The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

109 Chapter 109- invite

-Day of the party-

The party is held during the day at Momentum Maginstra. The guests who were invited to this party are al top socialites and popular business partners in the same field. Regardless, the Huangs would've received an invitation whether or not Shi corps had invited them. The Shi's only invited Huang corps so that they can show off their status. There's really nothing to brag about since the Huangs had attended even more grand parties compared to this one.

When Zhi Hei, Shi Xue, Hui Yan and Shen Qi had arrived at the party, it had already began. The four never liked these type of parties since they had to put up an unnecessarily fake expression the whole time. The four of them looked extremely outstanding, especially when they stood next to one another smiling dazzlingly at their partners. Even though they were one of the latest to walk in, they caught the whole entire attention of the guests. Everyone commented using 'wow!' or 'stunning' and other compliments. Zhi Hei's grip around Shi Xue tightened when wolves were drooling with lustful eyes on Shi Xue. She chuckled and whispered, "Darling, only you can have me. Relax." Of course, he knew that! But the rest of these wolves clan doesn't. Hui Yan rarely attended these parties so her face was new to the men in the parties. Guys had their eyes on Shi Xue for her mysteriousness behind the mask and beautiful figure. Hui Yan had a queen's aura and a very attractive face. Shen Qi tightened his grip on her hands when he saw those wolves piling up in line to get in touch with his sweetheart. "You must stay by me this whole party," he whispered.

Hui Yan smiled, "mm."

Before the four took another step, the Shi's approached them with some drinks in their hands.

Shi Huang Jie: "Such a great pleasure to see you here President Huang!"

Zhi Hei nodded slightly, "I can't say the same, but sure. Mr.Shi"

Shi huang Jie's hand tightened around the glass that he's holding, "Ah! Silly me, I must be getting old! This grand party, I hope you can enjoy with your family and girlfriend. Thank you for accepting our invitation." he smiled. Hah! At the end if it weren't for me, you guys wouldn't even have an inch stepped into the party!.

Zhi Hei smiled, "Actually, I think you've mistaken. the invitation for this party had been sent out to our corporation since months ago. We never confirmed the number of guests we are going to bring, so we are here from our own invite."

Shi Huang Jie clenched his teeth, "What!?"'Even I received this invitation last second and he already had it since long ago????' jealousy flashed through his eyes.'Here I even thought of bragging about my status, but seems like I slapped myself big time! Ugh!!!'

Hui Yan snickered, "Ah, right. How is your daughter from the last time? Are her blisters and boils any better? She better have learned her lesson already."

Shi Huang Jie lowered his head slightly with a bit of shame, "Yes. She had changed for the better. We're sorry for causing the inconvenience. Let's continue this chat later, i need to greet other business partners. Pardon me."

Zhi Hei: "Sure. " 'If the Shi's dare to pull any tricks up their sleeves today or from this party, you'll all be living the rest of life worst than death...' a trace of malice flashed through Zhi Hei's eyes. It was so quick that nobody caught his threatening glance.

All along, Qi Wing never dared to look at any of the Huangs' eyes. Instead, her focus was on the girl who had a mask on again. She had never seen how she looked and was quite curious on how ugly Shi Xue is underneath the mask. She smirked and wished to be able to pull thatmask off her face. Shi Xue sensed Qi Wing's strong gaze since she stepped into the party and was smiling provocatively back at her.

Qi Wing whispered to Shi Xue when she walked passed her, "What confidence you have there."

Shi Xue remained quiet with a graceful expression. She ignored Qi wing's words and flirted openly with Zhi Hei. Seeing this pair of love birds feeding her a mouthful of dog food, she was so mad that she wanted to go up and brag about her and Ze Yang.

After Ze Yang spoke with Shi Shan Shan, he brought a bouquet of flowers and kneeled outside of the Shi mansion asking for forgiveness. Qi Wing was so happy that she ran out of her room to the front entrance. She didn't know anything about the conversation between her mom and Ze Yang, but her happiness focused on Ze Yang.

Hui Yan circled her arms to Shen Qi's before mocking Qi Wing for acting stupid again. "I dare you to repeat that."

Qi Wing's face turned pale because she was afraid of Hui Yan from the previous lesson that was given to her after she planned against Shi Xue.

"n..nothing.. you guys enjoy your stay."

she walked away quickly.