin.

Kirin panicked and quickly stepped back to adjust his state for another attack.

However, he heard a strange and strange howl outside the cave.

"Woo --"

the sound, like the whine of some kind of wild animals, and also like the whine of ghosts and monsters, makes people feel a little creepy.

When Qilin and Taotie hear the sound, their faces change greatly. They both step back. Taotie suddenly takes out two small black balls from his arms and throws them at Jack, Lin Feng and others.


A puff of white smoke suddenly dispersed and diffused everywhere. The smell of choking nose made people unable to breathe and their eyes could not be opened.

However, Lin Feng can not be more familiar with this thing, this is a kind of smoke bomb used by agents to hide their retreat.

Sure enough, after a few seconds, the smoke dispersed, and we could clearly see the front, but there was no kylin and Taotie's shadow.

"Boss, chase?" Asked the mouse.

The mouse knows that nothing can escape the claws of the eldest Lin Feng. As long as the boss wants to chase after him, these two people can't run.

Lin Feng said: "poor bandits should not be pursued."

After all, the broken jade has been taken, which is a great harvest. As for the two people, if they catch up with each other, if they are caught up in the treacherous plot or are lured away from the mountain, they will not be worth the loss.

Lin Feng is as steady as ever.

The mouse laughs to send up the broken jade, heartless smile way: "boss, give you!"

Lin Feng frowned and said, "do you know it was dangerous just now? Don't do that again, you know? "

The mouse scratched his head and said, "boss, I've been with you for so long. I know you've been looking for these things. These things are very important to you. So, even if I don't want to die, I'll give you this one!"

This words, said Lin Feng nose a sour, instantly moved.

"Good brother, you are so stupid!" Lin Feng took a deep breath and patted the mouse on the head.

"Hey, I'm smarter than many people." Said the mouse.

Indeed, in some fields, he is an international master.

For example, hackers' computers and cameras...

at this time, he heard a cry from the side: "second brother, you wake up, second brother..."

Lin Feng turned his head and found that Lin Zhengming was calling Lin Zhengqing. He held Lin Zhengqing's head and gently shook it, but Lin Zhengqing's eyes were closed and there was no sense.

Lin Zhengqing is dead!

On the hidden weapon of Kirin, it is poisonous.

Lin Feng walked over and said that Lin Zhengqing was responsible for his own mistakes. He could not have died, but he was so obsessed with interests that he had to take away the broken jade. As a result, he was left with no talent!

He didn't make any comments. Now he is thinking about a question. What was the strange cry just now?

Why are Qilin and Taotie so afraid that they retreat without fighting and even don't want broken jade!

Is there a beast guarding the cave?

Lin Feng did not understand, also simply did not want to, soldiers will block the water to cover up, regardless of what it is!

At this time, Lin Feng picked up the broken jade and studied it carefully for a moment. It was basically certain that the broken jade was the same thing as the other three pieces.

Look at the shape of the broken cracks, it seems that they can be put together.

Lin Feng turned over the back of the blood jade. Like the other three pieces of broken jade, there was a poem on the back of the broken jade:

don't sign the western character at the head of the tomb.

Lin Feng rolled his eyes, and sure enough, it was a poem that was different from each other.

Lin Feng has heard this poem. It was written by a poet of the Yuan Dynasty. The poem is called "Partridge Sky, the return of Huabiao, laolingwei". It expresses a poet's unfulfilled ambition. After his old age, he is finally willing to be ordinary.However, what does this sentence have to do with the whereabouts of the blood jade?

Lin Feng recalled the first three verses:

the east wind is weak and all the flowers are left behind; the garden is becoming more and more clear and dense; the ground is willing to be the branch of LIANLI.

Now there's another one. Don't ask for Western characters at the head of the tomb.

Lin Feng carefully pondered over the meaning of these four poems, but it seemed that the four poems had no relevance.

But suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes lit up. Do these four poems describe four dimensions respectively?

Dongfeng is about season, garden is about place, wish for LIANLI branch is about relationship, and tomb head is about specific location?

I think it's a little smooth.

However, in this case, we should first determine the location, then determine the season, and then determine the relationship, in determining the specific location.

Because only when we know the location, we can know when the east wind blows. In the corresponding season, we can find the relationship between the season and the garden, and then we can find some unexpected guiding clues, and then we can find them with clues and specific location.

That's what it means.

Lin Feng put away the broken jade. He not only sighed that the man who kept the broken jade was really a learned man!

What makes Lin Feng depressed is that Lin Zhengqing is not here now.

He is not a pity for Lin Zhengqing, who is insidious and insidious, and has no feelings. He hates such people. However, Lin Zhengqing is not here, and he can't ask Jin Waner's whereabouts.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help feeling lost.

But the clue is not broken. He knows in his heart that he will face a stronger enemy next.

Lin Feng with mice and others back to the Lin family, where there are King Kong and Liu family mother and daughter waiting for him.

Jack, on the other hand, left in his cool blue phantom.

When Lin Feng arrived at the Lin family, his servants had already cleaned up the banquet hall. Under the care of the doctor, Mr. Lin was much better.

But he is not waiting for Lin Feng in the bedroom, insisting on waiting for Lin Feng to come back in the banquet hall.

Seeing Lin Feng and Lin Zheng back, Lin Junlong almost stood up from his chair. However, there was no Lin Zhengqing behind him. Lin Junlong's eyes flashed a little lost.

"Master, second brother, he..." Lin Zhengming was just about to speak.

But Lin Zhengwu met him with his elbow. He understood it immediately and shut up.

Lin Junlong is seriously ill at this time. Lin Zhengwu is afraid that the old man can't stand the blow.

But the old man said, "you don't have to say, I know the result!"

With that, two lines of muddy tears slipped from the corner of Lin Junlong's eyes.

If you know your son is not your father, you should pity your parents.

One day, the eldest son went mad, and the second son died. Lin Junlong, a white haired man, sent a black haired man. How sad! , the fastest update of the webnovel!