The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

206 A New Journey

Zhi Hei and Shi Xue always allowed Ke Shen to make his own decisions for college choices. With his academic grades, he could get into any school he wanted to aim for. Therefore, they weren't worried about it. When the college acceptance letters came through the mail, Ke Shen opened it in front of his mother.

"How did you do?" Shi Xue curiously asked as she studied her son's straight face. He looked the same as always with neither a frown nor a smile. Sometimes she wondered who he got this personality from. Maybe he inherited Zhi Hei's workaholic, dull look.

"Mm." He nodded and showed the letter to her.

Reading the letter in her hands, she looked up and asked, "Are you sure these were your choices?"

"Yes." He nodded and walked to the kitchen to pour himself a cup of water.

"What's wrong?" Zhi Hei came downstairs and found his wife staring intently at the white paper in her hands.

"This...I remember seeing what he wrote for college/university choices, but he suddenly changed it." She passed the paper to her husband's hands with a slightly confused expression.

Taking a look at the paper himself, he went to the kitchen where Ke Shen texted on his phone with a rare smile. Catching a glimpse of his father, he placed his phone down and looked up. "Dad."

"Didn't you say you wanted to go abroad?" Zhi Hei remembered having this conversation with him before and his son had suggested the idea of going abroad.

"I did, but I changed my mind. After comparing the campuses in-state and abroad, I realized the college here has better resources that interests me. Also, the labs provided contain the top machinery." Ke Shen explained his reason for choosing these choices at the end.

"As long as you're sure about it." Zhi Hei knew his son's personality better than anyone. Ke Shen always placed his interests before anything. Even if the most prestigious university invites him to join them, he would reject them if nothing caught his eyes.

The next day, Ke Shen went to school as usual. Upon entering the classroom, he found the class extra chattery compared to the regular loudness. Everyone seemed to be hyped about something, but he couldn't figure out what the hype was.

Luna, on the other hand, had her head down on her desk. Ke Shen took his seat and turned towards his right side where she laid like a corpse with her hair scattered messily on her face.

"What's wrong?" He tried peeking, but failed to see whether she was happy or sad.

She mumbled, "I got into my first choice for college."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Her voice didn't sound like someone who had successfully passed through their first choice. Instead, she sounded as if she failed to get any acceptances from any college.

"But..Ke Shen.. won't you miss me?" She sat up with her head lowered.

"Why?" He asked as if her question sounded odd.

Flipping her hair backwards, she faced him with reddened cheeks, "I already know you got into your first choice which is SF! Do I not mean anything to you? Aren't we friends? Won't you miss me after we graduate?"

Facing her multiple questions, he answered using few words like always. "Yes. No. Yes. Not really."

Crossing her arms, her chest heaved up and down from hearing his response. "Ke Shen! I've liked you for all these years! How could you say you won't really miss me after we graduate, huh?! What's going on with your head? Argh!!"

After saying that, she ignored him for the rest of the day. Sensing her angry stares and emotions from thousands of miles away, he decided to go home after classes ended. Today was the last day of classes, and everyone would meet again during the prom.

Ke Shen was not good with words, but he knew Luna was looking forward to going to the prom. Even though he disliked social parties and had always avoided them for the past years, he decided to attend the prom to explain himself to her.

For the past month, he had been taking dance lessons for the sake of this prom party. Previously, Luna had asked him to dance with her before, but he turned her down. Sighing once again, he felt a woman's heart was deeper than the depths of the ocean.

Luna had dressed up beautifully for the prom with a silver colored dress. Though everything was perfect, the frown on her face could not be hidden as she didn't hear from Ke Shen after throwing a temper at him. "Hmph! I'll never message first!"

At the prom, her classmates gathered together in pairs. Luna could only smile bitterly as others danced and had fun. Meanwhile, another girl stood not too far from her without a partner. Her name was Angelina. She asked Ke Shen to the prom, but was turned down for both her confession and invitation to the prom. Angelina took sips of her drink as she watched everyone laugh with their partners.

"I could have been like them too. How could he be uninterested in me?" Angelina gritted her teeth as she finished her third round of juice and dumped the empty cup onto the table. Suddenly, her eyes caught a familiar figure coming in from the entrance.

She gasped, and the frown on her face was replaced with a smile instantly! Her sudden short run towards Ke Shen caught Luna's attention. Luna also couldn't believe that Ke Shen came to the prom! 'But why was Angelina going to him? Did they come as partners? Didn't he reject her?'

Angelina loudly cheered, "I knew you wouldn't reject my offer! Let's dance!!" Her voice caught many classmates attentions and some started whistling. As her anticipation rose, Ke Shen moved away from her and rejected her once more!

"Sorry, I came to the prom for only one person. I will also dance with one person. And that person is my girlfriend." His voice spiked the crowd's excitement!

Angelina's smile froze as he walked past her towards Luna's direction. Even though he said it from a distance, Luna had heard his words and felt stings coming from her eyes.

Revealing a charming smile, he held out his hand. "May I?" Placing her hand in his, they started dancing to the romantic music in the background.

"Ke Shen, what's the meaning of this?"

"Didn't you hear what I said just now?" he was sure his voice was loud enough for her to hear.

Shaking her head with an obvious caramel-sweetened smile on her face; she denied hearing anything. In reality, she heard each word. "Nope."

After giving her a spin, he pulled her into a hug. He looked at her and confessed. "I came here for one person. I will dance only if my partner is her."

"Who?" She teased with a burning sensation in her eyes.

"My girlfriend." He said softly with a chuckle.

"And who's that?" His stares concentrated on her, ignoring the cheering crowd around them.


Wiping the single tear that escaped her eyes, he heard her response. "I'm not interested." Her sniffles and rasped voice gave away her true thoughts. His lips tilted up as he heard her response. "Then would you consider it if I catch your interest?"

"Depends." She let out a soft laugh while sucking in her lips.

"I'll work hard." He said in response and continued slow dancing with her. After their dance had ended, she leaned her chin against his chest and looked up.

"I'll ask you again. Will you miss me after we graduate?"

"Not really."

Pushing him away lightly, she started stomping her way off the dance floor. "Wait." Pulling her hand, she spun right back to his embrace. His arms trapped her warmly between his arms. "I meant I would see you every day in the future. Why would I miss you?"

"Huh? But you got into SF!" She blinked and looked at him as if he was sleep talking.

"Yeah, and? SF has an abroad program as well as an in-state one. The one I got into is the SF College a few blocks away from your campus." He explained to her that he was not going anywhere far from her.

"What?! Such an important thing and now you say it?"

"You didn't give me a chance."

"Lies! I saw you fill in SF for abroad!"

"You read wrong."

"Did not!"

"Did too!"

"Did not!!!"

"Did too!"

As this couple teased each other back and forth, their playfulness warmed everyone's heart at the party. Out of all four years, they've never seen the couple smile the way they did now. It may be the end of a high school journey, but it's the lead to a new beginning.

This couple still had a long way to go on this journey called life.