The Beautiful Cultivator Prefers Girls

Chapter 11 - I Had Sand In My Eye!

Xiao Wu did not hesitate to stand in front of Su Yan as she faced her and wrapped her arms around her waist. The warm feeling of the Su Yan's body against hers started to make Xiao Wu's pink valley become a little moist. Su Yan was feeling a bit nervous. For some reason as soon as Xiao Wu's arms wrapped around her she started to feel an itch between her legs. It was not a bad itch but a sensation she had never felt before. Not being able to control herself Sun Yan quickly wrapped her arms around Xiao Wu.

"I will hold on to you as well just to be on the safe side."

Xiao Wu and a big smile on her face. She knew that Su Yan just wanted to hold her in her arms. But she did not complain! There was no way she would complain about a cute girl holding her tightly! So she decided to take advantage of the situation and buried her head right into Su Yan's ċhėst. Although there was not much there it was still soft and very comfortable.

Song Lei, who was watching this scene at the side, was extremely jealous! Why couldn't he be the one to hold Xiao Wu tightly! Why couldn't he be the one that had Xiao Wu's head buried into his ċhėst!

Swallowing his grievances down to make sure he looked good in front of Xiao Wu he smiled brightly as he spoke.

"Since we are all ready why don't we head off."

The two girls nodded as the sword under Xiao Wu's feet started to rise off the ground. She had only ever seen such things in movies but actually experiencing it was really exciting! The higher they got into the sky the tighter Xiao Wu would hold on to Su Yan.

Su Yan's heart was racing nonstop. Being so close to Xiao Wu was really bad for her heart! What's more, was Xiao Wu had somehow got her knee between Su Yan's legs and was pressing it up against her intimate spot! Su Yan's face flushed red as she felt Xiao Wu's knee slide back and forth. Xiao Wu had done this purpose to test to see how far she could go with Su Yan. If she hated it she would push her away. If she liked it she would let it go and allow it to happen. Luckily she let it go and allowed it to happen!

Xiao Wu snuck a peek at Song Lei to see if he was looking at them. Seeing that he was not looking she quickly raised her head and gave Su Yan peck on the lips! This was the first time she had ever been so bold towards another girl! Not to mention this was her first kiss between both her lives and she had given it to a girl she had just met! Xiao Wu's cheeks were slightly red as she gazed up at Su Yan who was looked back at her in shock.

Su Yan felt a pair of warm lips touch hers it was only for an instant but she definitely felt them. She looked down at Xiao Wu who was gazing up at her with a tinge of red in her cheeks biting her lower lip, only then did she confirm it really happened. But as Su Yan thought about it she did not hate it at all! Su Yan's gaze met Xiao Wu's and her face started to slowly get closer to Xiao Wu's until their lips finally met as they locked them together. But to her surprise, she felt something warm and moist slip into her mouth. Su Yan knew it was Xiao Wu's tongue!

Xiao Wu was surprised at the outcome of her daring act she was now tongue wrestling with Su Yan. Such a cute girl and she is actually kissing her! Not just kissing Xiao Wu kissing her but Su yan was kissing her back and Su Yan even initiated it! Xiao Wu was on cloud nine at this moment and time.

As the two girls were indulging in their first kiss together the sound of someone clearing their throat sounded out interrupting there two girls' moment. Song Lei who was in front of them could not see what was happening clearly but it seemed that his team member and Xiao Wu's faces were way to close! It almost looked like they were kissing!

"Ahem… Are you two okay?"

Not sure what was going on Song Lei played it off as if one of them might have been hurt.

"Ah!? Oh! Yeah, I had sand in my eye and Miss Su was helping me get it out."

This blatant lie from Xiao Wu only made Song Lei even more confused as to what was happening. But Song Lei would never think that his goddess would ever lie to him. No sir she would never lie to him. She was a goddess sent from the heavens to be his dao partner! The meaning of love is blind was spot on when it described Song Lei. Because if any other person had witnessed the two girls' actions they would have known right away that they were kissing! But Song Lei was blinded by love and only saw his goddess as a pure existence.

"Xiao Wu are you okay?"

"Un! Miss Su was very gentle and there was no pain at all."

"That's good to hear. Thank you for helping Xiao Wu, Su Yan."

'Huh? Why was he thanking Su Yan!? Shouldn't she be the one to thank Su Yan? She was the one who said she had dirt in her eye, no!?'

Xiao Wu looked back at Su Yan and gave her a sweet smile as she laid her head back on to Su Yan's ċhėst. Seeing that smile made Su Yan blush as she remembered what they had just done. She was very surprised that she had done something so intimate with someone and that someone just so happened to be another girl! But at the same time, she really did enjoy it?