The Anarchic Consort of the Prince

Chapter 882

Qin Yuning was embarrassed when she heard the speech. She hung her head and couldn't stop talking. Her voice was very low. "Yu Ning knows that the empress has no intention. She won't blame her."

"Well, you're such a good boy. It's heaven's blessing." The queen nodded with a smile, reached out to pull Qin Yuning's hand and looked at her stomach, "is there anything wrong with your body after you are pregnant? Can fetal position be stable? "

"Well!" Qin Yuning lowered her head and did not dare to look at the queen.

"If you look ruddy, you know that the child in your belly is a clever one. Don't mess with you. This one in the belly of this palace is not good. My palace is about to die. You are more blessed than this house. " The queen said with a smile.

"The queen is pregnant with a prince. It's really lucky that Yu Ning can't compare with the empress. " Qin Yuning shook her head in a hurry.

"Oh, it's possible that the prince can be a prince for a few days! I just want him to live well. " The queen let go of Qin Yuning's hand and caressed her stomach. There was a helpless smile in her smile. "I don't know if I can see him with my own eyes."

Qin Yuning didn't know what to say, but said, "empress, please be at ease! In order to have a good tocolysis. "

The queen nodded, looked at the field, fixed herself on Yun Qianyue and sighed: "you are one year younger than yue'er, and you are already happy. Ah, yue'er doesn't know when she will be able to achieve the right result with Jing Shizi. I'd rather she'd be rude. I want to see my nephew earlier

Qin Yu Ning just recovered a few minutes of face, suddenly is a white.

"If she had children, she would surely gather Jing Shizi and her merits." The queen didn't seem to see Qin Yuning's pale face and said with a smile.

"The queen, King Shizi, has an engagement with Princess Luoyao of Donghai, while Miss Qianyue has an engagement with the seventh prince. Don't forget! The emperor will not be happy to hear such nonsense. " Princess Qin looked at Qin Yuning and said with a straight face.

"It's just a engagement, not a big marriage. It is said that the owner of the blue family of the top ten families still has an engagement with the owner of the wind family! Is it not now that the marriage is ruined? " The queen said with a smile, "this marriage is determined by heaven! Man made things are always wrong. "

"If there is no result, the queen is not a God. How can we know what will happen in the future? Maybe miss Qianyue and the seventh prince are married, while the princess of Donghai state and jingshizi are by marriage! " Princess Qin said deliberately.

The queen said with a faint smile, "let's wait and see."

Princess Qin snorted and stopped talking.

Qin Yuning did not speak any more. She looked at the field, and her face was abnormally white. Fortunately, it was a pavilion that blocked the sunlight and cast a shadow on her face. If you did not look carefully, you could not see the color on her face.

After a while, a shout came from the front, "the emperor is coming!"

Imperial concubine Qin and others immediately saw the old emperor walking on foot, followed by the imperial concubine and other concubines in the imperial palace. The guards of honor surrounded the people, and the imperial garden was suddenly filled with powdery smell.

Princess Qin and others immediately stood up to greet the old emperor. The queen sat still, as if she didn't hear, and looked at the field all the time. And the people in the field were having a good time and didn't hear it. Maybe someone hears it, but don't hear it.

After a while, the old emperor came near and waved to the kneeling crowd. His eyes fell on the sitting queen and said in a deep voice, "the Queen looks good today!"

"The emperor looks good too!" The queen turned her head and looked at the old emperor.

"I heard that the moon girl has been throwing herself outside your ronghua palace? Why don't you care about her? " The old emperor's eyes fell on the scene, his face was dark, and he said in a deep voice: "it's all very wicked words. She really thinks I'm made of paper. What can I do with her? "

"I didn't see the moon splashing, but I know that sister Ming's clothes are more and more colorful recently!" The queen glanced at Princess Ming, "sister Ming, are you happy recently? It is said that people are happy when they are happy. I've seen my sister Ming's simple and elegant dress for more than 20 years, but now it's suddenly changed, and I don't feel comfortable with it. "

Ming Fei's face was stiff, "the empress sister said and laughed. My concubine didn't have any happy things! It's just that recently I suddenly feel that those clothes are too plain, and I want to change them. "

The old emperor turned around after hearing the speech and looked at the princess. He couldn't see any emotion on his face. "Bright colors are better!"

"It's good to be bright! But as the clothes are bright, so are the tempers The queen said in a leisurely way: "the emperor should know what the moon is, and the younger sister Ming should know when she has been in this palace for more than 20 years. It's just a child. She was not provoked. She won't take the initiative to provoke others

When the old emperor heard the speech, his eyes narrowed and he didn't speak.

The imperial concubine immediately said with a smile: "empress sister, is this strange minister concubine making trouble? I can't see my sister these days. I can't easily see Miss shallow moon. I said a few more words. I don't know where to make miss shallow moon unhappy. She said a lot of wicked things. I'll just listen to it, but there's still the emperor, isn't it? The emperor is the king of a country. He can't be disgraced by a little girl

"When it comes to face, it's just that the younger generation and the older generation are coquettish. Yueer is a child, and the emperor is her uncle. Over the years, the emperor has watched her grow up, more than those princes. It's not too much to say father and daughter. Sister Ming is making a fuss. You have been around this palace for so many years. Don't you know what tolerance is? Now I have no time to manage the harem, and this is the Ming sister has the final say, you should be bigger. The empress sat there, her expression did not feel natural, with the majesty of the empress who had been in charge of the court for 20 years, "fighting with a child can not help falling the price."Mingfei's face was stiff.

