The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

37 Chapter 37- Spotlight taken


* Phone rings*

ZHi Hei : "Mom?"

Mother Huang:"Son, I've heard everything from Yu Rou already! How could you say this to a girl?"

Zhi Hei:" Sigh, I don't know what she said, but I already have a girlfriend."

Mother Huang: " did you really fall in love with some girl?"

Zhi Hei: "She's not 'some' girl, her name is Shi Xue."

Mother Huang: ....

Zhi Hei: "Mom..?"

Mother Huang:" Ahh.. oh.. then bring her to meet us. We still have to explain to Xia family. You know how that old man pampers Yu Rou. His precious daughter only likes you and we've watched both of you two grow up. We thought that.. you two would be together.."

Zhi Hei: "That is your and other elders expectations. I can meet your expectations when it comes to managing the company, but don't interfere with my love life and private life. I won't marry someone I don't love."

Mother Huang: "Mother understands.. understands.. I'll try to reject the Xia family then.. and let your father know.."

Zhi Hei smiled and said "Thanks mom..I'll introduce her to the Xia family during Yu Rou's welcome party."

-call ends-

Shi Xue walked out of the shower right after the call ended. Her hair was wet and dripping. She was wearing a light pink bath robe that revealed her soft smooth legs as she walked. Her skin was dewy and flushed from the hot shower making her look extra seductive. He lips were cherry red and eyes were a bit pink. So enticing...

Seeing Zhi Hei in a daze looking at her, she smiled seductively as she walked over to him. She sat on his lap facing towards him with her arms around his neck. Her bath robe outlined her curves as she positioned herself on his lap.

"What are you looking at?" she whispered to his ears sending chills down his spine. He straightened his posture and leaned in to kiss her as his hands hugged her slim waist. He bit her ears and replied "You." He moved his fingers and traced the dripping water on her neck and down.

"naughty..." she whispered with a low moan.

"Oh? Let's see whose the naughty one seducing me like this. " as he stroked from her thighs to her toes. He teased her from her cute rosy toes slowly back up to her knees and then her inner thighs. Her breathing became heavier and she bit her lips seductively. She sat up using her knees as her support and leaned forward. She licked his lips before colliding her tongue with his and playfully roam around his mouth.

*gulp* She swallowed the saliva that they shared intimately. A string of saliva connected both their lips as it separated. Her bath robe was a third down her body covering her breast with a loosened knot around her slim waist revealing her cleavage and inner thighs. He kissed her smooth neck as he stroked her inner thighs and made his hands to the area between her inner thighs.

His eyes widened in shock and a trace of lust flashed through his eyes.

He whispered, "No panties... hmmm?"

"Mmmmm.... I was going to wear them... afterwards..."

"After..... what? ... this?" as he teased her entrance with his fingers.

"nn...nnoo.. ahhhh" She bit down onto his neck and sucked hard until a bruise formed.

"I marked you... so you're mine..." she said as she moaned pleasurably.

"Heh.... but I don't plan on taking a step further than this...not until I introduce you to the world claiming you're mine alone.." he wickedly smiled as he slipped her robe back on.

Seeing her wet hair, he took a towel and started to dry her hair. He leaned in for another sweet taste of her lips.

"I wonder how sweet it'll be when I taste you completely" he licked her lips.

Sweet time passes by fast. As soon as they knew it, the party is the next night and the couple slept in each others embrace peacefully.

The party was catered at a grand hall that was luxuriously decorated with golden colored walls and fancy red curtains. This grand ballroom could match up with the royal family's status. The first thing people thought of when they saw the place was that it was money for every footstep they walk into the place. This place had been famous for its price and long waitlist. The floor was sparkly clean and an extravagant classic lighting made of diamonds traced out Yu Rou's name on the ceiling. It made many women jealous of the Xia family's fortune.

Guests were anticipating the arrival of Xia Yu Rou as she is the main attention of the night. Many single men with high statuses came to meet this legendary number 1 beauty of the business field. After seeing the sight of how expensive this party is, each thought of how lucky a man would be to be able to obtain the number 1 beauty and take over her family business.

Upstairs, in a certain room, a girl is applying blush on her powdery skin. She looked at her reflection with a satisfactory smile as she took out her pink lipstick and applied it carefully on her plump lips. She double checked her eyeliner and eyeshadow and then her dress to make sure there were no wrinkles before giving herself a kiss on the mirror.

"Beautiful" she smiled as she twist and turned twice admiring the low cut, lace trimmed, black dress that is slightly transparent after her thighs. She sprayed her favorite perfume called "Lavender Lust" before walking down to greet the guest. When she made her entrance, guests especially men surrounded her to compliment her beauty. Xia Yu Rou had loved attention since a child. She loved it when people glanced at her figure with envy in their eyes. She smiled broadly as she passed through the crowd to look for 'her' Zhi Hei. After wandering through the crowds for a few rounds, she realized that he was late and hasn't arrived yet. Just as she thought that he might have changed his mind last second, there was a huge commotion within the crowd that was louder than when she made her appearance.

She got curious and squished through the crowd to see what's causing the commotion. When she saw the familiar figure, she happily rushed over, but froze the next minute.

She saw a handsome figure whose face features were beyond god's expectations. His eyebrows were sharp, eyes clear and focused on his companion, smile as moving as summer's breeze, and hair was never as perfect. His complete attention was focused on his companion. Her skin was near perfection with minimal traces of makeup, her eyes were light hazel showing off her innocence and gentleness, her high nose, sweet glossy cherry like lips made one swallow a gulp wishing to own it, and her body measurements were ideal of every man's dream. She wore a light champagne colored evening dress that was a limited edition that was hard to purchase. Even if you have money, you most likely won't be able to buy any of this designer's works. As the couple walked, the breeze complimented the girl's dress making it flow gently and goddess like. Seeing this heavens match walking in, the crowd suddenly felt that tonight's party is no longer for Xia Yu Rou.

Just from this couple's entrance, she became the background...

Once again, her spotlight had been taken..