The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

207 Jenga

After spending a day with their grandchildren, Shi Xue and Zhi Hei went back home feeling content. Zhi Hei stared at the shopping bags in his hands. He asked, "Right, you went out with Nana to do some shopping today while the kids were playing the carousel. What did you buy? You two seemed secretive about it when we asked earlier."

Curving her index back and forth, she dragged him upstairs to the master bedroom. After entering their room, he chuckled, "What? Is this something others shouldn't see? A new lingerie piece? Hmm?"

Before his lips reached its destination on her face, it was blocked by her palms. She took the bag from his hand and grinned, "It's a game that you'll never win me in! It was on sale, so Nana and I bought it to challenge our hubby with it. It's no fun if the kids join, so we decided to make this game happen at night."

Crossing his arms with raised brows, "Are you sure you could win me in this?"

"Aha! Tada~ Jenga~~~ I am a master at this game! Hmph~" Shi Xue smirked as she took out the board game in her hands and shook it. She loved the sound of the blocks bumping into one another while she did the unwrapping. While she hummed and ripped away the papers and instruction sheets, Zhi Hei noticed something on the board.

With a mischievous curve on his lips, he volunteered to do the stacking. Stealing glances once in a while at his excited wife, he proceeded with building the Jenga tower for them to destroy soon. Since they needed a flat surface to play this game, Zhi Hei purposely moved a low table to the furry carpet area.

"Done. You could go first." He chuckled as he saw the sparks from her eyes.

Waving her hands, she refused to start off the game. "No. No. The first move is the easiest. I'll let you go first."

"Hmm? Okay." Zhi Hei chose a random block and successfully pulled it out. Then, he read from the block. "Ear kissing."

Blinking at her husband with mountains of question marks stacked up, she moved closer to him where she saw words on the block. "Ear kissing...? Huh? Regular Jenga shouldn't have words on the blocks!"

Taking the cover of the board game from the side, she turned back around with a reddened face. "You knew it already, didn't you? That's why you weren't shocked at all when you saw the message on the block!"

"I have no idea what you're talking about~ I absolutely didn't know it was Jenga for couples special edition to spice up for bedroom play~ Now, come here. Honey~" The corners of his lips curled up into a smirk while his hand pulled her into his embrace.

"Ahhhh.." Trapped within his arms, she felt the moisture of his tongue devouring her ears; making it irresistible to feel pleasure. His warm tip traced the shape of her ear as kisses echoed deeply into her ears, creating pink shades of blush across her cheeks. She bit her lips to control her moans, attempting to not give in to his luscious seduction.

"Enough! My turn!" She stuttered as she stabilized her sitting position. No matter how hard she tried staring into each piece, she couldn't see what was written on each of them. Zhi Hei had perfectly hidden the messages from her sight. Pouting slightly, she tapped her finger against her rosy lips as she chose her next move.

Sliding out the block, she flipped the message towards her and read it out loud. "Neck nuzzling. Hah? This simple?" Quickly getting herself into action, she crawled towards his direction and slowly leaned her face against his neck. Knowing where his sensitive spot is, she intentionally let her lips accidentally brush against that particular spot.

His breathing quickened and his arms wanted to hug her at the moment. He knew she was playing naughtily, but that's the fun part of it. 'Just you wait for the next move!' He closed his eyes and waited for the torturous moment to pass. Finally, it was his turn again.

Taking out another piece from the tower and stacking it back on top, he smiled. "My favorite position? Let's do a demonstration." A sounding gulp stuffed down her throat as he held her in his arms and gently pushed her up against the wall. With her legs wrapped around his waist and back against the wall, his arms laid on her hips as he began thrusting movements.

Whispering into her ears, his deep, tempting sinful voice almost emptied out her mind. "Just like this. I love it when I feel your deepest insides while you squeeze me tight and warm. Your moans and these lips get sexier as we reach your orgasm. Just like last night."

She was extremely tempted to kiss the teasing man, but when she moved closer; he let go! "your turn." He grinned as he walked back to his seat and waited for her to snap out of it. Feeling the burn on her cheeks, she randomly chose a piece and read it. " Give oral to the lengthy part."

Inwardly, she was literally screaming in fire! 'Yes! I'll make you lose this time!'

Pushing him down, she started unbuckling his belt and stripping him. "What was the challenge?"

"This." Taking his already hardened member into her mouth, her mouth worked its way circling around it. Letting her saliva leak down his penis, she took his entire length into her mouth and deep throated. He groaned sensually as she continuously slid his erection in and out of her mouth.

Playing a daredevil role, she didn't satisfy him until his climax. She left him on a cliffhanger and licked her lips. "Your turn."

"You're playing with fire. Heh." Quickly slipping a block out of the tower, he said out loud with flames in his eyes. "Kissing breasts. Come here, honey." Since she was wearing an off-shoulder dress today, it was much easier to take off compared to regular outfits.

Having her legs spread while sitting on him, he started playing with her rosy nips. Pinching one nip with two fingers, he sucked on the other and bit it once in a while. His affectionate kisses earned soft moans from her mouth as he naughtily teased both breasts with his tongue, teeth and lips. He didn't let her off until he felt satisfied with the marks he made on her breasts.

"Your nipples are hard." He whispered before letting her off.

"Hmph! You have something even harder than mine." Pointing down to his standing buddy, she returned to her seat and pulled another block out.

"..." She gave a sigh after reading the message.

"What is it?" he asked as he found her expression funny.

"Nothing~ Just a deep kiss." Her lie was instantly exposed as he took the block from her hands. Quickly hopping onto his body to take the block away, he catches her in his arms. He read the message, "Do it in your favorite position."

"Oh? I wonder what wifey means by deep kiss! Punishment for cheating!"

"Ahhh, there's no such rule! Never said cheating isn't allowed!" Holding her body up, he brought her back to the wall position from before. Before she had the chance to protest, her lips were covered by his. It was a deep, heart tingling kiss that made her legs weaken around his waist. Her original thoughts were tossed out the balcony as her hands secured itself to the back of his head and neck.

In the middle of their kiss, he let her feet touch the floor and spread her legs slightly. His long, slender fingers teased her clit before entering her wet entrance. As he fingered her roughly, she pleaded in soft moans.

"Zhi Hei.. Ahhhh..put it in.. nnn."

Nibbling her ears, he paused and said, "Am I not putting my fingers in? Tell me, what do you exactly want? If you don't say it, I won't know what you mean."

"Ahhh, meanie! Nnn.. I want.. I want you."

"My what?" Stopping the fingering motion, he licked his fingers and faced her. Bringing one of her hands to his cock, he started moving her hands in stroke movements. "Come on, you know what to say."

"I..I want you to put your penis deep in me.." Hiding her face in his chest, she felt his hands sliding up her thighs.

"Roger." Lifting her body up against the wall, he shoved his hard erection all the way in with one thrust. Feeling the thickness of his lengthy penis, her legs crossed around his waist as he moved to and fro, letting his member devour the tightness of her walls. As they reached their climax, his thrusts became more aggressive. The sounds of flesh pounding against flesh filled up the room along with their pleasurable moans.

"Haaa.. that felt good." He said with his penis still inside of her. Feeling the warm liquid filling her insides, she pinched his chin and whispered, "Round two?"

"Of course."

(most likely) THE END