The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

36 Chapter 36- Nightmare

It was a peaceful night as the sweet couple slept in each others embrace like always. Suddenly, Shi Xue's forehead was covered in cold sweat. Her body trembled and was slowly soaked in her sweat. She twist and turned as she mumbled "Who are you..." Zhi Hei was waken by her movements. He tried to hug her and wake her up, but it didn't work. She looked scared and kept mumbling.


"Who are you..? D...don't come over here..."

Two shadows were approaching her and had a dangerous aura. The shadows had a human figure and their arms aimed towards ShiXue. She tripped as she backed away and the two figures continued getting closer and closer..

"AHHHHH" she screamed as she looked at her surrounding. She was back to her room and Zhi Hei was holding her tightly. He was wiping her face with a piece of tissue with a frown.

"another nightmare?"

She nodded as she gasped for breath and leaned on his body. He gently rubbed her back and told her it's alright. This time, she wouldn't even let him go to the bathroom to wet a cloth and wipe her face. She was too scared and kept trembling. He witnessed her pale face and uneasiness making his heart ache even more.

This is weird... she stopped having these nightmares ever since we slept together. Why the sudden nightmare....? Everything she did was unrelated to her nightmares either... maybe it's really from the trauma and would cure soon...

She fell back asleep after feeling Zhi Hei's warm embrace and knowing that she is safe.

After breakfast, Zhi Hei took care of some work related problems as Shi Xue played on her phone. Once in a while he would take a glance at her to peek at her beautiful smile. He received the email informing him about the date of the bidding for Mos company's machinery. He smirked as he told Shen Qi to purposely bid 10,000 lower than the price of Shi Huang Jie's company. Let's have to taste the heavens and drop you down to 18 levels of hell....

Seeing him grin evilly, Shi Xue slowly got off bed and clumsily walked towards him.

"What are you looking at? You have a very interesting expression"

He quickly closed the email and showed a different tab that revealed the company's upcoming projects. He placed the laptop on the side of the couch as he reached out his arms and pulled her onto his lap. He laid a kiss on her cheeks before showing her the upcoming projects.

"You're not afraid that I'll leak these projects out?" she asked curiously.

He rubbed her head and said "Nope~ Never will as I have full trust in the woman I love."

"these documents look so boring and complicated.." she looked at him helplessly not comprehending how these stuff made him grin like earlier.

"It's something you don't have to care about.Just need to stay home and be by my side"

"But for you I can learn! so then I can share your burden with you."

His eyes widened after he heard her words. The innocent girl who didn't know how to manage her father's left over company is now bravely suggesting that she's willing to learn how to manage a business to share his burden!!!?!?!!!

Shi Xue waved her hands up, down, sideways trying to gain his attention.

"What? you're scared I will mess with your company and make you bankrupt?"

"hahaha... no.. just I can't explain how happy I am feeling right now!!"

"happy? why?"

"Because a silly goose like you is actually willing to try to share my burden with me. You having this thought itself is more than enough. This means you actually dote on me a lot as well.

Oh right, in half a month, Xia family is catering a welcome back party for Yu Rou. I want you to accompany me that night as my girlfriend so that I can show off to the world how beautiful my princess is."

She blushed after hearing his words "Who brags their girlfriends like this?? But since I have nothing to do, attending the party should be more fun than staying here alone."

He put his forehead on her shoulder as he hugged her tighter. "I already prepared a dress for you. I only needed your reply before showing it to you. I fell in love with it the first glance. I know it will look perfect on you. He smiled.

"Oh? So you must have some motive? Such as to keep away your childhood friend? or cut off your engagement while both families are present? an alluring smile appeared on her face.

"Sometimes smart woman are less attractive..."

"Tch.. it doesn't matter if I'm less attractive, I already have you. You're stuck with me" she laughed.

"Oh right! Where's the dress?? I want to see it!"

*click* he pressed a blue button by the couch. A hidden walk in closet was exposed with many branded outfits inside. The brand of these outfits were priceless as the designer of these outfits stopped designing already. The prices of these outfits skyrocketed as this designer had been well knowing from overseas and even with money the outfits cannot be bought anymore.

Zhi Hei brought her into the closet and pressed another hidden button. There was a walk in closet within another closet where valuables were all stored there. In the center of the second walk in closet, her eyes twinkled as she looked at the sleeveless champagne dress that had a simple layered cutting. The cutting itself was perfect for those with long legs as the cutting would make the legs appear slimmer. The dress also had a small flower design with hand sewn diamonds using a five cross stitch method that's been long lost on the bottom right of the dress creating a sense of elegance.

After 10 minutes of changing, Zhi Hei knocked and asked if she needed help. She opened the door and came out with her arms around her body. She turned around and nervously said "I... need help with the zipper..."

After seeing her bare back, an innocence yet alluring sensation filled his vision in front of him. He slowly traced from the back of her neck using his fingers all the way down to the zipper. He purposely teased her baby smooth back before zipping up the zipper. His touch made her losestrength in her legs and he caught her by her little waist. He lifted her chin and gave her a kiss. He whispered, "After helping you put on the dress, I wish to strip it off you.. you look too beautiful. What should I do if others flirt with you?"

"Hehe.. then you better make sure I'm close to you at all times" her eyes twinkled as she revealed a sweet smile.

The sweet couple hugged facing their reflection in the mirror for a while before she changed back to her pajamas.

"How great would it be if we remain like this till we grow old and have gray hair together.." he whispered to her ears. She closed her eyes and enjoyed this moment.