The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 883

Cloud shallow moon smell speech eyes suddenly squint, the body of the old emperor with Shicao? This is why night light dye doesn't let her close to the old emperor, right? Did the old emperor want to kill her with Arnebia? Or for other purposes? Mind electricity turns, also is only a moment, she suddenly smiles! Arnebia, I have a deep relationship with her.

"Little girl, I asked you to come over and feel my pulse. What are you laughing at?" The old emperor looked at the moon.

"It's nothing, uncle queen. I'm glad to have trusted my medical skills." Cloud shallow moon raises a step to go to the old emperor.

Night light dye a hold cloud shallow moon, dissatisfied ground looks at her, "little girl!"

Cloud shallow moon is forced to stop, to night light dye doubts ground to ask, "do what?"

Night light dye's face changed slightly for a moment, the corners of his mouth trembled, and he asked in secret with his voice, "didn't you hear what I just said? I told you to stay away from Uncle Huang. How can you pay it back? "

"Yes! I'll be careful. Don't worry Cloud light moon also uses the transmission to enter the secret road.

Night light dyed frown.

Cloud shallow moon shake off his hand, used strength but still can't shake, she suddenly said with a smile: "night light dye, what are you doing? Do you want me to feel the pulse of the emperor's uncle

"Yes, I don't believe in your skill. I can feel the pulse of the emperor's uncle. " Night light dye immediately way.

"Little devil, I know your medical skills. I want to test the skills of Yue. You let her go. " The old emperor looked at the night light dye, the old eye flashed a trace of what, frowned.

Night qingran looked at the old emperor, and then looked at the cloud and the moon. Seeing that she could not see any color in her eyes, he reluctantly released his hand and muttered: "what medical skills can she have? The reason why she saved the empress was that she lost most of her martial arts. Uncle Huang, you flatter her too much. "

"Moon girl is always unexpected. I don't want to praise her. " The old emperor laughed.

Night light dye no longer talks.

Cloud shallow moon smile to lift step to the old emperor, soon came to the old emperor in front of a foot distance, put out his hand to him, "emperor uncle, you give me your hand!"

The old emperor handed his hand to Yun Qianyue.

Although the old emperor's hands are well maintained and the delicacies of mountains and seafood are daily used up, after all, he is old and tired. His efforts have been exhausted by the huge land and country and calculation. Hand in hand is also old and haggard. It's like a tree in its old age, even its branches and leaves send out the air of withering.

Cloud shallow month looks in front of the old man and the old man handed over the hand, in the heart slightly sighs, is very natural to press the hand in his wrist pulse place, fine pulse.

More than 100 people in this place were silent, and everyone looked at the old emperor and the moon.

For a long time, yunqianyue put down her hand and laughed at the old emperor, "the pulse of the emperor's uncle is very good, and he must live a long life!"

The old emperor was stunned and looked at the bright face of the moon. He suddenly shook his God and then laughed, "this girl!"

The empress had already felt unusual. She pulled yunqianyue to her side and said to the old emperor, "emperor, now that the moon has given you a pulse, it's too late for me to see the time. Can we have a banquet? The banquet ended earlier. In the evening, the young masters and ladies would like to enjoy the moon by themselves! Waste time with us in this palace and make them boring

"Well, according to the queen The old emperor was obviously very happy. He stood up and said with a smile: "there are no outsiders today. The people from the four royal houses are also Royal people. Today is a family banquet, which is set in the garden of flowers. Come with me to the garden of flowers

"Drive a hundred gardens!" Brunei called out.

The old emperor went to the garden first. Cloud shallow moon holds the empress to follow behind, and then is the Ming imperial concubine and other concubines. Followed by night Tianqing, ye Tianyu, and the four princes, ladies. A huge crowd of people.

Night light dye and Rong Feng walk at the back of the crowd, night light dye heart doubt, turn head low voice ask Rong Feng, "do you also know the emperor uncle with Arnebia?"

"Well!" Rong Feng nodded.

"Isn't the purple grass on the emperor's uncle aimed at the little girl?" Night light dye inquires, he just cloud shallow month to the old emperor pulse, has been staring at two people's movement, heart all mention the throat. But nothing happened, which made him wonder.

"I'm not sure. Just be careful today." Yung Fung Road.

Night light dye nods.

The party came to the Baihua garden. At the gate of the garden, several princes of the older generation, such as Prince Xiao, Prince De, and Lord Yun, were waiting there. The old emperor led the people into the garden of flowers.

The garden is still as open as Qiqiao Festival. Although it is autumn, the flowers are still in full bloom. The smell of flowers was in the air. At this time, banquets have been prepared in the pavilion in the center of the lake, which can accommodate hundreds of people.

The old emperor took his seat first, and all of them took their seats at one time according to their status. The empress sat on the left side of the old emperor, while the imperial concubine sat on the right side of the old emperor. Princess Qin is sitting on the side of Princess Ming, and Qin Yuning is sitting with her. Her concubines sat behind the old emperor, and then the nearest table near the old emperor sat Prince Xiao, Prince De, and Lord Yun. Then there were many princes, such as yetianqing and yetianyu, and then yeqingran, lengshaozhuo, Rongfeng, and so on. Behind them were the sons and daughters of the common people.From a distance, a piece of fresh clothes.

The empress originally wanted to take Yun Qianyue's side, but the night light dyed the first one to snatch the cloud light moon from the Queen's hand, and said with a smile to the queen, "Niang, this little girl has never been elegant, and her meal is also rude and unappealing. Her sitting beside you affects the emperor's uncle's appetite. Besides, all the women sitting here are royal women. This little girl is not counted. She should be on the same level as us. Just sit down with us

The empress was stunned. Just as she was about to nod with a smile, the old emperor said, "little devil, what kind of a little girl I don't know? With you as a reminder? You're just trying to pull her around

"You know me, uncle Huang! I really feel angry with a little girl. Otherwise, isn't it boring? " Night light dye smiles and nods, admits not to be taboo, pull up cloud shallow moon to go to his that table.

"This little devil is really robbing people like robbers." The old Emperor didn't stop him. He said to the queen, "Tianqing is in your name. Miss Qin of the prime minister's house is pregnant. She is your daughter-in-law. Although I haven't got married yet, I have discussed with Prime Minister Qin about the date of the wedding. It will be half a month later. Let Miss Qin sit here to talk to you? Although you are aunts and nephews, where do you have mother-in-law and daughter-in-law? "

"What the emperor said! Miss Qin is gentle and dignified, and I like it very much. In the future, I can't say that the girl who gives me a headache will be several times closer to me. " The queen nodded with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!