The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

25 Chapter 25- Could start exercising

After a few weeks of bed rest, Chen Mu reported that Shi Xue is recovering fairly well and could begin doing basic exercises such as walking around and stretching. Zhi Hei spoke to Chen Mu in his study room and informed him about the weird nightmares that Shi Xue had been having lately. Each time she woke from the nightmare, she trembled in fear and mentioned herself being in a dark place with some strange man.

Chen Mu: "Keep track of when she haves these nightmares and what she did during the day and see if there are any patterns or connections between what she does that may have led to the nightmares. Having her drink a cup of warm milk before she goes to sleep may help with her condition. There is also a chance that these nightmares came from her own consciousness. Though she doesn't have memories of anything, her body remembers the trauma leading her to sleep in distress. You need to make her relax more."

Zhi Hei: "Would bringing her out more help her?"

Chen Mu: "It may help.. but you should also be careful. Don't forget there is someone out there wanting her life."

Zhi Hei: "I know."

Chen Mu: "Oh, since her health is stabilizing, there's no need for the porridge meals -wink-"

Zhi Hei:....."u did that on purpose didn't you?"

Chen Mu smirked :"I have noo~~~ idea what young master's talking about~ bye byeeee~"

After lunch, Zhi Hei brought Shi Xue out for a walk. He held her hands and walked in the same pace as hers. During their walk, he talked about different rooms and interesting stories of objects around the house. Finally, they reached a red wine colored door with black carvings of different flowers on it.The door had a sense of elegance as each carving represented a different type of flower that symbolizes peace, beauty, and love.

Zhi Hei chuckled as he looked at Shi Xue's reaction from recognizing the familiar flower carvings.

"These carvings are all based on what you liked. Surprised?"

Shi Xue nodded as her hands traced the flower designs on the door.

"Then, take a look on the other side of the door."

The pleasant fragrance from the garden increased as the door opened revealing a beautiful scene of roses, honeysuckle, sweet alyssum and other flowers. The view was very harmonic and breathtaking, making one forget their worries. Butterflies were dancing from flower to flower. Birds chirped and looked as if they were speaking to one another. Amongst the colorful garden were two chairs, a table with a tea set on it and a swing next to it.

Shi Xue's eyes widened as she stepped into the garden. Her expression immediately became a broad smile as she pulled Zhi Hei towards the swings. Listening to her happy laughter, he smiled as he accompanied her to the swings. When she sat on the swing she turned towards Zhi Hei with a dazzling smile and twinkles in her eyes asking him to push her while she rides the swing.

After accompanying her for the afternoon, he had an urgent meeting to attend. Before he left for work, he made sure to let the maids know to stay by Shi Xue's side in case she needs something.


"I'm going to leave for work now. I'll be back early to have dinner with you later."

"Okay~ I'll be waiting for you! Have a safe trip" she smiled happily before giving him a cheer to work hard.

... Do I have to go to work..? he wondered. With great difficulty, he finally left for work.

- Shi Xue's room-

After Zhi Hei left, Shi Xue was alone and bored. She recalled when she first woke up and met him all the way till today. Everyday felt like a dream.

At first, I thought he was joking with me when he told me that he could take care of me and was courting me. Over this period of time, he never left my side and fulfilled every need I had. Such a great man.. but why me? My brain hurts when I try to remember my past so I try not to think about it. But at the same time if I don't remember anything it isn't fair to him...

-Hurried footsteps approaches door-



As soon as she finished her sentence, the temperature of the room dropped a few degrees. When Shi Xue heard that Zhi Hei getting into an accident, it felt as if time had stopped. Her heart almost stopped beating as she thought she might lose him. Shi Xue immediately hopped off the bed and took her coat. She hurriedly followed behind the maid through the hall. When they reached the top of the stairs, the maid stopped and told her that she needs to inform Zhi Hei's family and a car is already outside waiting for her.

"Alright." as she ran down the stairs using the hand rails to balance herself. After a few steps down the stairs, Shi Xue felt the world spun upside down. As her conscious slowly faded, all she heard were shrieks and screams for help and people chanting her name. All she knew was, she slipped and rolled down the stairs. Before she passed out she whispered..."Zhi..Hei.."