"Besides, there are seven princesses here. Seven princesses and yue'er are very close. If you make trouble like this, the seventh princess will be very embarrassed." The queen looked at the seven princesses who retreated to the corner and continued to say to the princess Ming.

Princess Ming followed the Queen's line of sight, and then saw seven princesses. She lowered her head and didn't look at her. Her face was a little bad. But still respectfully said: "my sister taught me. My sister will remember her instructions in the future. "

"It's not a lesson. It's just a little bit about my sister. Now I have no heart to help the emperor share his worries! The younger sister is favored by the emperor and can help the emperor share his worries in the future. As a matter of fact, yue'er has a very good saying that people will die. In the future, after a hundred years, the younger sister Ming will be loved by the emperor and will go to huangquan to accompany the emperor. " The queen deliberately said, "it's nothing to say? Why are you angry? Don't you want to go and serve the emperor? "

"Queen!" The old emperor's face was angry.

"Emperor, are you wrong? There is no medicine for longevity in this world. " The queen looked at the old emperor and said to Princess Ming, "sister Ming, do you think so? Would you like to serve the emperor? If you don't want to, then the emperor has spoiled you for so many years. "

Ming Fei's face turned white and forced to smile: "my concubine can be liked by the emperor, naturally..."

"All right! Stop talking! What bad things to say on a good day! You don't want to please me The old emperor angrily waved to interrupt Princess Ming and sat down beside the queen.

Princess Ming immediately stopped.

The queen laughed and stopped talking. She was still dignified and elegant. She could kill people invisibly and skillfully. This is the Queen's throne for more than 20 years. Even if she is not out of the palace for a long time, she still has her dignity.

Those concubines looked at the queen and the Ming concubine. Naturally, no one dared to speak.

"This month, the girl is a tomboy! You see, she's more crazy than those kids. " Looking at the scene for a moment, the old emperor clapped his hands and said with a smile. It was as if the pent up anger had never appeared when I first came to the imperial garden. Old eye approval of the color is obvious, "even the little devil in front of her many."

The empress did not speak, and the imperial concubine did not speak. The ladies of the four palaces were more silent.

"I don't know the etiquette! You don't care what you say Qin Taifei, relying on her status as a princess, naturally dares to speak.

"Princess, it's just a child! If she had changed her temper, it would not have been her. It doesn't mean much! " The old emperor shook his head with a smile, and his eyes did not leave the scene.

Princess Qin was gagged and stopped speaking.

The old emperor sat down and looked at it for half an hour, and said to Brunei, "tell them to leave! Otherwise, I don't know when I can play

Brunei quickly answered, raised his voice and yelled, "the emperor has the order, leave the court!"

All the people who played in the field were at their wits' end. Yun Qianyue didn't get any dust on her body, but she was sweating. She took out her veil to wipe her face. After wiping her face, she put out a hand to grab her veil. She dodged keenly. She turned to see it was night light dye and raised eyebrows at him.

"Little girl, use your kerchief for me! My veil just fell out and got dirty Night light dye looks at the palm in the hand of cloud shallow moon.

"No!" Cloud shallow moon will allow the scene to her that piece of the veil into the arms, is very simple.

Night light dye stares, suddenly reaches out to pull cloud shallow moon's sleeve to wipe to the face. This time, it's the moon's turn to stare.

Night light dye wiped two times, satisfied to loosen her sleeve, satisfied way: "good fragrance!"

Yunqianyue thinks this guy dares to tease her? He put out his foot and kicked him. Night light dye does not hide do not dodge, with a real ground by a foot, cloud shallow moon did not expect him not to dodge, and stare, "how do you not hide?"

"It's nothing to be kicked by you! What are you hiding from? " Night light dye does not care, brother two good hold cloud shallow moon's shoulder, when she wants to push him away, suddenly low voice way: "little girl, don't close to Uncle Huang today. Remember

Cloud shallow moon one Zheng, raises the eye to see night light dye.

Night light dye naturally let go of cloud shallow moon, also did not explain, to the old emperor loudly buried resentment way: "emperor uncle, it is not easy to have fun today. I haven't played enough! You call stop. It's hard to find another chance next time. "

"You little devil, you know how to play. Don't you see the moon girl is tired? " The old emperor laughed and scolded, and looked at Xiangyun. The moon was standing there, and he said with a smile, "what are you doing there? Is it the same as this little devil? Not enough? "

Yun Qianyue digests the meaning of the sentence that night light dye just said. Night light dye never aims at anything. She just specially tells her that there must be something unusual. She calmed down and said with a smile, "I thought that the emperor's uncle would vent his anger on me when he came here today. The thunder will be furious! I have offended your favorite concubine and dare not go there

"You've done so many wicked things! I'm afraid I'll be angry with you The old emperor snorted and waved to the moon, "come here, I'm not feeling well today. Give me a pulse. You saved the queen on that day! I will try your medicine today. Let's see if it's better than the doctors in Tai hospital. "Yun Qianyue's mind moves. Night qingran just said that she would not be allowed to approach the old emperor. Now the old emperor wants her to feel pulse

At this time, Rong Feng's voice suddenly spread into the cloud shallow in the ear, "moon, the emperor's body with Shicao." , the fastest update of the webnovel!