The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

105 Chapter 105- Envelope

After a while of playing in bed, the sweet couple freshened up before heading down for a brunch. Shi Xue wore a white off shoulder dress that had a wavy cutting. When she walked, it looked as if she was floating in air. Her hair was a bit curled and the bright smile she had on her face melted everyones heart. She was holding onto her darling's hand while pulling him to walk faster because she was hungry. The man had a white shirt and sweatpants on. He smiled at the girl's hurried figure, "The food won't run away, you know?"

She looked back and gave the man a mischievous look. "If we don't finish the food faster, how will I enjoy alone time with my darling? hmmm? It's been a while since we've played together!"

"Mmmm, after we eat, I have a gift for you." he rubbed her hand.

While the sweet couple's enjoying their brunch, somebody wasn't as fortunate...

Qi Wing moved back to her parent's house. Her father was very furious to the point that he broke every expensive decoration there were in the house.

"KU ZE YANG! How dare you! How dare you quit on me!!!!! and threaten me? Hah... dirt We'll see how you beg me back!!!"

Qi Wing remained silent as she heard her father's rage towards Ze Yang. She was still shocked from how he treated her after waking up. She thought that he would brush off his behavior from the previous night and pamper her for what he did. But this time, he never called or texted her. He didn't even chase after her. She sat outside the apartment for the whole afternoon before leaving. She bit her nails until her fingers bled. "Shi Xue... why is it that even when you're already dead you wouldn't let me go? Ze Yang is mine! He belongs only to me!!"

She tried calling Ze Yang countless times, but each time she called, it went straight to the voice mail. Eventually, he blocked her number so that she had no choice, but to stop calling. Of course, she wouldn't give it up this easily. She got herself a new phone and number and continued to call him. She couldn't believe it. He turned off his phone after getting annoyed by her calls. His last words for her was, "Do this again and it'll be the police knocking on your door."

She was so mad! So frustrated that she was pulling onto her hair. She had long forgotten about the blisters on her body and the humiliation that she suffered from Huang family.

Shi Shan Shan, the mother of Qi Wing and wife of Huang Jie, stared at the chaotic pair of father and daughter. She sighed and a malicious glare formed on her face. Her hands tightened its grip on the rails of the stairs. She silently dialed a call...

-Huang Mansion-

After Shi Xue and Zhi Hei ate their brunch, they spent their time in the garden.She was on the swings slowly moving back and forth while waiting for Zhi Hei to be back with the gift he mentioned earlier. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze that blew her hair gently. The pleasant fragrance of various flowers filled her nose. She didn't notice that Zhi Hei had been back for a while. He was mesmerized by this beautiful scene in front of him as he walked closer and closer to the girl on the swings.

"Beautiful" he whispered.

She was startled and almost lost her balance on the swings. "I'll definitely die from a heart attack if you walk with no sounds!"

He chuckled,"Oh? But you were focusing on something too much that you couldn't detect my presence~ That's not my fault"

She smiled helplessly, " fine fine~ Where's the gift?" she asked curiously

He handed her a huge envelope. "Here" he smiled slightly.

Her eyes widened after she saw the documents inside the envelope. "T..this.."

"I originally planned to avenge on your behalf, but it wouldn't be you avenging for yourself. The moment you woke up and recovered your memories, I knew it was the right time to gather the information together. You can use it however you want. It's your choice. I'll support any decisions you make."

She got off the swings and hopped into his embrace. She hugged him tightly as she kissed him intensely. "Thank you. I'll be sure to make great use of it." she whispered.

Shi Xue carefully read and examined each document in her hands. These were all evidences of Shi Huang Jie's dirt. With this in hand, she can step all over him with just one move.

"Hmmmm..." she used her hands to hold her chin while looking through the documents.

"Something wrong?" Zhi Hei asked while he continued peeling grapes for her.

"I'm thinking of the best way to make them suffer.."

"Well, their contract with Mos corps is settled and the contract states that if the other party breaches the contract, their compensation is 5 times the amount. So that'll be 50 billion dollars. "

"Oh? heh, well in this case, then.... I must make them taste their downfall after reaching to the top..." she smiled as she eats the grape that Zhi Hei had peeled.

Shi Xue's eyes showed a trace of malice as she thought of her next step of retribution on the Shi's.

"Do you want to let the world know that you are alive?"

Shi Xue shook her head, "Not yet. It's easier and safer if they think I'm dead."

"Alright, let me know if you need anything."

"Mmm. thank you"

"Between us, there's no need for 'thank you.' This is something I should be doing for you or should've done long ago to prevent you from getting hurt."

Shi Xue took another grape and put it in her mouth. This time, she leaned in and fed it to Zhi Hei.


"mmm. From your mouth, of course it's sweet."

"This sweetness is given to me by you. What comes after bitterness is sweet. Without that bitterness, I wouldn't be here tasting such sweetness."

"Corny." he snickered.

"Learned from you!" she pinched his cheeks as he fed her a grape.