The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 892

Yi Xue is helpless. At this moment, she suddenly feels that yunqianyue looks like a child. She even says, "Miss, jingshizi has just returned to the capital, so he has come to see you in a hurry. He never went back to Zizhu courtyard. We have no Zizhu in this shallow moon Pavilion. How can he send you

"If he doesn't, don't do it! I've got a sweet scented osmanthus twig Cloud shallow moon hate anger way: "still said to go away! I came back all the way to get angry with me and left. I had a good talk with him, but he hurt me with cold words Now he's gone... "

"Miss, it's the Mid Autumn Festival when osmanthus flowers are in full bloom. They are presented with osmanthus, which represents that King Shizi has spent the Mid Autumn Festival with you!" Ling Lian looked at Yun Qianyue heartily and said, "Jing Shizi came back in a hurry to surprise you. Later, she saw you and Cang Shao Lord It must have been sad, just left. Do you think that Jing Shizi left the capital again or went back to the Rong palace Hurry to get Jing Shizi back? "

"Love goes where it goes! Don't look for it Cloud shallow moon turned back to the room.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue take a look at it and quickly follow in.

"You go out! Let me be quiet. " Cloud shallow month hears the footstep sound behind, does not look back, to two people wave hands.

Ling Lian and Yi Xue Qi stop and exit the door. Linglian saw the osmanthus branch lying in the courtyard, so she went to pick it up and went back to the door. She put the Osmanthus fragrans on the table and quietly walked out.

Cloud shallow moon at this time did not cry, calm down, hands covered forehead, some dispirited sitting on the bed. As for the many people she cared about in her heart, she knew that Rongjing always cared. Compared with her, he is really full of her, but she is not, she has many people who can be friends. Maybe it was that she had only Xiao Qi as a friend in that life. She was more like a family member. She had a too cold life. So in this life, she wanted to have a warm life. Others treated her well. She also returned the same amount. Once and for all, she would be relatives and friends. Such as night light dye, such as Rongfeng, such as wind ember, such as Leng Shao Zhuo, who wants to make friends with her. She can take it all.

Rongjing didn't care about it before, and never said such things to her. She also felt that it didn't matter, as long as she loved him enough. But today, Cang Pavilion opened this gap, that sentence delicate and even let her listen to anger, let Rongjing listen to nature kill his heart. He expanded his little care infinitely.

Rongjing is always calm and elegant to people and things, standing in the cloud. But once you meet her and her related people and things, they are extremely sensitive. Perhaps because too much love, so will care more. Today, she underestimated Cang Ting's hurt power and ability, and his anger is normal.

But even if standing beside her angry, would like to give her a slap, also better than just go?

If she had known that cangting had caused her so much trouble, she would have driven him out at the first sight when she opened the door. If she could not, she would have let the three thousand hidden guards of the cloud palace cut him out with a sword, and would never let Rongjing see her fighting with him later. Where in the world is there a if?

For a moment, her resentment for Rongjing turned to cangting's, and she hated to death. Think if Cang Ting wants to get this effect, then she can get revenge because she killed his grandfather, then the goal has been achieved! At least half of it.

The things in her brain kept turning, which made her headache. She didn't think about it any more. She put her whole body back and lay on the bed with her eyes closed. She felt a little dizzy.

"Moon?" Rong Feng's voice suddenly sounded, some light.

Yunqianyue heard the voice, and then she remembered that Rong Feng was there. Later, she did not see his shadow when she entered the room. She opened her eyes and saw Rong Feng enter the room. She stood in front of the window and looked at her worried. She asked weakly, "where did you just go?"

"I just went back to my house! I don't feel at ease after I go back, so I come back and have a look again! " Rong Feng looked at the red eyes of cloud shallow moon and asked clearly, "is Jing Shizi angry?"


"Where is jingshizi now?" Rong Feng asked anxiously.

"Gone The voice of the moon is a little stuffy, like a nasal sound.

"How can you just walk away? I'll go and get him back. " Rong Feng frowned and turned to walk out.

Cloud shallow month a hold Rong Feng, shake his head to him, "don't go!"

Rong Feng stopped, looked at the cloud shallow moon, and sighed, "moon, that kind of situation, Jing Shizi is very normal. Do you know how much I saw you and the young master of the Cang family when I came back from the Rong Wang mansion There are three thousand hidden guards in the cloud palace, and numerous hidden guards are arranged inside and outside the shallow moon Pavilion. You also have two intimate maids. As long as strangers come in, although you have no martial arts skills, you will find out for the first time that you should not be alone in the room and put yourself in a passive position. So many people, as long as you shout, the little Lord of the Cang family can't help you. But you... "

Cloud shallow moon bit lip, do not make a sound, but did not loosen Rong Feng's hand.

"In the final analysis, you are too confident, too strong, too trusting in your eyes. You think that he is gentle and harmless. In other words, the young master of the Cang family is a little bit like Jing Shizi, so you have less precautions against him, so you are caught by him Moon, you Well, let me tell you something. " Rong Feng seems to have some headache, but a sigh.Yunqianyue remembers that when she opened the door, she saw the man in the room, elegant and sitting, drinking tea. There is no stranger and embarrassment, but elegance. With a smile, he said, "in the Cang Pavilion of the lower Cang family." She thought of a man thousands of miles away. She was so calm and elegant. At that moment, I lost Jingzhou carelessly.

It's really her fault. Rong Feng is right.

Everything is afraid to change an angle to think, if she stood in the perspective of the scenery, she was afraid that she would be so angry.

"Moon, let go! I'll go to him. " Rong Feng withdraws the hand which is held by cloud shallow moon.

"Don't go! Let him be quiet. It seems that there are countless contradictions between the two of us. If we first pick up the big and unbearable ones and resolve them, then the second contradiction will become the biggest one. Because the accumulated things gradually expand, the big to small things will become the lead line, intolerable and turn into pustules. Only by squeezing them out and dissolving them can we make peace. After reconciliation, there will be third, fourth and fifth contradictions waiting for us. Every week. " Cloud shallow moon some powerless way: "Rong Feng, change to be you, do you feel tired?"

Rong Feng looked at the cloud with some care, "moon, King Shizi loves you so much."

"Yes, Rongjing loves me so much!" Cloud shallow moon sighs, "he is actually arrogant since childhood, that is a kind of inherent arrogance. But when he was young, he had great changes, which made him suffer for ten years. If you want to be close to me, you can't be close to me. You can't bear it for ten years. Now, as soon as he was free from his illness, he gave me all his love. And I I'm not as good to him as he is to me , the fastest update of the webnovel!