The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

108 Chapter 108- dress

Zhi Hei took the phone out of Shi Xue's hands, "Forgot to mention, you two need to stay by Shi Xue's side at all times during the event. The Shi Corps is the one who invited us to attend this time."

"That bitch corps did what???hah! After what they've done, they still dare to invite us to attend an event? What a joke!!! why are we going again??"

"My Xue is too bored at home. She needs some entertainment."

"Ohh!!! I love it when sister in law face slaps bitches. I'll join in the fun for sure! I already know her current condition so I'm definitely taking part in this! Don't worry, I'll smack whoever dares lay a finger on her!"

"That's my job. You just need to watch her for me when I'm not around."

"Tch. Stop dumping dog food to my face!! Anyways, for sister in law, just one word, actually just say no more, I'll always be there."

Zhi Hei chuckled, "Let me know if Shen Qi is bullying you, I'll talk to him as a brother in law."

"Heh... bro... then please do... or I'll remain an old virgin until I die."

*Ahem* "Actually, he's not wrong with that idea. I'm also like this with Shi Xue. Just enjoy each other's company until both sides are ready. These things shouldn't be rushed."

"I know... sigh... fine... I can only wait anyways."

"Good. he's probably with you right now, so quickly make up. He's easy to compromise with. You will only gain never loss."

"Okay. I'll come to see sister in law sometime before the event to choose the best and more appealing outfit for her!!"

"mmm.. she'll be happy."

-Call ends-

Hui Yna got off the bed and walked towards the bedroom door. Shen Qi wrapped his arms around her, "Don't go."

She smiled, "I'm only going to the bathroom."

"Oh.... then you can go..."

"If you don't want to do it, then we won't have to. I can wait even till my hair turns gray if it's for you. I guess I just wanted to connect with you and feel completely yours. But it's alright. I'll enjoy your company until you're ready to move to the next step. We have all the time anyways." she smiled sweetly.

He was in a daze because he was literally about to give in and say 'let's do it' so that she wouldn't leave. He thought she was too angry or upset that she was going to leave his apartment and him. Damn it, facing such a sudden understanding Hui Yan...he kind of regretted not saying he wanted to do it.

After a week of rest, Hui Yan looked for Shi Xue to help her pick out the outfit for the event coming up. Since they're meeting their enemies, she must help Si Xue choose the outfits that best show her body curves.

"What about this one? Look, it has a deep V design in the back that reveals your beautiful back. It's off shoulder and is tight around the torso area which highlights your breast and collarbones. Your collarbones are too sexy, it's a waste to not show them off! You waist is slim and legs are long. You legs are also highlighted by this dress since it is high waisted. When you walk, there is a slight transparent layer in the front, which makes your perfectly shaped legs look even more outstanding. Guys would be drooling and feeling envy that you're my brother's"

"B..but wouldn't this ... be a bit too revealing?"

"This is nothing. You're lucky I'm letting you choose these dresses with a zipper on the back. I was planning on choosing the ribbons one, where there are no zippers. Only... strings...This will definitely make my brother crazily angry for showing you off to other men. So , I can't make you too sexy or appealing. I'll suffer afterwards"

Shi Xue chuckled and nodded in agreement with Hui Yan. The two of them enjoyed their fruits and tea time in the afternoon chatting about their boyfriends. The two talked nonstop and had forgotten about time. When Zhi Hei got back home, Shi Xue was still talking with Hui Yan. They even asked him why he was so early... it was already 11pm... this is called early?

"Hurry and bring Hui Yan home! My Xue needs her rest."

I'm not tired~~"

Hui Yan nodded in agreement with Shi Xue, "Me either. We could continue talking."

"You two can reunite and tea time another day. You two spoke too long that meals were skipped!"

Shi Xue looked downwards from guilt. Hui Uan quickly stretched and yawned, "Ayeee, time to go. Sis in law! Let's go shop together next time." she winked.

"Surr, it'll be so fun!!!" Shi Xue smiled brightly as she waved good bye to Hui Yan and Shen Qi.

After the couple left, Zhi Hei looked at the chosen outfit in satisfactory. This dress indeed outlined Shi Xue's features. Her face would still remain covered for the upcoming party, but her body is very nice. She had a slim waist, big breasts, long legs, etc.

"Can we not go to the party?"

"No.? why?"

"Because! guys will definitely be after you. too dangerous!."

"Then I should worry about the girls that fly around you."

"I wouldn't mind if you do. If you get jealous then I'll be able to spoil you over and over again."

Shi Xue smiled alluringly and gave him a tight hug.