The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

26 Chapter 26- Depends on her determination

-Huang Corps, in the middle of the meeting-

Multiple missed calls flashed on the screen of Zhi Hei's phone...

President Mos: We are very eager to meeting Mr.Huang for our upcoming machinery contract. Just that, Mr.Huang should know that our company is known to be fair when it comes to competitions. As much as we wish to form partnership with you, we must follow our ethics and let the highest bidder win. I hope Mr.Huang would understand up to this point.

Zhi Hei: I understand Mr.Mos' meaning. Then we will see who wins this bidding. I hope you success in the upcoming contract. I shall see you when I travel to Country Z.

President Mos: Then at that time, please don't hesitate and contact me. If you win the bid for the upcoming contract it'll be the best, but even if you don't, I still hope to remain a friendship between us. What do you think?

Zhi Hei: Of course. Then I shall take your offer and we shall see each other soon. Thank you for your time it was a pleasure having this meeting with you.

President Mos: Pleasure as mine.

-Meeting ended-

Zhi Hei immediately sent an order to Shen Qi: "Collect the underhanded methods that Shi Huang Jie used to obtain dirty money from investments and how he cheats out the Shi Corps to keep his current company running. Also, find out how much Shi Huang Jie will be bidding if possible, and bid a little bit lower than what he offers."

After receiving the order, Shen Qi quickly replied: "Al...alright"

Sensing something was a bit off Zhi Hei took his phone from Shen Qi. It was Zhi Hei's habit of leaving his phone to Shen Qi so he wouldn't be distracted during meetings.

When Zhi Hei saw multiple missed calls, his eyes turned cold as he stared at Shen Qi. "What happened?"

Cold sweat started flowing down Shen Qi's face as he reported," I..I received a call from the house saying that Miss Shi Xue.. fell down the stairs and was unconscious. I already contacted Chen Mu to head to the house. "

...Zhi Hei's eyes flashed with anger.. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER???" as he ran for the elevator.

Shen Qi: "Bo..Boss, you said that whenever meetings are taking place, nobody can interrupt you..."

Zhi Hei kept pressing the elevator button going down as if an extra minute would kill him..."A MEETING DOESN'T MATCH TO HER IMPORTANCE. IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HER..." before he finished that sentence, he was already in the elevator and pressed 1st Floor lobby. Nobody had seen the boss.. this anxious before. His aura alone made everyone in the office shiver and unconsciously lower their heads.

-15 minutes later-

Zhi Hei rushed into Shi Xue's room. Her ghostly pale face and thick bandages on her head and some bruises on her arms caught his full attention. His teeth clenched as he slowly approached the girl whose eyes were tightly shut.

"I..I'm sorry...I..I .. shouldn't have let you alone..." he whispered softly as if afraid that this girl would be waken by his voice. His voice was soft yet sounded as if his heart was breaking.

He turned towards Chen Mu who kept silent by the bed with a solemn expression. Chen Mu patted Zhi Hei's shoulder and signaled him to walk out to talk in the hall.

Chen Mu: "...her injury from last time was healing normally and the blood clot was almost gone.. but this time when she rolled down the stairs, her condition worsened. She has a small fracture on one of her legs and sprained her right wrist. Her head injury is the most severe... I've already given her proper treatment, but it will depend on her determination at the end. If she could wake up in the next two days.. then she will be fine. If she doesn't after the next two days... the chances of her waking up will reduce as each day passes. I will stay to look after her for the next few days. The medicine I prescribed for her would help remove her blood clots and increase her chances of waking up that must be fed to her every 3 hours. I'll boil the medicine myself and you can feed it to her."

Zhi Hei didn't move as if his body became a stone. He remained in the same position with clenched fist and expression. All one could hear from him is him mumbling.."It's all my fault.." Chen Mu pushed him against the wall and yelled "ZHI HEI! THIS IS NOT THE TIME FOR YOU TO BE SHOCKED. SHE NEEDS YOU. SHE STILL HAS A CHANCE EVEN IF YOU WANT TO BE A STONE, YOU CAN DO IT AFTER THE TREATMENT FAILS. I'M GOING TO GO BOIL THE MEDICINE FOR HER RIGHT NOW. STAY WITH HER."

Zhi Hei immediately gathered his weakness and slapped himself to focus. Chen Mu is right.. now is not the time for me to act stupidly. She's still living only sleeping right now. She will wake up.. she will definitely wake up! I must believe in that... I need to.. Zhi Hei thought to himself as he walked back into the room and sat by her bedside.

He gently held her warm hands and rubbed it. He put his lips on each finger of hers and gave it a peck..

"I know you can hear me Shi Xue... I know you can feel my touch..Please open your eyes once more and let me kiss you and tell you how much I really love you.. I didn't have the courage to do anything to you because I wished for you to return the same feelings for me..if I would've known that you would become like this, I wouldn't have gone anywhere. I would've stayed with you."