The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 12 - It Was A Big Disgusting Bug!

The rest of the trip to where Su Yan and Song Lei's base camp only took another ten minutes. Xiao Wu was hoping to be a bit more intimate with Su Yan but the issue was Song Lei had his eyes on them the entire time so they couldn't do anything further. Xiao Wu was only able to massage Su Yan's buŧŧ with her hands and nothing more.

As they landed Xiao Wu felt reluctant to let Su Yan's warm body go but since they were now in front of more people she had no choice. Su Yan was feeling the same when she reluctantly released her arms from Xiao Wu's waist. This dissatisfaction was written all over her face. Seeing the expression on Su Yan's face made Xiao Wu think she was very very cute! Xiao Wu cupped her hand over her mouth as she leaned close to Su Yan's ear as she whispered.

"We should take a bath together later..."

Su Yan's cheeks blushed as she quickly nodded her head and gave a sweet smile. She looked at Xiao Wu with eyes full of expectation. She really looked like a girl madly in love! Xiao Wu was very happy with this turn of events as she turned around to see two people one man one woman standing next to Song Lei. Staring at the two girls.

Xiao Wu looked at the two newcomers who were staring at her with a tinge of red in their cheeks. This was especially so for the new girl who had hair down to her shoulders as she kept taking quick peeks at Xiao Wu while she had her hands clasped together fidgeting. Xiao Wu looked at the girl she looked around seventeen years old shorter than herself and big deep dark eyes. Yes she was a beauty in her own right. It was then that Xiao Wu wondered what it would be like to be sandwiched between Su Yan and this new girl. Just the thought made her pink valley get wet. She then looked over at the young man standing next to the girl, Xiao Wu's face sunk a bit the young man was handsome, no doubt about that but he of course was a man and Xiao Wu did not care for men.

She scanned the young man's body and saw that he had a huge bulge in his pants as he was staring right at her!

'What the fuċk!? Does this kid know that his d*ck is about to burst out of his pants!?'

Xiao Wu then took a glance at Song Lei and noticed his d*ck was ready to pop out of his pants too! Were all men in this world walking around with raging hardons!? Shaking her head and deciding not to care anymore, Xiao Wu Stepped forward gave a slight bow and introduced her.

"Hello! My name is Xiao Wu, I will be in your care for now."

The young man smiled brightly at Xiao Wu. Sing Lei saw that smile on Ye Chen's face and raised his arm slamming his elbow into Ye Chen's side!

"Song Lei what the hell was that for!?"

"I saw a bug!"

"Bug my ȧss! Does killing a bug require your elbow!?"

"It was a big disgusting bug!"

The two young men continued to argue as the new girl walked forward and took Xiao Wu's hands into hers. The girl's cheeks were red all the way to her ears as she gently and softly ċȧrėssed Xiao Wu's hands with the tips of her fingers.

"Hi, I'm Wei Fu."

Feeling the soft ċȧrėss from Wei Fu made Xiao Wu's eyes light up. She stepped forward pulling her hands back from Wei Fu as she gave the girl a hug. Su Yan felt a surge of discomfort in her heart when she saw this but did not know why. The two young men stopped bickering when they saw this scene and waves of jealousy spread through them as they stared angrily at Wei Fu. As for Wei Fu her whole head turned red as she nuzzled her face into Xiao Wu's ċhėst as her arms wrapped around Xiao Wu's waist.

Seeing how Wei Fu was not going to let go any time soon, Xiao Wu turned her head to see Su Yan standing there biting her lower lip filled with all kinds of emotions that she did not understand. Xiao Wu smiled at her and motioned her head as she mouthed.

Su Yan's eyes perked up as she happily trotted over and wrapped her arms around both Xiao Wu and Wei Fu's waist. And just like that Xiao Wu got her wish to be sandwiched between the two very cute girls. But it was at this point that Xiao Wu was feeling very horny. Oh how much she wished she could play with her precious pink valley right now! She could feel the warm breath from both Su Yan and Wei Fu as they breathed in and out. It was turning her on so much!

Song Lei was the first to snap out of his daze at the three girls hugging each other. Clearing his throat once again to break up the intimate scene between the girls, Sone Lei gave Xiao Wu a look of longing as he thought to himself.

'One day my goddess, you and I will make love and hold each other in each other's arms as we gaze out from a mountain top staring at the sunset.'

"Since we are now all gathered together. The current mission we had from the sect is now completed we should head back. Xiao W..."

"Su Yan, can I ride with you again? Oh, can Wei Fu ride with us too? Is there enough room?"

"Un! Three can ride on one sword I will just make it a bit bigger to fit the three of us!"

"Yeah let's ride together!"

And so before Song Lei could even get to ask Xiao Wu to ride with him on his sword. Su Yan, Xiao Wu, and Wei Fu all decided to ride on the same sword together. But Song lei could not figure out why Wei Fu would ride with Su Yan too… She was able to fly on her own sword. Why would she get on Su Yan's? Was this some kind of girl thing? Shaking his head he decided it must be a girl thing. He knew girls always went everywhere together so maybe this was one of those things. As Song lei was lost in thought again he failed to realize that the Su Yan and Wei Fu were giving Xiao Wu the same look as he gave Xiao Wu. A look of love and longing. Yes the two girls were like young girls in love. It was just that they were in love with Xiao Wu. and as for Ye Chen? Well no one remembered him as a single tear rolled down his face as he wished he could join in on the fun.