The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

106 Chapter 106- Shi Shan Shan

Phone call:

Shi Shan Shan: "Have you done what I've asked you to do?"

Man: "Yes. I retrieved this information from all the events that Huang Zhi Hei's companion had attended. But the information I have is limited because she is very mysterious. Almost every time she appeared, she had something to cover her face."

Shi Shan Shan: "Very well. hand me the report."

After flipping through pictures and other documents, her face turned ugly. 'Impossible. Didn't Ze yang say that she's dead??? Even though she is covered from eyes to mouth in these pictures, I recognize her body. She looks exactly like that slut mother of hers. Shi Xue... since you didn't die the last time, don't blame me for being ruthless. Nobody can disrupt my happiness.'

"You know what to do to her."

Man: "Yes."

-Call ends-

Shi Shan Shan walked downstairs with a cup of hot tea for her husband.

"Hubby, sit down and relax a little. Smashing everything here won't solve your problems!"

"Shan Shan, you don't know what's going on right now! Ze Yang is causing a ruckus in the company! he resigned and now the shareholders are questioning his leave! He used to be the person who supported me the most and managed to persuade the other shareholders into supporting me. now that he's gone... it might be all over..."

"No, that wouldn't be the case. Shi Xue is dead. Only you are left with the surname Shi right now who could hold onto this position. Ze Yang's side, I will go look for him and see what I can do. For now, remain calm and show the shareholders how steady you are."

Shi Huang Jie sighed in relief after hearing his wife's words. "I must've done something so great to have you as my wife."

Shi Shan Shan chuckled, "Silly. You're my husband. If I don't help you, who would I help?"

After speaking to her husband, she went to Qi Wing's room.

"Qi wing, mommy wants to help you. Tell mommy what happened between you and Ze Yang this time." she stroked the girl's hair gently while the girl was facing the other side of her bed.

"mommy... Ze Yang doesn't love me. He loves Shi Xue. Always been Shi Xue! That slut even after she is dead, she wouldn't let him go! I hate her hate her!!!"

"What nonsense! she's already dead. Who can beat my beautiful daughter hmm? You need to take care of your blisters and skin first. I'll talk to Ze Yang for you okay?"

Qi Wing cried in her mother's arms. "Mommy! It's unfair!! I really love him I really do.... "

"Yes, yes, I know I know. You spent a lot of effort to get close to him and his love. He will come back to you, don't worry. Give him some time to think about it." She patted Qi wing's back gently.

"M..mommy.. would I be able to marry Ze Yang and become like you and daddy?"

"Silly, you'll have 10 times more happiness than mommy in the future!."

"Mommy.. you and daddy had Aunty Feng in-between before. She finally died and then you and daddy are now happy. But how come Shi Xue's dead and I'm stuck in this state with Ze Yang?"

"shhh" Shi Shan Shan covered Qi Wing's mouth in case someone else hears her words. "This is our secret. You must not mention it again!"

Qi wing nodded. "I hope Ze Yang would think it through and stay with me..." she sniffled.

"He definitely will..."

-Royal Bradsmere apartment-

The apartment 's doorbell rang when Ze Yang was in the middle of cleaning his apartment. When he saw that it was Shi Shan Shan, he sighed because he knew that she was going to be an uninvited guest either sooner or later. He opened the door to let her in.

*SLAP* Ze Yang's face had a huge red mark from that slap.

"Did you remember what you promised me in the past? I'm not even dead yet, and you dared bully my daughter?"

"I can't go on with her like this."

"What the hell do you mean? She did everything just for you! And you got what you wished for, fame, power, just name it and it's there. Tell me. What is there that you are not satisfied?"

"I missed those days where I had no fame. It was much simpler and happier."

"Too late for that bullshit. You did what you did and it wouldn't undo. I have all your doings in my hands. Don't forget that I am not that soft hearted like Qi Wing towards you. You only have two choices, My daughter or jail."

Ze Yang sighed, "Have you ever thought of karma and how it would hit you back when you least expect it? I thought I had everything that I've ever wanted just to end up like a big joke. Being played to this extent, I'm just a dog wagging its tail at its owners. Do you really want you daughter to live her life with an empty man? She won't receive happiness and I won't touch her."

"You!! You despicable bastard!!! My daughter loves you so much and you... you dare betray her? Are you really not afraid of me spreading your dirt out???"

"Afraid. Of course, I'm afraid. But even so, I'm warning you that your daughter will never find happiness with a man like me. A man who has no heart."

"It doesn't matter as long as you are with Qi Wing. She will be satisfied with you by her side. Just hurry and comfort her!"

"hah. sure."